Gotta disagree there, sorry. You’ve been around long enough to see Adam Gu’s work, no company came close to what he made in the past. He doesn’t sell his work anymore, but according to a really close friend who has seen his more recent sculpts he’s still unmatched when it comes to Ledger.Eh, I wouldn't consider it a waste. Even with the "better" sculpts out there, I'm with HD in that I prefer the moving eyes and have thought of/would do the same with InArt's sculpts and the recent HT one if I really wanted to. Not one custom sculpt that has been shown here or that I've seen elsewhere (and there have been plenty) has ever persuaded me that custom was the only way to go, especially over the idea of just getting the InArt/HT ones redone. Are they perfect? No. But, their true potential, which they do have, can really be brought out in the right hands like Heise or John.
Not everyone can afford to buy or even want to buy multiple headsculpts just have the eyes painted in a different direction, especially considering that purchasing an authentic headsculpt costs as much as a whole 1/6 figure a lot of the time these days.
A repaint by Black can quickly cost you over $400-500 dollars. Just not worth it for HT/InArt.
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