Shumi Arts - ShumiRai SCFC001 - 1/6 Scale Hikaru the Bounty Hunter (ヒカル)

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There are planned to be 4 themes to The GIRLS REVOLUTION universe:

G.O.D. (Girls of the Day): Girls from around the age of 20 from each country will work with their own personalities under the theme of travel and each country's culture (food, clothes, etc.). Starts with Paripi Yui. You will be able to meet Yui this summer with more enhanced story than the original plan.

G.O.C. (Girls of Cyber Punk): Various girls will appear in the cyberpunk world. Starts with the protagonist Hikaru, who will come this fall with a completely different face from the previously announced version.

G.O.H. (Girls of Horror): Various horror stories from around the world will come to you in the form of unique and attractive girls. It starts with the twin sisters Janghwa Hongryeon based on the Korean horror classic. The older sisterr Janghwa will come this winter.

G.O.F. (Girls of F???): TBA
Man that looks very cool! I was not expecting new figure lines to be announced, especially the horror line is super interesting!
More information:


There are planned to be 4 themes to The GIRLS REVOLUTION universe:

G.O.D. (Girls of the Day): Girls from around the age of 20 from each country will work with their own personalities under the theme of travel and each country's culture (food, clothes, etc.). Starts with Paripi Yui. You will be able to meet Yui this summer with more enhanced story than the original plan.

G.O.C. (Girls of Cyber Punk): Various girls will appear in the cyberpunk world. Starts with the protagonist Hikaru, who will come this fall with a completely different face from the previously announced version.

G.O.H. (Girls of Horror): Various horror stories from around the world will come to you in the form of unique and attractive girls. It starts with the twin sisters Janghwa Hongryeon based on the Korean horror classic. The older sisterr Janghwa will come this winter.

G.O.F. (Girls of F???): TBA
Are they gonna reopen a new preorder for the updated Hikaru?
I never received a cancellation email and I ordered Hikaru from Kit and Paripi Yui (Original) directly from Shumi Arts website. Let's see what happens
Shumi Arts has gone quiet on CustomOneSixth. They’re pretty much on the “don’t buy from these folks” list, which sucks. They’ve taken a ton of money from people and have literally gone silent. I hope you get your figure. No idea what’s happening with them but it doesn’t look good.
Got the cancellation email from "One Sixth Outfitters" as well for Shumi Arts - Hikaru the Bounty Hunter on June 13,
Confirmed the first option for Full refund since June 13,
wondering how long it takes for the refund will be processed via PayPal? 14 days has passed and still nothing happened.

Sent them a following e-mail politely asked about the refund 2 days ago and never heard back again from them, is that considered as a Red Flag?
Updated schedule for the Girls Revolution line:

Yui: mid-August
Hikaru: mid-October
Janghwa: December
Parippi Yui, which JND acquired from Shumi art and was supposed to be produced by JND, has been postponed from its August unveiling. The reason seems to be a dispute within the community where JND operates.

Screenshot_20240811_112754_YouTube (1).jpg

Since Parippi Yui is in the same product series as Hikaru, it is likely to have a significant impact on Hikaru.
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I will share a couple posts that were written today in a Korean community that led to this decision. Please note that this was originally written in Korean and also had some additional identifiers, images, chats, and comments which have not been included below.

First post:

Current Situation with ShumiXX (+Suggestions)​

Hello, this is [User XX].

It has been about two and a half months since the ShumiXX incident occurred on May 31st. It seems that most people who paid by card have received refunds.

Unfortunately, the company was closed down as of August 5th, so it seems unlikely that those who paid in cash will be able to get a refund...

Although I was not directly affected, some of my acquaintances worked at ShumiXX, and many others were affected. I tried to help as much as I could by gathering and providing information. During this process, I was contacted by the ShumiXX representative, Mr. JoXX, who asked why I was taking the lead even though I wasn’t personally affected. I explained that I detest scams, especially when they are done under the guise of a hobby, and I was motivated to verify various related information despite having my own work to attend to. Interestingly, Mr. JoXX was telling people that I’m a journalist trying to stir up an issue, which made me seriously consider quitting my job to become a journalist.

