Asmus Toys: Devil May Cry 1 - 1/6 Dante

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Also I believe, and I'm only speculating. Asmus has lost the rights to Devil May Cry. They are only going to make DMC1 Dante and that will probably be the end. I went to their website and saw they don't have the DMC banner in their catalog nor any of their figures on site. If I'm right that's why they didn't post the figure on FB. This is it and I really do hope someone more suitable makes the line next. Dam toys or even InArt if they decide to do VG line.


Also I believe, and I'm only speculating. Asmus has lost the rights to Devil May Cry. They are only going to make DMC1 Dante and that will probably be the end. I went to their website and saw they don't have the DMC banner in their catalog nor any of their figures on site. If I'm right that's why they didn't post the figure on FB. This is it and I really do hope someone more suitable makes the line next. Dam toys or even InArt if they decide to do VG line.
Were there any tweaks done to his sculpt especially the smiling one? He kinda looks villainous on both sculpts IMO.
Couldn't tell since they weren't 100% a shot of the sculpt. Though I hope so as although Kojiro is Musashi's rival he's a good soul and almost innocent like a child.
I can never forgive Asmus for that Gandalf The Grey bait and switch. The prototype was one of the best 1/6 figures I've ever seen and the final product was THE worst I've seen. They will never see another penny from me after that.

Glad InArt now has the LOTR license. Now we just need other companies to pick up other licenses that they have.
The more I look at the figure. The more it's obvious Asmus has gotten so much wrong with the clothes. The coat shouldn't have a zipper at all. The color is definitely off, sleeves for the jacket are to long and the shirt sleeves to short. The design of the Waist Belt is to ornate and not a regular square buckled belt. They made the boots ugly as much as the split cut design is welcomed it's poorly executed. If they go all out in this last version, and redo the sculpt I think I'll be happy with it. Some images of the outfit for best design. The anime had a good idea for it also.
I personally don’t think the jacket sleeves are too long, Asmus just did a **** job with futzing. In most of the concept art and even the in game model you can tell the jacket is scrunched up to sit past his elbows.
Devil May Cry HD Collection 8_1_2024 12_16_50 AM.jpeg

I get the impression that we care way more about this figure looking good and being accurate than Asmus do. I think the speculation in here that they're done with the license seems plausible. Based on the in-hand pictures of Trish, she is simply a terrible looking figure. They didn't mention anything in regards to her releasing and they've not said a word about this Dante going up for preorder. It feels like they're just trying to get this last one out of the way and that will be the end of DMC for them. I sense no brand passion behind this figure at all.
I get the impression that we care way more about this figure looking good and being accurate than Asmus do. I think the speculation in here that they're done with the license seems plausible. Based on the in-hand pictures of Trish, she is simply a terrible looking figure. They didn't mention anything in regards to her releasing and they've not said a word about this Dante going up for preorder. It feels like they're just trying to get this last one out of the way and that will be the end of DMC for them. I sense no brand passion behind this figure at all.
That's the sad truth honestly. I hope whoever does pick it up or even a third party like Master Team or Lim doing the line will be better then the **** Asmus has put out now. Their better figures for the line was DMC5 Dante and Vergil and V.
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Technically, It wasn't Asmus's fault,
it was Kamiya's mistake who was the developer by DMC1.

Capcom used a novel to explain this error, but
Most fans don't care, or don't know very well.
Correct in the story Nell Goldstein was Dante's friend and weapons smith. She is also Nico Goldstein (Nero's friend who is also his weapon smith in DMC5 and Daughter of Agnus the Mad scientist of DMC4) Grandmother. The inscription on the guns where designed by her son (Nico's uncle) when he was a child and miss spelled Works. But Nell added it because she loved her son, and appreciated the help. She designs Ebony and Ivory for Dante before she was killed by Gilver an enemy of Dante who turned out to be Vergil in Disguise. Asmus got that detail correct at least so no reason to get upset. Also Tony Redgrave is the name Dante used to hide his identity and that's how Nell knew him.
View attachment 720523

Technically, It wasn't Asmus's fault,
it was Kamiya's mistake who was the developer by DMC1.

Capcom used a novel to explain this error, but
Most fans don't care, or don't know very well.
I knew about it. Just funny how it says EXTREM next to it and Capcom changed it out for DMC 5

Here a Japanese fan tries to say that it should still be Art Warks in DMC 5 because of the Devil May Cry Novel pages 229-230 -- but Itsuno said the change from Art Warks to Art Works isn't a mistake & that it was intentional

It doesn't bother me either way. Its still a fact that it was originally in the game.

I probably will get a Leon head sculpt and repaint the hair for a change considering the development stages of Leon and Dante.

As for the fabric I'm really glad it's not fake leather. I don't want sticky flakes. The original unlicensed Dante I have from Asmus is toast on the pants because of that material decision. As for when that happens I just flake it off all the way xD
I knew about it. Just funny how it says EXTREM next to it and Capcom changed it out for DMC 5

Here a Japanese fan tries to say that it should still be Art Warks in DMC 5 because of the Devil May Cry Novel pages 229-230 -- but Itsuno said the change from Art Warks to Art Works isn't a mistake & that it was intentional^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1053279367407656960|twgr^abd0f7cf4e4408176b654e4803c7ee19d6b39cda|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

It doesn't bother me either way. Its still a fact that it was originally in the game.

I probably will get a Leon head sculpt and repaint the hair for a change considering the development stages of Leon and Dante.

As for the fabric I'm really glad it's not fake leather. I don't want sticky flakes. The original unlicensed Dante I have from Asmus is toast on the pants because of that material decision. As for when that happens I just flake it off all the way xD

I agree with the material for the coat being cloth. Asmus is halfassing it already so they won't go the extra mile for leather. Plus although it's clear that DMC1 Dante in game and Art had a leather coat, he also has been shown to wear a cloth one. Only thing is I hate the zipper on it as I feel this and DMC2 are the only ones that weren't leather and didn't have a zipper.
I agree with the material for the coat being cloth. Asmus is halfassing it already so they won't go the extra mile for leather. Plus although it's clear that DMC1 Dante in game and Art had a leather coat, he also has been shown to wear a cloth one. Only thing is I hate the zipper on it as I feel this and DMC2 are the only ones that weren't leather and didn't have a zipper.



This is an illustration that Capcom recently officially created.

And they changed Dante's design like this.
I'm sure he's wearing a monster hunter collab outfit, but the zipper is... gosh.