After seeing how good the figure looks with the cloak I caved and ordered a second, rooted Aragorn, this time from TNS! The Tavern dio is so tempting.... I actually don't have any room on the top of my Detolf wall (5 cases side x side) so trying to work out details is hard. My three Rohan swords as well as a couple of "stand-in" Saxon/Viking helmets occupy that territory

. It also turns out the base is too deep to fit in the cases front-to-back. So I'd need to cut off a back portion of the base as well as the bottom of the wall where it fits to the base. From the description and photos, I believe the wall is mainly wood, the base maybe or not. More planning.....
Strider is still my favorite version of Aragorn. He was mysterious and intriguing and I like the idea of having a second figure depicting him before the main action of The Fellowship. I also like the idea of having Gandalf and Strider discussing the plans to meet up with Frodo, sharing a pipe and ale at The Prancing Pony. Prices on Gandalf are too high to think about doing that though......I'm glad I was able to get the one I have after my debacle with Maxnut (my pre-order)

I may still do this, but I'll just use my current Gandalf and Aragorn and keep Strider as a stand alone look.
What we all go through in our love of Tolkein!