1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

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Yup, It's all about the spectacle. Also a vehicle like that has to be almost 100% automatic/computer navigated or it wouldn't even be possible to pilot...
what on earth makes you say that? people pilot all manner of iffy vehicles such as dirtbikes all the time, right here on earth. If anything an at-rt would be a much more stable platform than that.
what on earth makes you say that? people pilot all manner of iffy vehicles such as dirtbikes all the time, right here on earth. If anything an at-rt would be a much more stable platform than that.
If something like a Star Wars AT-vehicle ever was to be built, the only thing you'd get to do as a pilot would be to adjust the speed, steer left/right and fire the laser. Everything that has to do with balancing the craft and moving its legs would have to be completely computerized/automated. You'd therefore not be as dependent on physical strength, reflexes and previous driving experience when compared to riding a dirtbike in tough terrain...
So were almost 3/4s of the way through this year, how is everyone doing with pre-orders for next year?

I ask, as I was just going through my orders and still figures I want to pre-order (Sideous and Droideka) and I just cancelled Revan and leaning towards doing the same with Ahsoka Rex and Han.

I'm selling a few things (mostly non Hot Toys products) which is helping but the recent resurgence of Sideshow and their SW PF's, HT releasing figures I desperately want in the collection and graduate school has changed things a bit for me.

How is everyone else doing?
So were almost 3/4s of the way through this year, how is everyone doing with pre-orders for next year?

I ask, as I was just going through my orders and still figures I want to pre-order (Sideous and Droideka) and I just cancelled Revan and leaning towards doing the same with Ahsoka Rex and Han.

I'm selling a few things (mostly non Hot Toys products) which is helping but the recent resurgence of Sideshow and their SW PF's, HT releasing figures I desperately want in the collection and graduate school has changed things a bit for me.

How is everyone else doing?
It's rough, I'm having to be choosier than ever, and really needing to decide what I want my collection to look like for the foreseeable future.
I hear ya, I have canceled a few figures as FOMO got the best of me. I currently have 16 Pre orders. I canceled, Mando Obi-Wan, CW Obi-Wan, Imperial Commando, Scortch, Darth Revan, and chrome Cody… I know crazy.

It honestly got out of control and ultimately something better kept coming along lol. The one exclusive I was most excited about, and kept was imposter Joker. I’m trying to be more selective. I have sold a bunch a figures and cut down my CW line, with the exception of some clones. I’m also trying to have restraint because ROTS anniversary is an absolute priority.

Going forward I think I’m going to stick to prequels, OT and some CW clones, with little exceptions like OWK Vader, 501st and possibly dark empire Luke.
I hear ya, I have canceled a few figures as FOMO got the best of me. I currently have 16 Pre orders. I canceled, Mando Obi-Wan, CW Obi-Wan, Imperial Commando, Scortch, Darth Revan, and chrome Cody… I know crazy.

It honestly got out of control and ultimately something better kept coming along lol. The one exclusive I was most excited about, and kept was imposter Joker. I’m trying to be more selective. I have sold a bunch a figures and cut down my CW line, with the exception of some clones. I’m also trying to have restraint because ROTS anniversary is an absolute priority.

Going forward I think I’m going to stick to prequels, OT and some CW clones, with little exceptions like OWK Vader, 501st and possibly dark empire Luke.
16! And with all those cancellations?

I put Mando Obi-Wan on a payment plan because I think he might offload him to help offset Scorch and the Imp Commando. Part of me is thinking of selling off ROTS Anakin and Obi because there is such a large chance of them being updated next year.

I don't feel as bad canceling Revan, knowing others did as well lol.

I'm thinking of even cutting a lot of OT, and focus on statues for the OT, while figures are mostly PT/TCW with some OT and misc (OG Mando, IG-11, OWK Vader and a few others). I feel like OT is going to get a huge push after the ROTS anniversary with the 50th of ANH, and instead of going crazy and getting every figure, I can focus on PF's and replicas for that era.
Forgot to mention I’m keep mando stuff as well. But yeah I know it’s crazy. I may cancel 1 or 2 more, we shall see. I will order any clone from ROTS and beyond that I just want ROTs Obi and Anakin.
So were almost 3/4s of the way through this year, how is everyone doing with pre-orders for next year?

