Interesting, I was not really privy to much of that. Yes, definitely the only thing to do is to go along. Still, I think it's our eagerness as collectors to buy his wonderful stuff that feeds his pride and contributes to his attitude. Like Pavlov's dog we salivate at the thought of the next release and jump up and down when he waves the next stick to throw for us to retrieve.I've never seen a company owner that make products for public consumption be so antagonistic toward customers. I won't get back into the history or the details here, but the bottom line is that this man has allowed himself to become so emotionally emerged in his products that there is no line where he stops, and his figures begin. So if you say you don't love a particular detail or production idea on one of his pretty pieces of plastic, you might as well call his (ex)wife ugly or his kids stupid. That's how he reads it.
I'll also add that it is precisely his emotional connection to Trek that makes him both often insufferable, and also an unstoppable force to get these figures we love to market.