At one point, I heard that the ShumiXX representative met with the representative of the victims (whose online ID is SUNXX) and the CEO of JND, and they had reached an agreement where JND would compensate the victim representative. I thought that all victims were included in this settlement, so I asked for more details, but I was told that the lawsuit would proceed separately. Then, the victim representative told me to leave the group since I wasn’t a victim myself.

After being asked to leave, I exited the group chat. Later, I heard that after I left, the victim representative invited the JND CEO to the group chat to explain the efforts being made by JND to help the victims. While I appreciate that JND is trying to minimize the damage to the victims, I found it disheartening that the victim representative, who had initially been hostile toward ShumiXX, is now acting as if they’re a JND marketer, even suggesting we collect donations for the CEO. It’s understandable that the victim representative is now a big fan of JND after receiving compensation, but it’s a shame they didn’t share this with the other victims.

Regarding the other victims, while the ShumiXX representative is facing a lawsuit, he has been telling people that the figures from the office were stolen by employees or people who came to provide compensation. However, it turns out he was the one who took them and sold them separately.

If the figures were sold, the amount should have been significant. It’s questionable whether that money was used for compensation or went into his own pocket. During a live broadcast by the JND CEO, he mentioned that the ShumiXX representative promised to buy new product licenses with the money to compensate the employees, but it seems that didn’t happen. The employees haven’t received any compensation, so it’s unlikely that the proceeds were used for that purpose. The CEO’s promise appears difficult to fulfill. Frankly, such serious and hopeful news should only be shared when there’s a solid agreement in place, as the victims may be left waiting and disappointed.

(By the way, individuals like ToriBox, Danjo, and others quietly helped the victims behind the scenes.)

Recently, even the victim representative and some JND viral marketers have been promoting JND products like it’s a group purchase. I find this behavior troubling because it’s no different from a group buy. If a figure is well-made, buyers will naturally purchase it, and it will gain popularity. However, JND’s viral marketing in the community, and the CEO’s constant promotional posts and announcements, make me uneasy. Has anyone ever seen such marketing for Hot Toys or InArt? No one. When they release good products, people buy them. When they don’t, they get criticized, and people don’t buy them.

Of course, if JND does well, it will spur competition, leading to better products from other 12-inch brands like Hot Toys and InArt, but who knows what the future holds?

Who would have guessed that artist Kim Hyun would disappear?
Who would have known that Figure King was a scammer?
Who would have imagined that ShumiXX would commit fraud?
Who would have predicted that T-Mep would fail?
Who would have expected David Yong to be indicted on fraud charges?

No one knows who might be next.

Some people might say I’m writing this because I dislike JND, but I actually like the brand. However, to maintain a safe and transparent community, I believe that all brands and shops should be treated equally within the community.

I’m not saying that JND will scam or fail. But just like other brands and shops, I think it’s only right that direct affiliates use their official website or YouTube for promotion. Since JND is both a manufacturer and a shop owner, if they continuously promote in the community, other manufacturers and shops will surely demand equal treatment, which could lead to real scammers planning to advertise here as well. I believe we should avoid setting such a precedent in the community.

Second post:

I'll write a full summary of the entire situation later, but first, I want to correct the misinformation.​

I’ll write a full summary of the entire situation later, but first, I want to correct the misinformation.

Hello, this is [JND CEO].

I’ve read the article written by one person.

I’ve been contemplating where to start and what to address. Up until now, the information I’ve shared in this community, in the Shumi Arts victim chat room, and in my broadcasts has been based on facts that I can confirm.

However, seeing someone spread falsehoods and rumors like this makes me wonder whether I should explain in detail why I got involved in the Shumi Arts situation, what I’m doing now, and what my plans are for the future.

In the process of discussing things with the victims in the chat room, I shared updates and mentioned that I’m working on this, so please support our products. To see this taken out of context as if I were promoting something, and then spread further by someone who sees me as a bad person, shows how distorted their perception is. It makes me wonder if there’s any point in addressing this, but if I don’t, these falsehoods might spread as if they were the truth, so I feel I must speak up.

Even though it’s frustrating that the people who need to hear this the most are not listening, I will think things through and provide a detailed explanation when my thoughts are organized.

