Star Wars: Andor (September 21st, 2022)

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Vader had lasting appeal, I think Grogu was a fad, like Furbies. A gimmick, a meme. Hard to make that last
Very possible. But he is VERY popular with the "Disney fan" side of things. The merch level sales on that front rival Stitch. So even if the character fades from the media, he's going to have a huge lasting impact in sales.

Lots of Disney money is made in Merxh sales. And Grogu sells , especially at the parks.
Yep, but ask Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars has never been stronger !

I just hope they are looking at the Deadpool + Wolverine numbers, $1,1 billion (for an R-rated movie no less) and finally getting it through their thick skulls that it's as simple as recognising Star Wars is a predominantly male audience, listen to the fans and giving them what they want with a good story.
Missing the point. They can make way more money just expanding the fan base into women and LGBTQ by a few percentage points.

They are bound to lose old fans, and they have accounted for that. They plan on replacing the old curmudgeon fans (who are rarely happy) with a less fickle fan.

They of course have to content with longevity of those new fans.
I just hope Hot Toys comes to the Andor party this time round with a few figures.
1). Cassian
2). Saw Gererra
3). 2-Tubes
4). Baze Malbus (to round out the OG Rogue One crew)
5). Moroff or Pao would be amazing. (here's Pao)

Poor Bodhi, ignored by fans and HT alike. :lol

The most significant thing about Gilroy's characters, is (by design) they are the least glamorous, least celebrated, meant to go completely unnoticed, and unremembered, no mythological armor, powers, weapons, or gadgets, no medals, reward, no kiss from a princess, or fanfare.
After Andor, nobody represents that more than Bodhi.

Essentially a random low level, Imperial cargo hauler, in an indistinct gray jump suit. (yet whose actions and choice set in motion likely one of the most significant events in the franchise).
So the irony of these characters becomes what is the most significant thing about them, is the main reason HT ignores them.

Does he "deserve" a figure, on his own not so much, but as part of the R1 crew display, I'd say he does. Yet most would likely ignore him.

I would actually love it if Bodhi appeared in Andor S2, as maybe another thread in Luther's inttricate web, and we see where he is compelled (maybe just a family man who one day realizes if he doesn't no one else will), to be the one to smuggle out Erso's message and the DS plans to Saw.
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Missing the point. They can make way more money just expanding the fan base into women and LGBTQ by a few percentage points.

They are bound to lose old fans, and they have accounted for that. They plan on replacing the old curmudgeon fans (who are rarely happy) with a less fickle fan.

They of course have to content with longevity of those new fans.
That strategy will fail as you point out as those groups largely aren't so into sci-fi fantasy so loyalty will be hard to gain. Short term support is possible but like a fad it will fade and the brand will be without a core audience.

As shown by box office, appealing to your actual loyal fanbase is the most reliably profitable approach, and that often also attracts casuals at the same time due to positive buzz.
Re: from the Alien R thread, don't want to derail it with SW, so I'm quoting here:
... Star Wars is dead ( they couldn't even leave Andor untouched by Filoni baloney in the S2 trailer, I stopped asking if it can sink any lower because it can & does),

At least this looks & feels like some effort was put onto it. Crumbs, I know....
Wait WHAT?!
Voice-over in Andor S2 trailer "With Erza Bridger's speech, we had a chance to bring the rebels together..."
What is this in reference too?
I've seen the leaked AndorS2 teaser, is there a line by or direct reference to Ezra in it?
Re: from the Alien R thread, don't want to derail it with SW, so I'm quoting here:

What is this in reference too?
I've seen the leaked AndorS2 teaser, is there a line by or direct reference to Ezra in it?
The leaked trailer has a line "after Ezra Bridger's speech" e.g. a tie-in to Rebels.

Personally am impressed with Rebels a lot of the time. There's some complex themes, and IMO nicely Ezra has a growth arc - he makes mistakes, overshoots, makes the mistake of skirting the Dark Side and so on.

Also - am so impressed with Karis' manifesto like I am with all of Andor:

There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.

Remember this, Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they’ve already enlisted in the cause.

Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.

And remember this: the Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empires’s authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege.

Remember this: Try.

