The future of AI

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A friend of mine plays in a band (genre unimportant). They get local gigs, not in it for money.

A band mate came to his group with a new song.

They heard the general tune ‘recorded’ on his phone. Sounded awesome, cool lyrics etc.

Everyone was stoked.

He said he would send the lyrics and tabs for the the next practice.

The guy sent the wrong file attachment — sent the band his AI file (per the type of file name.)

Busted, and kicked out of the band.
A friend of mine plays in a band (genre unimportant). They get local gigs, not in it for money.

A band mate came to his group with a new song.

They heard the general tune ‘recorded’ on his phone. Sounded awesome, cool lyrics etc.

Everyone was stoked.

He said he would send the lyrics and tabs for the the next practice.

The guy sent the wrong file attachment — sent the band his AI file (per the type of file name.)

Busted, and kicked out of the band.
but they loved it..... they loved the song ... what would happen if they didn't find out
The image on the left is better. Though why not be able to accomplish both on paper, canvas? I can replicate a photo into an oil painting, detail for detail easily, so long as my soul is in it and I actually decide to do it.

That’s how I am, all or nothing. I go six months, a year, whatever, without touching a brush, while being artistic in other fields. I like to come back to things after burnout to reignite the flame.

It’s a tale as old as time, the self sabotaging artist. We all naturally have a bit of it in us, I happen to let it get the best of me. Because of this, I don’t produce at the quantity I’d like, but that’s because I know all too well the rabbit hole that comes along with each endeavor.

I cannot personally start something without knowing it’ll be good, good to others and overall I mean, nothing I do will be good enough to me. I see the flaws in myself and what I do more than anyone ever would, it’s just something I can’t get over. Forever my own worse critic, I could be better than the lot, yet another could sell a painting better than I. When you’re so self critical, you couldn’t even imagine giving your work away for free.

I prefer all of my works to be time consuming and exhausting. With that, comes an overwhelming creative high that no drug could touch. It’s just, is this painting worth that amount of time, energy, and self loathing. Can I postpone those feelings by postponing the process? Headspace is the No. 1 factor and the hardest one. Once the artistic process starts, it’s extremely difficult to turn off, so I run away for months.

One can learn Photoshop (although probably not in a week), but knowing what the buttons do won't help them paint something like this:

One still needs to understand anatomy, gesture, shading, color, and composition. One also needs patience; digital or not, this kind of work takes tens, sometimes hundreds of hours. One learns all this through the practice of drawing/painting from observation for several years, like every artist has done since the dawn of time. Same goes for digital sculpting, animating, lighting, effects, all that CG stuff.

These software replicate real-life tools; even if you know how they work, you still need to know what to do with them as an artist.

Generative AI doesn't replicate a tool, it replicates the artist themselves - in the coldest, most impersonal way - and makes the user a client.

It's empowering to some; I've seen a couple folks become "illustrators" by selling their AI-generated work to uninformed customers. But in time, customers will not only know better, they'll be saturated by the amount of artificially-generated content out there and its value will drop. And most people have no need to become clients or art patrons anyway; there are loads of artists out there taking commissions on the (relatively) cheap and the average person doesn't bat an eye.

Porn being one of the first things to blow up in a new medium is a pretty well-known human phenomenon at this point. The user in that Twitter screencap is grasping at straws. That kind of imagery has always been around, whether human-generated or not.

As for modern/abstract art being the reason for the push, eh, I doubt it. Generative AI boomed because it gave everyone the chance to play with a new toy and conjure up fun ideas. Investors also got excited which increased the urgency for tech companies to integrate it into all their products, whether necessary or not. I think its uses will become more specialized in time, thus requiring specialists to do the best work with it, i.e. people with art or storytelling skills.

I'm just telling you what I know from inside the world of ai. which I'm very deep into. I've been deep into it for years now. I use AI every day to make pics and I check and see what they are saying
about the Twitter post,

a lot of Men got angry with the way videogames are made, they got mad at how comics were going. they got mad at the shaming. the lack of pretty characters, I see them, I see their pics, it was a huge rebellion, some guys were posting 500 pics per day. ( they were still pg 13 but sexy pics) other guys went crazy and did full porn stuff. it was specially big in Asian users, and Europe, it was like fighting back.