However, I must address the absurd falsehoods in your article. These statements seriously defame me and the individuals you’ve mentioned, so I need to correct them, and I will write a detailed account of the whole situation later.
  1. JND met with the Shumi Arts victim representative and compensated only that person, who then engaged in viral marketing for JND out of gratitude.
    Excerpt from a post by [User XX] on today’s date.
    This is 100% false. I first met the victim representative, Mr. Sunbi, when we rented the studio he operates for a Mera shoot. I only learned that he was the victim representative during the Shumi Arts incident, so when I was handling the situation with Shumi Arts, I suggested a three-party meeting between me, Mr. Jo, the CEO of Shumi Arts, and Mr. Sunbi as the representative of the victims who had already gathered. The reason for this was that it was challenging to negotiate compensation for all the victims at once.
    During that meeting, Mr. Sunbi expressed gratitude for the steps I had taken and continues to show his appreciation. His compensation was part of a broader compensation process that also included small amounts for other victims (those who received small compensations, please speak up). When Mr. Sunbi said it might be better for someone else to take over as the victim representative, I asked him to continue helping.
    The claim that I met with the victim representative separately and compensated only him is completely false.
  2. JND is not purchasing any licenses from Shumi. ‘Revolution Girl’ is a brand I created and is not related to Shumi.
    Excerpt from a comment by [User XX] on today’s date.
    I don’t know how many times I need to explain this.
    After this incident occurred, during the chaotic period that followed, many people, including [user], sent individuals to investigate (thank you for the great effort). When I first met Mr. Jo, all the valuable products were gone, and there was nothing left. Fortunately, no one touched Yui and Hikaru. Although the monetary value wasn’t the issue, I took over those two projects because they were connected to many people. Despite being one of the largest creditors, I couldn’t secure anything, so I negotiated with Shumi to acquire those two projects as part of a settlement.
    The three-party agreement was reviewed and conducted legally by a lawyer, and I purchased the projects from my acquaintance, who was a creditor, not directly from Shumi. This was done, in part, to compensate the largest victims.
    Did Shumi say JND would purchase additional licenses if they compensated their employees? If you don’t know the exact details, please ask me first, or don’t write about it at all.
    When I announced that I would acquire Yui and Hikaru, [user] made similar claims, and other people discussed how it might harm JND if things didn’t go well. You have no idea how difficult the negotiation process was for me initially.
Let me emphasize this clearly:

JND and Shumi Arts have two key agreements:
  1. Compensation for the largest victims through the acquisition of Hikaru and Yui (completed).
  2. The acquisition of Shumi Arts’ development sources (most of which are unlicensed products and thus practically useless, except for a licensed drama from the XX Days series, which we can use because it belongs to a licensor we work with).
This was part of an agreement I made with Shumi to compensate employees and settle with the victims (hence the three-party meeting). This has already been discussed and agreed upon with the XX Days licensor.

I shared this progress in the Shumi Arts victim chat room. I never interfered with or discouraged the victims from pursuing civil or criminal actions; I only asked them to be aware that other things were happening simultaneously. Why is that considered reckless? Are you worried that things might actually work out? I’m genuinely curious.

The next false statement is beyond absurd… sigh…

Are you saying I paid Shumi Arts for the Revolution Girl license? Revolution Girl is my original IP and has nothing to do with Shumi. Spreading such falsehoods damages a company’s ambitious new business venture. What will people think after reading this? They might assume Revolution Girl belongs to Shumi.

Do you know how much time and money we’ve invested in developing this brand?

This is a serious issue, [User XX]!!!

I’m addressing this because it’s a serious matter. Someone needs to take responsibility for this.

With these kinds of statements, do I have any reason to continue working on this? I seriously don’t want to anymore.

Your article is full of nonsense, so I’m addressing it point by point.

The fact is that compensation has been made to reduce the damages for the largest victim, at least partially. The Shumi Arts wage arrears issue is still being negotiated. It’s currently in the process of being settled after the labor office’s investigation, and this is also a fact.

You expressed dissatisfaction with discussing sensitive topics that haven’t been finalized (the Hikaru and Yui issues are settled, so that’s a fact). Why is this considered ironic? What is ironic? Is this part of some sophisticated promotional strategy? You said it would be great if things worked out, but the Shumi Arts employees haven’t been compensated yet (didn’t I say it’s in progress? This isn’t something that happens overnight, you know).

You mentioned that if things done with good intentions don’t work out, it’s a failure? (Yes, it might not work out, but isn’t it worth trying? I’m not UNICEF, as someone pointed out.)