E.g. the Rebels' arcs/insurrections on going on at the same time as Andor. So appreciate the tie-in, as S2 of Andor will be moving in chunks of time - over a 4 year timeline to bring it up to Rogue One. By that time Luthen & co. would have been aware of the Rebels - especially since Ezra broadcast a speech, and they pulled off some notable heists. Enough for Thrawn to view them as a threat.

Just because the Ahsoka series was kind of leaden :monkey3 doesn't mean that Rebels didn't have some good stuff. Saw and Mon Mothma show up there as well.
That Andor and Rebels have roughly concurrent time-line and overall parallel themes, goes without saying, that's not what I'm asking.
You and jedibear posted...
... they couldn't even leave Andor untouched by Filoni baloney in the S2 trailer,
Voice-over in Andor S2 trailer "With Erza Bridger's speech, we had a chance to bring the rebels together..."
The leaked trailer has a line "after Ezra Bridger's speech" e.g. a tie-in to Rebels.
I'm asking precisely what line you are suggesting Gilroy is pulling from or referencing Ezra?
Or that you are sugesting shows Filoni specifically is influencing Andor?

Which line? That is what I'm asking.
I know the dialogue is hard too hear on the leaked teaser, this is what I could make out: -

Bix: I had a feeling you were coming back soon
Andor: You won’t win, You'll never feel right unless you're doing what you can to stop them.
Luthen: Bring them down or die trying, … what else is there.
Val - If I’m giving up everything, I want to win.
Mothma - If we don’t stand together, we will be crushed.
K2 - I assume any doubts about my value have been erased.

Which line are you or jedibear saying Gllroy (who is more inclined to reference Battle for Algiers than Rebels) is referencing Ezra, or being influenced by Filoni?
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OK I just realized you two are watching and referencing some fan trailer. :lol

Yeah, Gilroy is not pulling from Ezra, or looking to Filoni for content, just stop!

You almost made my heart sink, thinking you had some evidance the Disney Story group had gotten their slime hands on Andor.
Gilroy has been somewhat Disney story-group hands off, with his content, hence his stuff is actually watchable.
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That strategy will fail as you point out as those groups largely aren't so into sci-fi fantasy so loyalty will be hard to gain. Short term support is possible but like a fad it will fade and the brand will be without a core audience.

As shown by box office, appealing to your actual loyal fanbase is the most reliably profitable approach, and that often also attracts casuals at the same time due to positive buzz.
We are talking about corporate interests here...all that matters is this quarter and year end. They do not think out that far....

The reality is , the will cater to the widest next possible, and when it becomes less then profitable , they will just dump it.

Welcome to corporate profiteering 101.
Well Ol' Sloppy Filoni is creative lead now isn't he? Doesn't everything come through him these days? It's entirely possible his hack fingerprints will find their way onto season 2.
Look KK wasn’t at D23 so maybe her era is finally and thankfully over.

But if we immediately start trashing her replacement then forget about it all just hang it up.

It’s always possible her crap messaging will be trickled down into her replacements but can we at least appreciate and celebrate that her time more than likely is up?

I would take Filoni over her any day of the week.

Now if we find out that he was fully responsible for the Acolyte then all bets are off as are our gloves!
Yep, but ask Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars has never been stronger !

I just hope they are looking at the Deadpool + Wolverine numbers, $1,1 billion (for an R-rated movie no less) and finally getting it through their thick skulls that it's as simple as recognising Star Wars is a predominantly male audience, listen to the fans and giving them what they want with a good story.
Disney's main sponsors have made it 100% clear they're in this business to shape peoples thoughts and values first, and make money second. It's very likely going to get worse before it gets any better...
OK I just realized you two are watching and referencing some fan trailer. :lol

Yeah, Gilroy is not pulling from Ezra, or looking to Filoni for content, just stop!

You almost made my heart sink, thinking you had some evidance the Disney Story group had gotten their slime hands on Andor.
Gilroy has been somewhat Disney story-group hands off, with his content, hence his stuff is actually watchable.

Oh wow ... I flipped out in another thread when I heard the same thing referenced. It's not real? IT'S NOT REAL! :blissy
And that has nothing to do with the point I'm making.

Force Awakens came out about 10 years ago. These same old arguments are about as old. At what point will the "only work on the short term" stops being short term?
2015. I remember the lead-up, the film itself. What was going on at the time ... really can't believe it was that long ago.

So much promise, that first trailer ...