I'm just saying, that's where the sentiment in that twitter post I shared came from, you had all these people fighting AI AND getting mad that they were making "sexist cartoons" so then the AI fight online became a sexism thing, if you used AI you were sexist.
that's one of the biggest reasons why AI stuff kind of blew up, because there's so many guys that were fed up. it became kind of political.
a lot of Men got angry with the way videogames are made, they got mad at how comics were going. they got mad at the shaming. the lack of pretty characters, I see them, I see their pics, it was a huge rebellion, some guys were posting 500 pics per day. ( they were still pg 13 but sexy pics) other guys went crazy and did full porn stuff. it was specially big in Asian users, and Europe, it was like fighting back.
Maybe. Or perhaps more like a tantrum. Besides this forum I spend most of my time interacting with people offline, due to a combination of my job and personal preferences (and my age I guess).

In my decades of experience, the women I know aged 30-60 love sex, and love sexually charged imagery and eroticism in art and fiction. What they don't love is violence, objectification and one-dimensional depictions of both their minds and their sexuality. Seriously, why would they?

Sure, there's a subset of women who will shame and put down men and women who enjoy that sort of thing, regardless if it's a healthy reflection of human sexuality or a harmless fantasy, but I think they're the flip side of the coin where we find these socially truncated, incel-type males who have no idea what real sexuality and intimacy are because they're spending too much time drooling over the aforementioned one-dimensional representations.

A lot of what I've learned about relationships, intimacy and women I had to learn the hard way, via dating, relationships and making mistakes over many years. That's how we grow.

Some dude using generative AI to mimic sexually charged art because he's reactive and pissed off about a lack of sexy comic book characters or something, is doing himself no favours as a human, and needs to put away the computer for a while. That's not a rebellion it's failure to adapt.

This is just part of what I mean about scaling up human frailty; weak men like this are not new, but tools like this are unprecedented.

I do agree that AI is just that -- a tool with great potential to be useful, but it needs to be regulated. As for the human condition, good luck with that.
Maybe. Or perhaps more like a tantrum. Besides this forum I spend most of my time interacting with people offline, due to a combination of my job and personal preferences (and my age I guess).

In my decades of experience, the women I know aged 30-60 love sex, and love sexually charged imagery and eroticism in art and fiction. What they don't love is violence, objectification and one-dimensional depictions of both their minds and their sexuality. Seriously, why would they?

Sure, there's a subset of women who will shame and put down men and women who enjoy that sort of thing, regardless if it's a healthy reflection of human sexuality or a harmless fantasy, but I think they're the flip side of the coin where we find these socially truncated, incel-type males who have no idea what real sexuality and intimacy are because they're spending too much time drooling over the aforementioned one-dimensional representations.

A lot of what I've learned about relationships, intimacy and women I had to learn the hard way, via dating, relationships and making mistakes over many years. That's how we grow.

Some dude using generative AI to mimic sexually charged art because he's reactive and pissed off about a lack of sexy comic book characters or something, is doing himself no favours as a human, and needs to put away the computer for a while. That's not a rebellion it's failure to adapt.

This is just part of what I mean about scaling up human frailty; weak men like this are not new, but tools like this are unprecedented.

I do agree that AI is just that -- a tool with great potential to be useful, but it needs to be regulated. As for the human condition, good luck with that.

it had nothing to do with violence. some characters today can't even have a cleavage anymore.
the AI art also doesn't have any violence. its just CGI girls in skimpy clothing

reminds me how the director of suicide squad got bullied for the outfit they gave Harley Quinn and then you got birds of prey. that's what some people are mad about.
suicide squad, sexist. bad outfit. Harley can't wears that. Captain marvel? can't have curves for example.
but they loved it..... they loved the song ... what would happen if they didn't find out
A guy unknowingly hooks up with his long lost sister....but he loved it...he loved hooking up with her....what would happen if he didn't find out :lol
it had nothing to do with violence.
That's a complicated topic. Dehumanizing and objectifying women is linked to sexual violence and other forms of abuse. Beyond the scope of this discussion.
some characters today can't even have a cleavage anymore.
the AI art also doesn't have any violence. its just CGI girls in skimpy clothing

reminds me how the director of suicide squad got bullied for the outfit they gave Harley Quinn and then you got birds of prey. that's what some people are mad about.
suicide squad, sexist. bad outfit. Harley can't wears that. Captain marvel? can't have curves for example.
Well, there's mass entertainment aimed at the lowest common denominator for profit, and there's art. They overlap but they are not the same thing.

Corporations like Disney have no moral compass, they're just trying to read the room to make as much money as possible. Sometimes they fail, sometimes they succeed.

