JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

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I don't see the point on doing the exact same thing Inart did, literally.

Yeah, they should’ve tried different expressions, they are exactly the same as InArt.

Curious about what you mean with dutch angles?
Hum Better than Ron but better than InArt?
I don't thnik so.
And sculpted hair are really discracious
I’m only talking about the sculpt and likeness. JND has a better likeness.

Sure sculpted hair doesn’t look as good, but InArt was too lazy to even attempt it. This really doesn’t look bad.
Yeah, they should’ve tried different expressions, they are exactly the same as InArt.

Curious about what you mean with dutch angles?
It's the tilted angle in movies.
One famous example is the second Thor movie or the Joel Schumacher Batman movies where there's a lot of them.
I’m only talking about the sculpt and likeness. JND has a better likeness.

Sure sculpted hair doesn’t look as good, but InArt was too lazy to even attempt it. This really doesn’t look bad.
Even the likeness, i don't think it's better than InArt
And this comparison is not made with the updated InArt HS
Comparatif 01.jpg.png
I do think the likeness is very good, but the nose is still a little wide, like on the silicone version previewed earlier. For whatever reason it was more obvious on the silicone version, but it's still apparent here. I do think the likeness is stronger in some aspects and less realistic in others than the initial version Inart put up in their PO images, but hopefully this release motivates Inart to post some high-def images of their revised Hermione so we can compare them better.

The sculpted hair is probably about as good as can be expected considering the hairstyle, but it's definitely more limited than rooted hair.

Also, a new entry in the canon of JND's "anything you can do, I can do better" attitude towards Inart is that, once again, we have a Philosopher's Stone Hermione that comes with Crookshanks for some reason.

It's surprisingly light on hands, too.

Not all the images had been posted here yet, so here's the full batch:

Credit where credit’s due; Kojun Lite looks like it could be a real contender.

I’m gonna have to be much slower with placing my InArt POs in future if JND are going to be copying all their releases.

I don’t have the cash to order everything or abandon the large NRDs for InArt stuff; gambling on being able to sell on the secondary market isn’t exactly risky but it’s a hassle, so I’m mostly bound to whatever whichever company I give my PO to first.
The face and expression is good. Wonder if they'll address the knees.
After seeing the new pics, the likeness and even the hair is good, and the likeness might be more accurate than InArt in some ways but it's not perfect, and InArt manages to look more lifelike. The sculpt and paint overall looks a bit cartoony, and I think the expression throws it off a bit. It's still very good, but I don't know if I'd buy any of the Lite series, I'm still more curious how the silicone versions turn out.
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We would be killing for this quality of Harry Potter figures just a couple years ago. If their updated Harry looks better then I am going to get both these and the InArt trio. I have mixed feelings on the InArt figures—I would prefer sculpted hair versions, but you almost have to go for the rooted because Hermione (and I would presume the Dumbledore they showed off) will only have rooted hair releases.

For the JND silicone prices, it would have to be a really important one-off character like a T2 Arnie to get me to pay that amount. I’m not going to collect whole lines of silicone figures, that’s for sure.
I wish they would have changed up the expressions a bit as well compared to InArt. I do think the likeness is good on Hermione, however the expression is a bit over exaggerated and odd looking like Wor-Gar mentioned.

I would have liked to get both sets of InArt and JND, but I may think harder on this JND set. Possibly if they really improve Harry, I will try and just get a silicone Quidditch Harry instead of all 3 Kojun Lite figures.
I think the likeness between both is actually fairly close to one another. What JND did better was make her eyes look more cheerful. INART's version has the same smile but the eye expression makes her look a bit more sleepy.
I think the JND Hermione is good, really good even, but not as good as the updated Inart sculpt - this is like the Polar Express universe version of Hermione, a cartoon mo-cap person that is in the uncanny valley between cartoonishly cute and life-like and instead just seems a little off.
But I do think the Hermione could be posed next to the sculpted hair Inart Ron and Harry and match quite well for those who want to match up their collection.
Credit where credit’s due; Kojun Lite looks like it could be a real contender.
Yeah the silicone stuff isn't really interesting to me for the price. The Kojun Lite stuff has looked pretty good to me. Curious to see what other figures come out under the Kojun Lite line.