Suddenly promoting additional lineups in the victim chat room? (Sigh… Seriously, shouldn’t someone in the victim chat room speak up about this?)

Please, point out the specific people or posts you claim are doing viral marketing for us, apart from the victim representative. What exactly is viral marketing here? If you provide clear examples, I can respond appropriately or take legal action for spreading false information.

Last time, you claimed that you dislike me because I disparaged custom works. When I asked for evidence, you said it was just the nuance. Now, I’d like you to provide that evidence.

Also, just because you deny something after it’s done doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

First, I’ve addressed the misinformation and public manipulation in your article.

I’ll say this again: please clearly present the basis for your claim that JND is engaging in viral marketing within [the community]. Don’t just say it’s the nuance this time.

Your repeated spread of falsehoods is now crossing the line.

I would appreciate it if you could apologize for this and stop such activities.

To those reading this:

It may seem like JND and its fans are the ones stirring up these issues, but in reality, it’s not the case. Please consider why these repetitive patterns continue.

I always ask JND fans to be patient. But why are they the only ones who have to be patient? Why are they the only ones getting hit?

Voting isn’t everything, but in a place where over 85% are in favor, why does it always seem like the opposing voices are louder?

It’s because many people are staying silent and being patient.

Do you know the story of Solomon? What reactions did the real mother and the fake mother have to King Solomon’s judgment? The real mother was willing to give up her baby to save its life. But the fake mother didn’t care if the baby died.

What is your real concern?

Should I expose all the unjust things happening in this industry? Should I reveal the facts I’ve confirmed about what really caused the downfall of Shumi Arts, rather than the CEO’s lies? Should I disclose how much misinformation has distorted the essence of this situation?

You claim many people are anxious because they’re afraid these things will be revealed, but I’m not saying anything. Even if everything I’ve confirmed is true, I don’t say it because I think of those who would suffer from it.

Are you uncomfortable because of our promotions? Are you uncomfortable with our success? Are those who accuse me of promotion really hoping for the best for this community? Why do they feel it’s okay to say whatever they want, but when I try to clarify things, they get so angry? I’m honestly upset about this.


Source: Excerpt from a comment by another user on today’s article by [User XX]

When your statements get distorted, they turn into strange and twisted narratives like in this article. I’m sure the two of you didn’t agree to this, but when these stories get distorted and transformed, they can become something big enough to determine the fate of a company.

You said my claim was on the level of a welfare foundation. It seems you wrote as if I misled people by saying these two things wouldn’t be kept.
  1. It was 100% achieved.
  2. My staff initially responded poorly to an inquiry last week, but after it was reported to me, I corrected it and assured those who had cash reservations with Shumi Arts that their reservations would be maintained. The Shumi Arts representative, Mr. Jo, also agreed to compensate the remaining Hikaru Artist Line victims first, and when we finalize our contract, we will compensate those who reserved the Hikaru Artist Line as part of a mutual agreement. This process is still ongoing.
You expressed dissatisfaction with discussing matters that aren’t finalized.

After I wrote my initial two posts, where else did I continue to speak? Are you referring to sharing updates in the victim chat room? Isn’t that between me and the victims? Did I make things public and cause anxiety, or did you?

I can’t help but ask.

I would like to end this post with a request.

I’m going to close the comments on this post. Today’s events will likely heat things up, so I ask those who might want to defend me to refrain from posting anything today and just watch.

I don’t want [the community] to become a place of conflict because of this, and I don’t want the many silent members to feel exhausted.

I’m sorry for the unintended difficulties that arose this morning and for being involved in this.

Thank you for reading this long post.
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Another update:

A Tiring Day​

Hello,This is Park Jung-hwan from JND Studio.

I had many things to take care of all morning, so this announcement is coming out a bit late. Here’s what we discussed internally today.

If you’re going to share this information, please make sure you fully understand this entire message and avoid repeating partial understandings that could lead to spreading misinformation again.

