Kraven the Hunter

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SPOILER: Absurdly long post ahead, considering the topic. . .

I'm up for any good story told through the medium of film. Though it was enough for many years just to be a comic movie (I bought the damn Affleck Daredevil DVD when it was released. . .), the novelty isn't enough to keep my attention anymore if it isn't good. Sony is frustrating because they are responsible for the Spiderverse movies, which I think are some of the best comic book movies to ever be made. I re-watched the first one a couple of days ago and it was even better than I remembered. But their live action output is complete garbage. It's like they are following WB's DC template from 15 years ago. Release a Nolan Batman movie, then Catwoman, or Jonah Hex.

I just looked up the creative team here. Director made A Most Violent Year, which I thought was OK at the time, but very forgettable. I only remember a single scene involving the guy's wife and a deer. . .other movies I never heard about, but his Rotten Tomatoes record is pretty impressive, with all movies scoring at least a 70%. So good on Sony for that.

Writing team includes three people, two of whom are apparently best known for the first Iron Man and Punisher War Zone. I liked both of those, but that was a long time ago. Other than that they were involved in some pretty bad movies, including a Transformers sequel, the 2019 Men In Black movie, and a rewrite for Morbius (though they don't get credit). Third writer was responsible for a bunch of junk. I'm not optimistic about this. Marvel Studios took some random TV directors in the Russo Bros. and that paid off in spades. Maybe that's the strategy here, but. . .when you are investing countless millions into a movie like this, why not invest in someone with a quality track record? I'm sure there are countless solid writers out there who could make a compelling story.

Cast seems OK, though I haven't heard of most of these people. Taylor-Johnson is solid if lacking the kind of charisma you would want in a lead actor, but I suspect the core cast could make a decently written and directed movie work.

Cinematographer is very accomplished not only with superhero movies but acclaimed, smaller movies including the beautifully made Banshees of Inisherin. Apart from someone like Roger Deakins you couldn't ask for more on this front.

So on balance, that team seems like it could be responsible for a decent movie, though nothing else matters if the story sucks, and that seems to be the weakest point out the gate.

The formula doesn't seem too complicated. Hire quality professionals with good judgment. Lay out some rough parameters to guide the "universe" along (e.g., you can use these guys, can't use those, must use these, next step in the larger storyline is X so do something to build to that, etc.). Keep the clueless execs at arms' length. Don't cheap out with cheesy special effects. And hope for the best.

Won't always work, but hiring people with a questionable track record, predictably needing rewrites and reshoots to try to salvage something may only work in random and unpredictable cases like Venom--a bad movie that for whatever reason appeals to a large audience--doesn't seem like a strategy for success to me. Maybe paint a Spider symbol on Kraven's chest and people will see it?

So, Kraven is a tragedy?
In the comics, his story certainly was. In fact, one of the most well done dramatic series in comics through the '80s, in the Kraven's Last Hunt storyline that was referenced earlier. Quite a shocking story at the time, with art by Mike Zeck, which in itself is reason to seek it out. As I think of it, the Death of Jean DeWolff story also came out around that same timeframe. Spidey was dark before it was cool!

Aaron-Taylor Johnson (Quicksilver, Kraven)
Also Kick Ass. Plus Russel Crowe was Zeus in the horrible Thor 4. Not a lot of imagination with these studios, I guess.
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I blame no one but avi arad and Amy pascal . The two of them are idiots. Avi for some reason won’t let go of the Spider-Man brand and is responsible for most of the terrible decisions. Crazy how they haven’t destroyed the spiderverse films but I guess studio meddling isn’t allowed with those
Jesus christ

lol December 13? Damn this movie is gonna get blitzed beyond belief. Who does Sony think they are? Venom
Success really gave these idiots the wrong message but I guess they don’t realize that after so many flops
Damn, I'd completely forgotten that this movie exists. Considering that the last post before today was 14 MONTHS AGO it seems I’m not the only one lol. Wasn't this originally scheduled for release in October of LAST year? Did it take this long to secure the rights to that ill-fitting Johnny Cash song?
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lol these idiots aren’t gonna learn a thing. They should have released the damn thing in September and got a bigger percentage but it’s gonna get stomped in December
Ain't nobody seeing this crap in December lol. I'll see Sonic 3 five times before I support the complete and utter mess that is the Sonyverse.
Sonic 3, Mufasa and Wicked. This film has no damn chance. Idiots really thought we wanted a Kraven film.