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Jazzinc stole the week with the Catwom release so I expect hot toys to bring out the big guns next week and take the spotlight. Remember when J&d did their crazy joker pack and all of a sudden Rotj Han was announced at 9am eastern?
Maybe bespin han or 89 joker this week?
You know Howard is pissed someone got the jump on him.
Or we just get another iron man or Batman repaint.
I am looking forward to the ROTJ Han Solo very much, also the ESB Chewie.
I wonder if I should buy a second Han to see if I can turn it into a Bespin version. Wonder how long Hot Toys will make us wait for an official one!!!

Another figure I am keen to see is General Lando.

My main wants moving forward are :-

X-Wing pilot Luke, new Farm Boy Luke, Leia, Han, C-3PO

Bespin Han, Bespin Escape Leia, Hoth Luke, Hoth Han

General Lando, new Jedi Luke.



New Anakin and Obi-Wan

Plus any PT Jedi.
Coming in 2025 from ROTS

Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dark Side Anakin
Really lame if so.

Literally of all these have been done before. I'm still fine with my Hermit Yoda from ESB, I'd be pissed if they turned around and made a good Mace right after making the one with that crappy sculpt, they literally just did Dark Side Anakin and unless they knock a Ewan sculpt out of the park, I'm not getting Obi-Wan again.

Why no Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Chancellor Palpatine, Bail Organa, 212th Clones, etc. At least Hot Toys going back to the same well is helping save some money.
I feel like baddie Anakin would sell enough to warrant a wider release than just a con exclusive type of run. I would much rather see something like Admiral Piett, General Veers or Wedge Antilles be a con exclusive. Won't need to make a ton of them and can still sell a handful online. Kind of like what will happen with the Galen Erso figure.

They might sell 1,500 Galen Erso figures, they might not. But considering where everyone's collections are likely at these days, some more niche figures would have more paying more attention than yet another Obi-Wan or Anakin that I don't feel I need to upgrade to.
I missed out on the ROTS Anakin and Kenobi, so I wouldn't mind if they made updated versions - as long as their sculpts are accurate next time around.
Would be cool if they added two heads with Anakin, one dark and one light side.

Would it be cool? Sure. Would they even consider it? Not a chance in hell when they can sell you the same figure twice with coloured eyeballs
I'd like to see some more droids. The Mando show had some cool ones. I get that they're more expensive to produce though.

And a Snow Trooper plz