It is bizarre to say the least …there’s Keaton’s muddy blue and there’s or should I say was Christopher Reeve’s obvious vibrant baby blue ..can’t deny thatBlue eyes are notorious for this, as Wor-Gar and I talked about in another thread - in Batman there’s shots where his eyes almost look completely green, then in Returns they’re blue. In reality they were always blue with a slight muddy hazel around the pupils.

But anyway back to this figure version ..all the the DX09 lovers take close attention ..I’ve shown this …the eyes on the DX09 are completely wrong in color and detail
My old shot of DX09

Lifeless eye detail

Okay at the time this figure was released but I would take this version of the 2.0 eyes anytime
What I like is HT learns from their mistakes
The BR figure is a good example

I can’t wait to see the 2.0 eyes in hand ..closeup to my naked eye
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