SSC KOTCS, stock:
My favourite pair of 1/6 Indy trousers along with Yuan's. Notice the lovely sheen, similar to a full size screen-accurate pair. Again, this sheen was sadly lost in the dying process:
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I forget if this was post-colour stripping, but it came out perfectly even and to a very nice and convincing shade of khaki. I have included a useful colour chart of khaki shades at the start for reference:
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And the last dye I did where I went a touch too dark for my preference. Though, I thought it looked better in direct daylight:
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And for reference, since I mentioned them in my previous post, below are some photos of my Yuan trousers:
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I thought I would follow up on my previous post and discussion about my trouser dyeing efforts and seeing as JND's 1/4 Crusade trouser colour was a topic of contention with many collectors. I've been very hard at work on my 1/6 Crusade Indy and after a month or so, dozens of various body builds and a new dye of a new pair of trousers, I've finally achieved my vision and dream for him. It was the most difficult body I've built thus far. The only main negative now is that he is top heavy due to the large and weighty top JX parts and light, floppy Supermad legs. So, he is very tricky to stand straight but is good enough against his pole on dio. I had to remove the crotch support pole in order to keep the baggy crotch area that I futzed, though. But that doesn't seem to help with stability/ balance, anyway for this new build. I might try to track down a stronger Supermad Deckard figure/ legs, but their light weight might still hinder stability. So, a HTs ANH crotch and legs might be the next best option. Though, I would loose some looseness/ bagginess in the trouser fit, which was paramount for me.
Below is an exert from my write-up:
'If You Build It He Will Come
I managed to do what I thought was maybe impossible. This was the most difficult body I have built thus far. Careful positioning of the JX shoulders was also key to the final look.
It's a JXS03 top on Supermad Officer K legs. The aim was to get the loosest fit possible for the KOTCS trousers while showing Ford's larger build and broad chest/ shoulders that he had in Crusade. For that I had to use the slimmest crotch piece I had but still be able to fit the waist piece inside and K's crotch was the slimmest. The S03 torso was to date my favourite for Ford's build in Crusade, mainly since it broadened his shoulders and chest a bit. But the legs were not ideal for the KOTCS trousers to give the loose and baggy look of the film. A limitation of the trousers here. So, I had to adapt the body to suit and enhance the trousers.
Let's Taupe it out
Due to the difficult in the process, I was hesitant to dye again (folks can read my dye project write up from a few months ago in an earlier post) but on the spur of a moment, I said f it, let's go!
I've found that it is best to dye in one go, perhaps only if you are dyeing over another colour, as multiple times can make colours bleed into each other and cause patchiness, which is a nightmare and I found that impossible to remedy last time.
One of my references for Indy's trouser colour is the second-hand experience, notes and image of an owner's fabric offcut form the same fabric bolt used to make Ford's screen-worn Crusade trousers. Please see the uploaded image. The owner said,
"The small piece of fabric shown here on the bottom right is the original fabric. The other fabrics are what Arnie Kim sent to me so I could give my opinion on his color and fabric selection for his 1/4 scale statue".
I was going to take the trousers out of the pot a few minutes earlier than I eventually did and I wonder if I should have. But I might just need to get used to the darker shade. And it actually seems like it might be a notch brighter in fact, if comparing to the off-cut. It could have been darker and worse'.

Final body: JXS03 chest, chest piece, arms and belly piece, ANH belly mould and Supermad crotch and legs

Previous body: S01 torso, Supermad crotch and legs. NOTE: in the photo of me holding him, he looks better, I'd say, due to lighting, focus and angle but is the same body as shown in photo 3
Stock S03 (third previous iteration)

Earliest iteration - 'no-neck' (ha ha) Indy (body swap after purchase of figure) on Worldbox AT011 with thigh padding (originally on a Coomodel TTM19 replica body)

Outdoor shots earlier this morning just before noon to show colour of trousers more accurately
Please note that the trouser colour shown above if a touch darker in person.
@cking's fabric off-cut (bottom right)
Thanks again to
@cking for sharing the photo of his off-cut last year. That was of help. I think I'm very close within the range of the correct colour, though still stressing about it, what with me OCD and perfectionism. Everyone thus far has told me it looks great and very close, though. At least it is better than my last final dye (too dark and more greyish) and the previous stock pale-tan trouser colour! I find it has really transformed the figure. And this one has spurred me on to do it again next time and see if I can get it even better. I hope that folks like it.
Happy adventures