  1. Status of the "Yui" Project from the Revolution Girl Series
    • Once again, I’d like to emphasize that all procedures for Yui and Hikaru have been completed, and we will proceed with these new projects. Yui was originally scheduled to launch on August 23, and we were in full preparation for filming on Monday and Tuesday of this week.
    • I handle most of the marketing concepts and the script for the shoot myself. Due to the additional three weeks of work required for the Harry Potter project, I had difficulty setting aside time last week to prepare for this. Unexpected events further prevented me from preparing this week. If we can’t film this week, it will be challenging to proceed with this project due to the next one on our schedule.
    • Rushing the photoshoot would lead to significant losses on our part and wouldn’t allow us to present the project as we intended. After discussing it in today’s meeting, we’ve decided to postpone the project to September 13. We apologize to everyone who was eagerly awaiting it.
  2. Regarding the Shumi Arts Situation
    • Since the Shumi Arts incident, I’ve fulfilled two agreements.
    • The first was the acquisition of Yui and Hikaru, which was completed through a three-party agreement (JND, Shumi Arts, and the creditor), with part of the debt owed to my acquaintance being offset in the process. This was done with legal advice from a lawyer and has been 100% finalized! (I’m shocked that some victims think I did nothing, but this matter is settled.)
    • As a result, we decided that it would be appropriate to include these products in the same lineup as the existing Revolution Girl brand that JND has been developing and preparing for a long time. We did not acquire the Revolution Girl brand from Shumi.
      Revolution Girl is our own original IP, carefully planned and developed over a long period.
    • For those who paid cash deposits for the Hikaru Artist Line and Yui through Shumi Arts, we will recognize these reservations upon the release of each product, after confirming with the cash reservation list provided by Shumi. Since we don’t plan to release another Hikaru Artist Line, we will recognize those reservations and refund the difference in JND points.
    • Please note that cash refunds are subject to tax issues and may require further review.
    • If your name isn’t on the list provided by Shumi, please contact us at [email protected] to resolve this with Shumi Arts. (Please inquire via email for list verification.)
    • Up to this point, everything has been settled without any room for doubt, and there will be no further updates on this matter.
    • The second agreement involves the acquisition of Shumi Arts’ completed license projects, including the prototype for the XX Days series by XXrix, as well as other development sources. However, this will only proceed if Shumi Arts first resolves the unpaid wages and reaches compensation agreements with individual cash victims.
      (It took a full month to draft this agreement, which involved legal reviews, three meetings, and more than 10 phone calls. Please don’t accuse me of taking credit without doing any work.)
    • There are discrepancies between what Mr. Jo claims and what the affected employees say about the unpaid wages. There are also differences between the list of cash victims provided by Shumi and the claims made by actual victims.
    • Over time, the confusion around this information has only increased. Although I’m not responsible for resolving these issues on behalf of Shumi Arts, I’ve tried to persuade Mr. Jo to focus on compensating the victims and solving these problems. However, since nothing has been finalized, I’ve been accused of giving false hope to the victims and even of promoting myself during this process. As a result, I’ve informed the victims that I will no longer mediate in this matter after today.
    • Additionally, there are two conditions for voiding this agreement, and given the current situation, it’s unlikely we can avoid those conditions. Consequently, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to meet the initial deadline of late September to complete this matter.
    • I’ve conveyed and reminded Mr. Jo of this situation today, and I’ve strongly urged Shumi Arts to resolve this issue with the victims and employees who are owed back wages.
    • Victims should take this into consideration and proceed with their actions independently of me, as I’ve always advised. I will update you on the final outcome of this agreement by the end of September.
    • Again, please do not place your hopes on me. I’m just one option and cannot provide a definitive solution.
    • Finally, I’d like to remind you that the only viable option for recovering damages that I identified at the start of this process was this one. Please stop imagining false scenarios, and if you have doubts, please file a complaint with the authorities. That’s why I’ve asked you from the beginning not to involve me in your decisions to file lawsuits or pursue claims.
    • I never thought this process would be easy.
    • What shocked and hurt me the most was being falsely accused of exploiting the victims’ pain for promotional purposes. People I thought I was helping shared our private conversations with outsiders without hesitation. Those conversations were then used to criticize me, and all the time and money I spent working to ensure our objectives weren’t compromised was dismissed as if I did nothing.
      When I directly witnessed these posts, I lost all motivation to continue this work with the same mindset.
      And when I realized there might be some clear reason behind all of this, it was really painful and disgusting.
      But one person’s claim cannot be accepted as the truth, and while it might have contributed to the current situation, it didn’t help resolve the issue. That’s why I’ve never mentioned any gossip before. And as you know, how many lies has Mr. Jo spread? I dismissed any story without solid evidence. Even if there was evidence, I didn’t need to confirm it because it had nothing to do with recovering damages.
      However, I was surprised when someone who had accused Mr. Jo of being a liar and a fraud suddenly believed him without any evidence, only to find out it was false. I don’t know what’s true or false anymore.
      The only thing I know for sure is that the data I’ve checked with Mr. Jo since I met him has been truthful. However, despite this, the same person who accused Mr. Jo of lying ended up falsely accusing me. Isn’t this ironic?
      I regret that those who participated in these lies will not be let off the hook this time.


