Resident Evil Customs Thread

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finally realised who Ashley reminds me of 🤣. Mandy from shameless
I’d rather have MT doing these figures (again). Their latest Leon was fantastic. He’s figure of the year for me. I ended up loving the headsculpts. Even the angry sculpt which is currently on my RE2 Leon.

Damtoys paint application is not it for me. Only Claire looks decent. Ada and Leon look so basic paint wise, there’s better looking third party figures imo.
I wanna see more from MT for sure, but I still want to see what Dam can do with an RE4R Leon.

The MT figure has so many glaring faults and inaccuracies, the accessories are both lacking and terrible.

The MT sculpt is awesome, and the paint is soo much better than the Dam Leon but that Dam Leon is an old figure now.

Even if the Dam paint hasn’t improved they will still nail every other aspect of the figure except maybe the jacket so would just be a case of swapping the alt sculpt onto the Dam version.

I was very happy with what MT delivered, even happier after extensive mods… but figure of year?? Well it has been a slow year.

Feel like everyone cuts MT’s a lot of slack ( me included) over Leon because the Promo images was so bad

All in all the more resident evil figures the better.
I wanna see more from MT for sure, but I still want to see what Dam can do with an RE4R Leon.

The MT figure has so many glaring faults and inaccuracies, the accessories are both lacking and terrible.

The MT sculpt is awesome, and the paint is soo much better than the Dam Leon but that Dam Leon is an old figure now.

Even if the Dam paint hasn’t improved they will still nail every other aspect of the figure except maybe the jacket so would just be a case of swapping the alt sculpt onto the Dam version.

I was very happy with what MT delivered, even happier after extensive mods… but figure of year?? Well it has been a slow year.

Feel like everyone cuts MT’s a lot of slack ( me included) over Leon because the Promo images was so bad

All in all the more resident evil figures the better.
What dont you like about the accessories?
What dont you like about the accessories?
The knife was pretty good, nice and sturdy but we already got that knife with both Dam Leon’s and the lack of Knife holding hand made it very unexciting.

The shotgun has some minor inaccuracies with the detailing, I’m using the Dam shotgun instead but either way the shotgun would be on Leon’s back for me so easy to look past.

The biggest problems for me is with the pistol, I can forgive the lack of moving slide. But the MT pistol is more of a dark grey than silver and lacks details such as the Kendo name engraving on the side.

Plus I would have liked to see a couple more options, not having the primal knife was a missed opportunity. I know the red9 is a fan favourite but I would have loved to see the sentinel9. The Tmp… maybe I’m just spoiled by the Dam RE figures and their boatload of weapons.
I’d rather have MT doing these figures (again). Their latest Leon was fantastic. He’s figure of the year for me. I ended up loving the headsculpts. Even the angry sculpt which is currently on my RE2 Leon.

Damtoys paint application is not it for me. Only Claire looks decent. Ada and Leon look so basic paint wise, there’s better looking third party figures imo.
Agreed. MT Leon is definitely a huge step forward in RE line. Can’t take my eyes off since he arrived. While I have got some amazing figures this year, he’s definitely a highlight. Hope MT continues RE line.

When will this be released?
Preorders gonna go live any day now, keep an eye, we’ll keep the thread updated!
The knife was pretty good, nice and sturdy but we already got that knife with both Dam Leon’s and the lack of Knife holding hand made it very unexciting.

The shotgun has some minor inaccuracies with the detailing, I’m using the Dam shotgun instead but either way the shotgun would be on Leon’s back for me so easy to look past.

The biggest problems for me is with the pistol, I can forgive the lack of moving slide. But the MT pistol is more of a dark grey than silver and lacks details such as the Kendo name engraving on the side.