I ask, as I was just going through my orders and still figures I want to pre-order (Sideous and Droideka) and I just cancelled Revan and leaning towards doing the same with Ahsoka Rex and Han.

I'm selling a few things (mostly non Hot Toys products) which is helping but the recent resurgence of Sideshow and their SW PF's, HT releasing figures I desperately want in the collection and graduate school has changed things a bit for me.

How is everyone else doing?
I’m swamped with preorders. I’m overloaded with figures that I have either preordered or intend to get either through sideshow or my local comic shop. Just so many good figures and I need an intervention.
Rotj vader x2
89 Batman
Sand trooper x2
Maul 2.0
Han x2
66 riddler
Droideka x2
Kit fisto
Darth sidious both rots and cw
Dark empire luke
Stormtrooper rotj x2
3rd party senator padme
Maybe the new dark knight joker

Also, I’m out of space.
I’m swamped with preorders. I’m overloaded with figures that I have either preordered or intend to get either through sideshow or my local comic shop. Just so many good figures and I need an intervention.
Rotj vader x2
89 Batman
Sand trooper x2
Maul 2.0
Han x2
66 riddler
Droideka x2
Kit fisto
Darth sidious both rots and cw
Dark empire luke
Stormtrooper rotj x2
3rd party senator padme
Maybe the new dark knight joker

Also, I’m out of space.
The only Hot Toys Star Wars I'm truly tempted by is the upcoming Dewback with Sandtrooper. Luckily I have a 1 Diorama per Franchise limit and I'm already super happy with my Jabba & Throne setup...
I don’t have lots left on order now and even some of them I’m starting to get a little meh about.
Clone wars sidious and er are solid. Dewback cool as milk, Hera and chopper - droid and cool alien are great too
The two I’m wavering on are shin and baylin. I think Iwill keep them but the show was crap but they look great
If the stranger gets made I would be tempted but the preorders recently just haven’t grabbed me
I just don't know... after nearly 8 years of collecting. I've reached the point when sharing the pre-order list seems to be quite detrimental for my mental health lol, because the burden of embarrassment just too much lol. So it is better to ignore them :cautious:
I just don't know... after nearly 8 years of collecting. I've reached the point when sharing the pre-order list seems to be quite detrimental for my mental health lol, because the burden of embarrassment just too much lol. So it is better to ignore them :cautious:

We’re all in this together lol.

I also wanted to ask because this has been a strange time with so many SW pre-orders, up until recently with DP/W, every week was SW for us, with so many exclusives as well.
Outside of ROTJ Vader, which seems imminent, I now only have one other pending SW order (Dewback and Sandtrooper). I guess that's what happens when OT comes to a near halt.
No Han? I do think they are going to improve the sculpt. They can’t give us a 7/10 han.
0 PO's for me at the moment as getting on release right now, though I am thinking of PO'ing some:

Moff Gideon 2.0
Ahsoka ver Rex
Night trooper
Battle damage Vader
Lord Starkiller

Too many in that list for me to order so may have to be selective. Plus theres stuff that likely will go up for order soon (Hardcase, Airbourne trooper, Range Trooper, Purge Trooper, plain commando, night death trooper), old figures I still want (Gree, Bacara, Elite Praetorian guard, Solo Maul, Clone Wars Maul, deluxe 212th trooper, 41st trooper, Wolfpack trooper, gold chrome stormie etc etc etc) and other likely figures coming in next couple years (Mando ver Snowtrooper, Andor, Gen 1 TK's, Bly, Gree, 212th, AT-RT driver, clone scout, galactic marine etc).

Then there is all the non SW stuff I want.

I need to win the lottery.