  1. Yui/Hikaru: 100% owned by JND; no remaining issues.
  2. Yui/Hikaru Cash Reservations: For those on the list provided by Shumi Arts, reservations will be honored upon product release, and any difference will be refunded in JND points.
  3. Remaining Shumi Arts Development Sources: Decision on acquisition to be made by the end of September.
  4. All other matters related to Shumi Arts: JND’s responsibilities have been fully completed.
  5. Please consider me just one option: I strongly recommend handling your own actions independently.
This is the summary. Please read this long post carefully, and I hope you don’t threaten me or my company with false information again.

Regarding previous events, I want to make it clear that I will take action for the benefit of all JND staff and myself.

Furthermore, within the action figure community, I will continue to interact with you as a collector, sharing reviews and columns. When it comes to our company’s products, I’ll only respond to occasional “comment questions” that you might ask.

To facilitate this, please use the company’s official channels for any A/S or requests you have. I strongly ask that you avoid summoning me to the community.

I also request that you refrain from attacking or slandering us with any hidden agendas, as happened in this case. If it happens again, it will only waste our resources in addressing the issue. Let’s strive to enjoy this fun and happy hobby together more maturely.

Thank you for reading this long post, and I’ll work hard to bring you more amazing products in the next project.

Thank you.

Sincerely,Park Jung-hwan
I have Hikaru pre ordered through Kit. I am assuming, not surprisingly, that Kit is as much in the dark as we are in terms of how this gets sussed out. Will it be the same price? I know JND said they made some improvements. At this point, if I am given an out of cancelling my order & using the NRD on something else, I will take it.
I wonder what's going on, maybe they got in trouble with one of their unlicensed figures? Seems strange that they'd try "disappearing" right when they start mass-produced figures and a partnership with Prime 1.

And did anyone actually get scammed? It seemed they were providing painting services and even delivering figures (such as the blonde BIllie Eilish) up until the beginning of this year, and there are IG posts going back at least 4 years with people receiving figures from them. Is this guy just guessing someone will be scammed? lol
I had it on pre-order from sideshow and they canceled my order (the cause: the supplier canceled production) and I got a refund, I was really frustrated!!! so i don't know if is real or not beacause i see on another web site like derivstore it is still in pre-order avelable ! i contact them already for question about!
I had it on pre-order from sideshow and they canceled my order (the cause: the supplier canceled production) and I got a refund, I was really frustrated!!! so i don't know if is real or not beacause i see on another web site like derivstore it is still in pre-order avelable ! i contact them already for question about!
Wow I didn't know Sideshow was canceling preorders. It's all confusing because BigBadToyStore also still has it for preorder, but they canceled the ShumiArts "Paripi Yui" preorder. JND is apparently taking over Hikaru's production, maybe that's why it's still up for preorder on some stores. I really wanted this figure so I hope we learn more soon!
Wow, je ne savais pas que Sideshow annulait les précommandes. C'est tout à fait déroutant car BigBadToyStore l'a toujours en précommande, mais ils ont annulé la précommande de ShumiArts "Paripi Yui". JND reprend apparemment la production d'Hikaru, c'est peut-être pour ça qu'elle est toujours en précommande dans certains magasins. Je voulais vraiment cette figurine, alors j'espère qu'on en saura plus bientôt !
Yes i contact already BigBadSt. If you want I will let you know when i have new !!
Yes i contact already BigBadSt. If you want I will let you know when i have new !!
Thanks, yeah I'll also post here if I learn anything new, I'm actually fine waiting for an official announcement about Hikaru's release since I have quite a few preorders already lol :) I feel like the vendors probably don't know much more than we do lol
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Thanks, yeah I'll also post here if I learn anything new, I'm actually fine waiting for an official announcement about Hikaru's release since I have quite a few preorders already lol :) I feel like the vendors probably don't know much more than we do lol
I Have the fitback of BBTS and the cancellassions in not the plan for naw is possible to pré-ordering ! for le i ordering ere : I conctact them already he tel me effectiment the figure is cancelled by the brand. However, they have since relaunched a second version, which is the one currently available for preorder on our website.
I Have the fitback of BBTS and the cancellassions in not the plan for naw is possible to pré-ordering ! for le i ordering ere : I conctact them already he tel me effectiment the figure is cancelled by the brand. However, they have since relaunched a second version, which is the one currently available for preorder on our website.
Thanks for the information! So I guess the second version is from JND taking over, that's great news! I hope we see some updated pics soon!
New post from James translated from Korean:

