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  1. K

    Sideshow 1/6 ROTLA Toht image thread

    Has anyone in the UK got their Toht from Forbidden Planet yet? I was just wondering because has had it a week now and I am going away next week and wondered how likely it was I would get him before.
  2. K

    Sideshow 12" Stormtrooper PICTURE THREAD

    Yeah cept for livin in UK. But thanks for info anyway.
  3. K

    SST Shock Trooper

    I'm really likin the new ss clones but I'm going to save the cash till the inevitable 501st trooper is made. I really want to make an assault on the jedi temple display:emperor
  4. K

    Sideshow 12" Stormtrooper PICTURE THREAD

    I got my stormtrooper a few weeks back and overall i'm pretty happy with him. Only thing his he was missing the extra set of hands. I contacted ss and they said I had to get a replacement off forbidden planet where I bought it from but I coudn't be bothered to send the whole figure back just for...
  5. K

    12" Aragorn Image Thread

    I was in Forbidden Planet in Nottingham yesterday and I fond Aragorn. I was like wtf. It's the only LOTR 12" I never had and I've always regretted it. So i ask how much it is cos it was up on a high shelf and couldn't see and the guy says £34.99 which is ok cos that's what it was originally. I...
  6. K

    Episode One 10th Anniversary in '09...

    I don't mind TPM. Sure it's not great but i've seen far worse films. Ang Lee Hulk anyone? When i saw it i enjoyed it thoroughlly. I even like Jar jar. If ss did some figs I would like padawn obi-wn and battle dress padme. Senator palpatine would be cool too.
  7. K

    ANH Han Solo - Official picture thread

    I got the regular a few weeks ago and i thought he had the wrong blaster but i'm not sure which is which. Mine has the longer silver barrel.
  8. K

    Bank Robber Joker

    thanks for the advice. i've ordered a DCD Joker from forbidden planet till i can decide if i want to pay that much on afigure. but if i do i'll certainly look into those.
  9. K

    Bank Robber Joker

    does anyone know where i can get the HT Dark knight figures for reasonable prices in the UK or shipped to the UK?
  10. K

    What's the best SS SW figure so far?

    I went with Sidious. Although palpatine has a better face sculpt i was expecting to like him best and was actually really surprised by how realistic sidious looks. I know a lot of people have picked ben and great figure as he is i do find the jedi rather look the same.
  11. K

    Gandalf 12" up for order!

    I'm not going to cancel my Gandalf. i love the LOTR line and think in many ways it beats the Star wars. particuarly on costumes and accessories. Even if the line ends I will be pleased i have them. My main regret will be that i don't have Aragorn.
  12. K

    ANH Han Solo - Official picture thread

    Some of them do bt that one doesn't seem to. i didn't want to try to hard in case it broke.
  13. K

    ANH Han Solo - Official picture thread

    Got my ANH Han and Luke on friday. I like them both but The first square pouch on the left hand side (as you look at it) of han's belt has been glued sideways on. Does anyone know how they are attached and if it is possible to remove it.
  14. K

    Sideshow Stormtrooper 12" figure

    When i first got into this line i made a promise that i would get no generic figures ie. stormies, rebels, officers etc. I then find myself ordering Praji last year which is a gret figure btw and now telling myself i have to get the stormtrooper and gradually moving towards wanting the rebel as...
  15. K

    ANH Luke

    Maulfan I've been admiring your work on these forums for a long time before i joined and I have to say seeing your pics makes the long wait for these figs to get to UK that bit more bearable.
  16. K

    Do you think there will be a new 1/6 LOTR figure shown at SDCC?

    I agree Evilface. Would they make a whole new body for a line that was gonna be cancelled in a few months? even if they can use it in other lines? Anyway didn't someone email ss before gandalf was announced and ask if the line was continuing and they said yes but we would only get a figure...
  17. K

    Do you think there will be a new 1/6 LOTR figure shown at SDCC?

    I really hope there will be an announcement but i'm not holding my breath considering how long we usually wait between ppos. if there is i want saruman, ringwraith or theoden
  18. K

    Gandalf 12" up for order!

    ok if gandalf's coming in September we definately need a new annoncement at SDCC.
  19. K

    FRODO & SAMWISE 1/6th

    thanks for the advice. it's a bummer that they et looser. it's only really the waist jonts that are a problem the rest doesn't seem too bad and I just have to be careful. hopefully they will fix this if they do Merry and Pippin.
  20. K

    FRODO & SAMWISE 1/6th

    Hi i'm new to this forum though i hve been collecting sideshow figs for a couple of years. anywy got y hobbits yesterday and they are great but they both have really loose wists and sam has a crck in his torso. nothing major and i don't think it will get worse but it's there. do the loose...