I wonder if these dudes have walked into a real art gallery? There are still, right now ... in contemporary galleries, works of art that depict beauty so stunning it transcends mere titillation. But you have to put down the gaming rigs and comics, and walk in the world to experience that.
but that already happened so many times, mp3s and Napster killed music stores, killed Circuit city and F.Y.E. and then Netflix kills blockbuster, and cellphones killed the phone operators and the phonebooth industry, and Uber basically killed taxi jobs,
Amazon killed Barnes and noble,GameStop is barely alive

but how come no one cried when Netflix ended blockbuster, or itunes ended circuit city ? or Uber ended taxi cabs?
and I'm willing to bet that you personally have used all 3. when was the last time anyone bought a music CD or took a taxi? 10 years?
Music CD's are a thing of the past for sure considering Spotify offers virtually everything you'll ever need in one place. Netflix and streaming is a completely different story though. As a true film-nerd there's (still) no substitute for collecting your favorite movies on physical media...
Everyone was stoked. He said he would send the lyrics and tabs for the the next practice. The guy sent the wrong file attachment — sent the band his AI file (per the type of file name.) Busted, and kicked out of the band.

Well...there's always one surefire way to get back into the band... :lol
Music CD's are a thing of the past for sure considering Spotify offers virtually everything you'll ever need in one place. Netflix and streaming is a completely different story though. As a true film-nerd there's (still) no substitute for collecting your favorite movies on physical media...

I'd wager the push recently for more people to seek out more physical media is the general growing distrust of any large corporation/government/entity/bureaucracy. In the past, it was probably done half tongue in cheek. Not anymore. If you own it, it can't be "taken" from you randomly. It can't be stripped arbitrarily or used as leverage to get something else out of you. No one can take your physical copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm or 1984 and change it dramatically to make it more "equitable"

But that might be the best defense of humanity against AI. The "veil" has been lifted. Widespread speed of information, social media, advanced technology and the like has all but confirmed most people's casual impressions on the rest of the world around them. When information was scarce and news traveled slow, people would speculate but couldn't quite be sure. Now people are sure. And I don't see that as cynicism nor nihilism. You just have to come to terms with what you see every single day with your own two eyes.

Humanity might be saved because more people will process every possible permutation of possible threat against themselves and/or the entire human race. It's that fear that will create more failsafes after failsafes. Or to not start at all. Or to have embryo groups rise up and commit endless murder, assassination and sabotage. Can AI win against humans? Sure, but it will likely have to be an ambush. And it's hard to ambush someone already looking over their shoulder.
Music CD's are a thing of the past for sure considering Spotify offers virtually everything you'll ever need in one place. Netflix and streaming is a completely different story though. As a true film-nerd there's (still) no substitute for collecting your favorite movies on physical media...
I would add that vinyl is alive and well. I don't have numbers but my local record shops are usually busy and have been around a long time.
That's a complicated topic. Dehumanizing and objectifying women is linked to sexual violence and other forms of abuse. Beyond the scope of this discussion.

Well, there's mass entertainment aimed at the lowest common denominator for profit, and there's art. They overlap but they are not the same thing.

Corporations like Disney have no moral compass, they're just trying to read the room to make as much money as possible. Sometimes they fail, sometimes they succeed.

I wonder if these dudes have walked into a real art gallery? There are still, right now ... in contemporary galleries, works of art that depict beauty so stunning it transcends mere titillation. But you have to put down the gaming rigs and comics, and walk in the world to experience that.

its more like, in the 90s tomb raider and Jill valentine looked hot in their games, they looked hot in the art and advertisements and stuff, the companies would hire models to dress like them but then recently some Japanese videogame with a sexy character got into so much trouble that they had to change the character. I think it happened to a different game last year. ( and you could argue that this is great) but then we go back to the double standards because some of the gamers complaining about these games also had some onlyfans where they were cosplaying some really extreme stuff lol. really NSFW stuff.
even more extreme than the AI art guys were doing of 90s characters.

Music CD's are a thing of the past for sure considering Spotify offers virtually everything you'll ever need in one place. Netflix and streaming is a completely different story though. As a true film-nerd there's (still) no substitute for collecting your favorite movies on physical media...

vinyl came back strong recently but most people still prefer digital.
Can AI win against humans? Sure, but it will likely have to be an ambush. And it's hard to ambush someone already looking over their shoulder.
In isolated cases and on a smaller (individual) scale, AI could absolutely come to cause some serious damage. It will never become a threat to the survival of mankind though. Those are stories to frighten children...
In isolated cases and on a smaller (individual) scale, AI could absolutely come to cause some serious damage. It will never become a threat to the survival of mankind though. Those are stories to frighten children...
That's what an AI would say. 😬
the only problem I personally have with AI is the bots on social media. that is a big huge problem,
there are hundreds of ai bots talking to you and talking to each other on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, reddit. you could be arguing for hours with someone and it was a bot.
on Facebook there are bots that post images from fake accounts and then hundreds of bots reply to the image and then a few real humans fall for it, and start arguing with the bot. or believe the bots.