Conclusion of Negotiations Related to Shumi Arts​

Hello,This is Park Jung-hwan from JND Studio.

I would like to inform you of the results of the actions JND Studio has taken regarding the "Shumi Arts Incident," which began on June 6, 2024, and continued until today.

We pursued two objectives, one of which has been completed, while the other has been terminated.

  1. Acquisition of the Yui and Hikaru Projects
    JND, Shumi Arts, and a creditor of Shumi Arts reached a three-party agreement whereby JND would acquire the business rights to the Yui and Hikaru projects developed by Shumi Arts and assume the debt. This agreement has been finalized.
    For those who made cash reservations for these projects through the Shumi Arts official website and have not yet been compensated (as listed in the Shumi Arts provided list), we will recover their losses by honoring their reservations when we launch the same projects.
    For the Hikaru Artist version, the reservation will be transferred to the Hikaru Kojun Works version.
    • Additionally, these two projects are being incorporated into JND Studio’s original IP, Revolution Girl. We did not purchase the Revolution Girl license from Shumi Arts. Any claims that we bought an original IP that a company has long prepared from another company are outright falsehoods.
  2. Acquisition of the Entire Development Sources of Shumi Arts, Including the Parent IP Development Sources
    This acquisition was pursued because the licensor of Shumi Arts’ parent IP is the same licensor that JND contracts with. We aimed to take over the worldwide rights to the projects developed by Shumi Arts through this licensor. However, the agreement between the two companies was terminated today due to the following reasons:
    1. There were discrepancies in the claims regarding the damage, particularly regarding the "goods compensation" in the damage agreement process between the victims and Shumi Arts. This made it virtually impossible to accurately calculate the total amount of damage.
    2. The process of pursuing this acquisition was severely undermined by the spread of falsehoods, including claims that JND purchased the Revolution Girl IP from Shumi Arts, and serious defamation, such as the accusation that I was promoting JND in victim meetings.
    3. One of the purposes of the acquisition was to prevent the illegal use of Shumi Arts’ development sources. However, according to the same individual who spread the falsehoods, it is claimed that the Shumi Arts representative and related parties are engaging in secondary sales of these development sources in second-hand markets. Although Shumi denies these claims, rumors are spreading that these development sources are being sold to others and are being used in other projects. This undermines the very purpose of the acquisition, rendering it meaningless and unprofitable.
    4. One of the conditions for voiding the agreement was the continuation of criminal disputes. We requested that victims involved in criminal complaints continue to negotiate, but this has not been properly carried out.
These are the reasons for the termination.

JND Studio has made every effort over the past two and a half months to address the impact of the Shumi Arts situation on the domestic figure market, particularly concerning the acquisition of the two mass-production projects by Shumi Arts, which were expected to cause the most widespread damage. We successfully completed the acquisition of these two projects.

In addition, we attempted to acquire the entire development sources of Shumi Arts to minimize the real damage to more victims, but unfortunately, we were unable to achieve the desired result.

During this process, we also faced unfortunate circumstances, such as incurring significant costs, including hiring a lawyer.

I do not know how you will evaluate this situation, but I hope you will remember that JND Studio pursued this matter with goodwill, aiming to help heal the wounds of the domestic hobby market and collectors, and that one of the two pursued matters was successfully completed.

I also hope that the damages suffered by the victims will be quickly recovered.

We deeply appreciate the support many of you have given us during this time, and JND Studio will continue to work even harder.

Thank you.

Sincerely,Park Jung-hwan
JND Studio