Plus I would have liked to see a couple more options, not having the primal knife was a missed opportunity. I know the red9 is a fan favourite but I would have loved to see the sentinel9. The Tmp… maybe I’m just spoiled by the Dam RE figures and their boatload of weapons.
Maybe its just because im not much of a gun person. I dont really notice the inaccuracies at all. To me gun is gun. Haha. I wouldve liked the primal knife but I still have a ton of knives from other figures so its no biggie.
Maybe its just because im not much of a gun person. I dont really notice the inaccuracies at all. To me gun is gun. Haha. I wouldve liked the primal knife but I still have a ton of knives from other figures so its no biggie.
I’m not much of a gun guy just obsessive I guess. The primal knife is Leon’s OG knife and Kendo weapons are a pretty iconic yet obscure part of RE. The Sentinel9 is Leon’s CG movie pistols. So it’s all very nostalgic.

I get that I come across super nitpicky. If the figure came with a right knife hand I could holster the pistol and not let it bother me.

But when the entirety of the figure has little flaws it all adds up for me, so I’m all for Dam or someone else attempting an RE4R Leon that could at the very least serve as an upgrade to the MT figure.

I’ve been super critical with MT but I am genuinely really happy with how Leon turned out and if that’s the only Leon we get il be satisfied but I’m not gonna discourage anyone else taking a crack and the remake when so much of the MT figure is slightly off.
While I love Damtoys RE figures, they truly look as bootlegs next to MT Leon. Moving eyes give him a premium feel. Personally I don’t think Damtoys can offer a better quality. I already see a bulky leather coat… Accurate small details are cool but I prefer the overall visual effect from the head to the toes, even my non collector friends get very excited when they see MT Leon on the shelf. When we were kids RE4 was a huge thing for us, so nostalgia gives him some extra value. Damtoys might offer move game accurate sculpt but paint gonna be a hot mess I just know that. While MT sculpt isn’t 100% accurate I think he is a “prettiest” male figure I own so I have nothing to complain about.
P.S. I still think Damtoys RE line is dead. Hope I’m wrong.
He looks 100% like Leon.
However, Ekauztoys doesn't seem to have much experience in sculpting heads.
I'm worried about that.
Only the eyes were done on Hank's head.
If Ekauz really is a part of Dam (many collectors are assuming they are), then I have confidence in their sculpting abilities.
The only thing I would be worried about is them doing any clothing lettering or leather. And thankfully this figure is free of those two things. lol
I'm sure it'll turn out around 95% like the promo photos. Every figure loses a bit of detail in the final product, which is normal.
But Damtoys, I mean Ekauz, usually has a great final product.
If Ekauz really is a part of Dam (many collectors are assuming they are), then I have confidence in their sculpting abilities.
The only thing I would be worried about is them doing any clothing lettering or leather. And thankfully this figure is free of those two things. lol
I'm sure it'll turn out around 95% like the promo photos. Every figure loses a bit of detail in the final product, which is normal.
But Damtoys, I mean Ekauz, usually has a great final product.
On the Damtoys instagram page about a year back, they posted product photos for Ekauz 1/12 punisher figure then quickly removed them. So I take that as confirmation.
On the Damtoys instagram page about a year back, they posted product photos for Ekauz 1/12 punisher figure then quickly removed them. So I take that as confirmation.
Ah, bit of a whoops on their part. lol
I just hope they'll be able to continue releasing RE figures (through either name), without getting into any trouble with Capcom.
The Damnation Leon sure is a surprise though. Never figured anyone would make an RE figure based off the animated movies.
Ah, bit of a whoops on their part. lol
I just hope they'll be able to continue releasing RE figures (through either name), without getting into any trouble with Capcom.
The Damnation Leon sure is a surprise though. Never figured anyone would make an RE figure based off the animated movies.
Hope so, we need more RE figures animated movies included, some of the animated designs are pretty awesome imo.

The Damnation Leon definitely caught me by surprise not just because it’s animated but because it’s not one of the more recent ones.

I am pretty sure SW has done a Death Island Jill, and hot heart back in the day did a Degeneration Claire.
Does anyone know if a real working 1/6 torch is a thing??

Got RE4R Leon posed with the Torch atm and everytime I see it I can’t help but think “ man if only the torch worked”
Ordered. Third party figures are climbing to 300$ range. MT Leon had a same price and higher quality imo. While I got 4 copies of MT Leon, this time ordered just one, somehow still have a side eye to this release.