it makes you feel lonely. sometimes I see arguments or conversations on reddit or fb and I'm like, what's the point of replying if it's fake.
AI will be used to further 'terraform' the social media landscape... "brainwashing" the young with idealized fantasies they'll never achieve or rabbit-holes that confuse and torture simpler minds. They are harvesting general resentment and discontent.

Where and at who that "time bomb" explodes is anyone's guess.
if im going to argue with someone about something crazy, it better be a real person.
In isolated cases and on a smaller (individual) scale, AI could absolutely come to cause some serious damage. It will never become a threat to the survival of mankind though. Those are stories to frighten children...

[Evans] "And she looked at the Big Bad Wolf and said, 'Grandma, what big eyes you've got.'"
[San-Ti Alien] We do not understand.
[Evans] What don't you understand?
[San-Ti Alien] He intends to eat her.
[Evans] Yes.
[San-Ti Alien] She does not want to be eaten.
[Evans laughs] No.
[San-Ti Alien] So why does she remain in the house when she knows the wolf intends to eat her?
[Evans] Uh, she doesn't know. The wolf is pretending to be the grandmother.
[San-Ti Alien] We do not understand.
[Evans] Well, he's dressed like the grandmother. He's wearing her clothes. He looks like her. He sounds like her.
[San-Ti Alien] But he is not the grandmother. He is the wolf.
[Evans] Yes, but, uh, Little Red Riding Hood doesn't know that.
[San-Ti Alien] The Wolf has communicated with her?
[Evans] He has.
[San-Ti Alien] If he wanted to achieve his aim of eating her, why did he communicate with her? After he communicated with her, and she learned his intentions, why didn't she run?
[Evans] Uh, because she didn't learn his intentions. He was hiding them from her. Don't you ever hide your intentions?
[San-Ti Alien] We do not understand.
[Evans] Well, for instance, the, um, you know...these pests who are tracking us, they're trying to hide their intentions because, well, otherwise, they couldn't get to us.
[San-Ti Alien] Pests?
[Evans] Our enemies. The intelligence operatives you warned me about.
[San-Ti Alien] Pests are destructive insects or other animals that attack crops, food, and livestock. Your enemies are human.
[Evans] Yes. Yes, well, uh, you see, well...What I was doing there, I was, um...I was using a metaphor. I was describing them as pests because, well, that's what they are. Annoying, inconsequential, easy to eliminate. Like bugs you can squash under your shoe. Can't you ever say anything that you know to be false? Can't you lie?
[San-Ti Alien] What is known is communicated as soon as communication takes place.
[Evans sighs] So, you communicate through thought? While we are still like barnyard animals, squawking at each other. [chuckles]
[San-Ti Alien] You do this? You lie?
[Evans] Well, I... I try not to, but, um...Yeah. Yeah, we all do sometimes. One way or another.

[San-Ti Alien] And the wolf, he is also lying?
[Evans] Yeah. Yeah, I suppose he is.
[San-Ti Alien] We would like to speak to him.
[Evans] What?
[San-Ti Alien] Is he still in the grandmother's house? Where is that?
[Evans] Uh, in the forest.
[San-Ti Alien] Which forest? There are many forests on your world.
[Evans laughs] Oh no. No, no, no. It's not...It's... It's not real.
[San-Ti Alien] We do not understand.
[Evans] Well, it's a story. You know, the wolf, the grandmother, the, well, Little Red Riding Hood. None of them exist.
[San-Ti Alien] So the story, it is a lie about a liar?

[Evans softly] Yeah. Yeah, I suppose it is.
[San-Ti Alien] We need to consider this.
[Evans] My Lord? My Lord?
[San-Ti Alien] We think we understand now.
[Evans] Ah. See, that's, um...That's why you need us, my Lord. We can help you. Help you understand us better.
[San-Ti Alien] A liar is someone whose words are false. A liar cannot be trusted. We cannot coexist with liars.

[Evans scoffs] My Lord... [chuckles] Uh...My Lord?
[San-Ti Alien] We are afraid of you.
[Evans] My Lord...My Lord, are you there? My Lord? My Lord, are you there?