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  1. ALittle2Extreme

    HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

    Isn't Batman's cowl bullet proof? If it isn't, then why not? Everything else practically is, so why not make sure the most important part of the body is protected? (ignoring the fact that his mouth and eyes are clearly visible...)
  2. ALittle2Extreme

    The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

    Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread The Borg as in...... BEETLE BORGS :lol
  3. ALittle2Extreme

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

    I WANT to beat the s#!+ out of the Hulk with Nemesis over and Over and OVER again for being a troll since the game was released.
  4. ALittle2Extreme

    The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

    Re: The Dark Knight Rises Damn know what this thing reminds me of? Halo Phantoms
  5. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    How much were comics back then? $1.00-$1.99?
  6. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    ...OMG...are you telling me that....Joel schumacher...actually did something right that the other two didn't?:horror Are you telling me that he was the only one who made Batman not kill anyone!? OMG.:monkey4 Two face certainly can't count on his, because Batman threw coins up. He died of his...
  7. ALittle2Extreme

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

    I hope that they change the "i'm in line to fight" triangle button to something else. I've made the mistake of accidentally pressing it too much, and getting thrown to the bottom like that is irritating. They should at least add a command prompt that says "Are you sure you want to exit the...
  8. ALittle2Extreme

    Metal Gear Solid Trilogy HD

    !!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to boot up the game and feel the nostalgia as I hear this track in my ears with HD visuals. Please skip to 0:42
  9. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    I know, but I put that to give a shout out to Metal Gear since I saw you had a quote in your sig:hi5:.
  10. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    ON another note, I still wonder why Nolan made joker normal. He could at least made Joker suffer from a severe skin pigmentation disease. The disease could've made his skin whiter than Michael Jackson, and maybe he could've gone crazy from feeling like an outcast and being rejected by society...
  11. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    He could've just said "It's no good/use, I can't do it!" like Snake did during the Grey fox/metal gear/liquid snake segment on mgs1. :lol
  12. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    I'd castrate him, make him watch me split his fingers apart from each other, smash his feet and pelvis with a sledgehammer, put superglue in his eyes for fun, pour salt into every wound, cut his tounge out to stop the excessive screaming, (theres so much to do...I don't know when to stop)
  13. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    In other words, Batman was saying "Look Jason, I know he ____ed you up, but I'm not to kill him because It's...not...right? Anyway, he'll break out and kill alot more people, but I still can't do it. I know for a fact that he'll break out like he did the last 4000 times, but I can't kill him...
  14. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    That pretty much goes for all of them though. In the end, it makes every single superhero who doesn't kill look kind of stupid. Obviously these characters should be looked at as if they were real and have common sense. It's simply amazing that Batman doesn't kill anyone really anymore, and how...
  15. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    WTF:lol is this s#!+ :rotfl I forgot how strange he acted on American Psycho. lol
  16. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    I find this strange because I agree with you. I think it's completely ridiculous when he lets the same criminals get locked up, only to get out and murder, steal, rape again. It makes no sense, and practically makes him look like he's part of the crimes they commit. Yet, when they have him...
  17. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    I'm surprised you haven't come along a said "why didn't they give him a gun to kill everyone" since he had one of those back then too.:ohbfrank: I know plenty by the way.
  18. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

    I'm shocked people can say Keaton was the best with him nearly killing anything that moved on both of his movies. :ohbfrank: Lets see, from what I remember he killed: Everyone in the factory (explosion) The henchman in the tower (hit his head on the bell and fell to his death) The Joker Fire...
  19. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

    On August 17, I will be one happy mother ___ker:) with TWO of them lol.
  20. ALittle2Extreme

    HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

    Re: HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex. SSC PREORDERS Friday Aug 12, 10 am (Pacifi I got one for $240.38. I've never done priority pre-order before so I have two questions. 1. Will we be charged at all for prioriy pre-orders? 2. Can anyone order more than one Batman and still not be charged...