Frank Miller appreciation thread

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My man Frank is still continuing to churn out Marvel variant covers.

Here's his Human Torch, and as far as I'm aware, the very first ever published rendition of a Frank Miller Deadpool.

Human Torch.jpg


In the meantime, Frank is slooooowly putting out the "sequel" to Ronin on his own publishing label.

A sequel nobody wanted, 4 decades later.

Frank is writing the dialogue and providing layouts and the finished art is provided by Philip Tan.

It's incredibly frustrating that they're essentially sitting on more or less "complete" Frank Miller interior artwork and instead of just printing it as is, they're going with the generic, cookie cutter, 1990s-era Image style "EXTREME!!" art instead. This crap is just so basic and boring. At least Frank's art has style, as crude as it is. It still looks like Miller. Philip Tan's pages just look like your typical over-cross-hatched crap that helped kill the industry.



Thankfully, they did just what I suggested with the fourth issue and just printed Frank's layouts with inks over them. It's not "great" but it's a lot better than the other issues. But now you've got a weird fourth chapter that sticks out like a sore thumb. I really hope they just go back and print the whole thing from Frank's layouts like they should have done in the first place. It's the only way I'm actually gonna buy the book in print. The story is complete and utter nonsense, as you'd imagine it would be.
This one is a commission and hasn't been used as a cover, but I think it's better than the one that was used.

Just came across these, from the very early 90s.

This is a two-page spread from an issue of "Martha Washington"

Martha Washington Marv.jpg

And this was the cover of the Dark Horse Presents that had the first chapter of Sin City:

DHP 5th.jpg

I think these are really cool pieces cause they're among the last collaborations with Lynn Varley doing hand-painted colors. Also, the drawing style on the DHP cover is right in that period after "Elektra Lives Again" and before Sin City really got started. Probably one of the last examples of this style, since his work on Sin City would become a lot more abstract and use less fine detailed lines.
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My favorite Miller work will always be Dark Knight, but the work with the best art is definitely Elektra Lives Again. The colors by Lynn Varley on top of Frank's meticulously detailed's utterly sublime. The story isn't their best work, but the art is, for sure.

The whole story takes place over the course of a few weeks in April.

The story opens on Monday, April 1st. It turns out 2024's calendar lines up with the book's dates.

What a perfect time for a re-read!

Announced today is the collected edition of the craptacular "sequel" to Ronin, now retitled "Ronin Rising."

At least it has a new cover.

Ronin Rising.jpg
Oh man......I just went on a deep dive and I found some AWESOME stuff I haven't seen before!!

First of all....even MORE Marvel variants...a new Daredevil and a new Moon Knight!

Daredevil II.png
Moon Knight II.png

I also found the designs for the 10th Anniversary Dark Knight statue from 1996. I've NEVER seen these images before...these are gorgeous!! Brand new vintage Frank!! Why the hell wasn't this included in Absolute Dark Knight??

x statue design - front.jpg
x statue design - side (2).jpg

And finally...I found some clearer scans of some awesome commissions Frank did around 2021 or so. Look at these awesome "new" Batman images by Frank Miller!!

Batman 0.jpeg
Batman 0-2021.jpeg
Batman 01-2021 (2).jpg
Batman 5.21.21 Jose (1).jpg
Batman Carrie C FM Ink (1).jpg
Batman Carrie D FM Ink (0).jpg
FM Ink Batman 2021.jpg

I feel like today was Christmas or something....can't believe there's still "new" Miller art to be discovered! I hope there's a lot more!
My day of Frank Miller treasures's the upcoming Uncle Scrooge variant!

Uncle Scrooge.jpg
Yeah, even hardcore fans rolled their eyes a little at the title of the documentary.