Passive aggressive? From JND? Naaaaaaah
Ha, Yeah I enjoy this type of customer interaction when it doesn’t relate to anything I care about.Some of those bulletpoints seem very passive aggressive. We heard your concern, we looked at what you said, but you were wrong and we were right.
It's interesting to see how JND is going about this 1/6th thing. So far not the greatest, but I am interested to see what they can do.Ha, Yeah I enjoy this type of customer interaction when it doesn’t relate to anything I care about.
‘Some of you have issues with the product- and here’s why you’re wrong… Now that we’ve sufficiently made you feel stupid, please buy.’
They really need to announce something that another company hasn’t already shown us though.
An all silicone BVS Wonder Woman would be a great way for them to showcase their primary selling points and take some of the wind out of InArt’s sales. That’s not something I want to happen and JND’s price for that character will surely be absurdly high but they need a proper 1/6 win since, so far, nothing they’ve announced has been particularly positively embraced despite the apparent qualities.This is because we’ve seen it all before and already got are POs down elsewhere!
I’m not giving up an $80 NRD to JNDise.
That's funny.JND are desperate I'm guessing sales for this aren't great. Kinda karma for using a stupid marketing idea of copying Inart.
I am James Park of JND Studios.
Since the company's foundation, I am sure you heard a lot from me and I always said, "Please buy JND Studios products based on the prototype, cause we are always aiming to deliver that quality to you with our mass production piece."
This doesn't mean we not gonna hear from collectors. That is the complete opposite. Actually, our team checked about the issue of production pieces in the market recently and collected many opinions about our Harry Potter products from a lot of communites include FB, IG.
I will leave my comments about future improvements of our Harry Potter production piece so you will be able to compare our final product based on this comments.
The following are the points that have been pointed out and our future improvements.
1. Ron Weasley's Eye Color
- In the film, the color of the eyeballs looks like mainly olive(Our product's color) and sometimes they looks like blue.
- And we don't see much difference between the two colors either. Considering 1/6 eyeball's small size, it can not be a big issue.
- However, we will check the color deeply and reflect the result in the final production.
2. Ron Weasley's robe color
- It was pointed out that Ron's robe is old and the color is close to gray, cause it was taken over by his brother's.
- For the film "The Sorcerer's Stone" version, there is not big difference between Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's robe color.
- There is a noticeable color difference in the film, "The Chamber of Secrets" Please check out the url below.
- Actually, in the case of the JND Studios' Ron Weasly's robe, the color itself is different from other characters but not that much like in the film, "The Chamber of Secrets".
3. Tie
- There was a people who pointed out that the tie was completely wrong compared to other companies.
- After a close examination of the film, about tie's ratio, knot size, etc.. We've came to the conclusion that our ties are closer to the film.
4. Knit length
- It was pointed out that JND Studios Harry Potter products have shorter knit than the actual version.
- We will reviese it again to suit the film.
5. Hermione Granzer's Hair Texture and Hair Length
- Actually, there is a difference in the length of hair in the film from scene to scene.
- I can understand JND Studios' Hermione hair texture looks different from that in the film
- Because of the small scale it can stand out in a magnified picture and this is very difficult things to overcome.
- However, we will check this part as much as possible during mass production styling to produce better results for mass production materials and styling.
6. Quidditch Costume
- There were some opinion that it would be better to change its color to cherry rather than red.
- We chose the color after watch the costume in the film and with other material sources.
- We will proceed more according to the film.
7. Scarf
- Since the red and yellow colors of the scarf is same to the colors of the necktie
- We will test the color once more.
- In the case of scarf's tassel, we will modify it according to the ratio of the film.
8. Robe
- It was pointed out that the angle of the robe's is different from that in the film.
- Actually, the robo shows different angle between "The Sorcerer's Stone" and other Harry Potter series.
- Based on "The Sorcerer's Stone", our robes are accurate to the film.
Sometimes, we heard that JND Studios don't shows immediate reaction to people's voices. However, we always chose to review the collector's opinions like this without many notice and made decision to modify our final product with our deep thought as you could see our production pieces before.
As I left the comments above, we will always double-check people's opinions for parts that we haven't checked or missed and we will make improvements to the final production pieces.
I will talk about what are improvements of our Harry Potter products later in the production sample review.
So please don't worry about our products' quality.
Currently, JND Studios Kojun Works Harry potter is almost out of stock.
(Type A is out of stock worldwide, Type C is currently around 10% left.)
And I think the interest and love that so many people showed to our Harry Potter products was tremendous.
I will not forget this feeling, and JND Studios will come back to you with better works in the future.
Then I'll see you next week with JND Studios Platinum Harley Quinn 1/3 scale."
Thank you.
James Park
You know, when Ron was initially shown, I also thought JND got it wrong and InArt got it right as far as the hand-me-down look of the robe; but, I just watched the first two movies this evening and JND is pretty spot on with their assessment.2. Ron Weasley's robe color
- It was pointed out that Ron's robe is old and the color is close to gray, cause it was taken over by his brother's.
- For the film "The Sorcerer's Stone" version, there is not big difference between Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's robe color.
- There is a noticeable color difference in the film, "The Chamber of Secrets" Please check out the url below.
- Actually, in the case of the JND Studios' Ron Weasly's robe, the color itself is different from other characters but not that much like in the film, "The Chamber of Secrets".
I also prefer to see some wear and tear in all of Ron’s clothing- even if it’s not 100% screen accurate.You know, when Ron was initially shown, I also thought JND got it wrong and InArt got it right as far as the hand-me-down look of the robe; but, I just watched the first two movies this evening and JND is pretty spot on with their assessment.
In Sorcerer’s Stone, while the texture on Ron’s robe does look slightly more worn than say the brand new look of Harry’s or Hermione’s, it’s still very much a black robe vs a faded, been washed a lot almost grey/charcoal in the way InArt has made theirs. InArt’s is definitely more accurate to Chamber of Secrets with the more gray/charcoal worn look.
That said, regardless of movie accuracy, I like the contrast that InArt’s provides with the very worn, Chamber of Secrets looking robes for Ron. That way, if you do have all 3 displayed on the shelf, Harry and Ron will have a bit more differences than just the headsculpts and wands.
Anyway, not trying to start a which is better, just pointing out something I noticed while watching this evening. I watched in hope that I’d be a little more enthusiastic the next time I check out my InArt Harry again