Things I Hate

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Imagine if they had to suffer the 1.0 figure all that time like the rest of us. They get to go straight to the proper one, as is right.

:lol yup. My wife doesn't give a **** but my teenage daughter, who lost a corrupted My Little Pony kingdom a couple years back, has shown a touching degree of sympathy.

Not something I hate… probably more on topic for the Love thread…. But here is my town as of today.


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I hate it when a company releases an updated 2.0 figure and someone says "I'm so pleased I didn't get the other one that was released 25 years ago".

Imagine if they had to suffer the 1.0 figure all that time like the rest of us. They get to go straight to the proper one, as is right.


I'm just annoyed by re-releases in general. The products are undoubtedly improved (in most cases), but it'll only be a matter of time before Hot Toys releases 3.0s.

In the end, we're just needlessly chasing a semblance of perfection in our figures that we'll never be satisfied with. There's something tragic in that.
I'm just annoyed by re-releases in general. The products are undoubtedly improved (in most cases), but it'll only be a matter of time before Hot Toys releases 3.0s.

In the end, we're just needlessly chasing a semblance of perfection in our figures that we'll never be satisfied with. There's something tragic in that.
It makes it pretty easy to pass on Marvel and DC stuff if your circumstances require you to - because hey, there'll be a new version or redo of any given character just down the road.

As far as unattainable perfection - I dunno, I really think I could be made happy with a T-800 figure - Hot Toys just aint the company for the job apparently. They keep repeating the same damn mistakes with Arnie's likeness, seemingly no matter who in their employ does the sculpting. I think someone is bound to get it right eventually, provided they aren't put off from attempting it by the existence of the Hot Toys figures. That's my fear with InArt, that although they're apparently doing T1 they won't touch T2 now because HT just revealed a figure.