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  1. je82

    Captain America PF Image Thread

    Your video actually made me think about that...the red color looked great there!
  2. je82

    Captain America PF Image Thread

    Does anyone else has the feeling that the color of the red stripes of Cap's shirt is fading a seems they are on my Cap PF! :-(
  3. je82

    Captain America PF Image Thread

    Re: Captain America PF Help It is the same way with mine...I was worried at first...but thought it is probably supposed to be an effect...sort of like with the LSB! I don't mind it too much anymore!
  4. je82

    Premium Format SS Rogue Premium Format

    Re: Rogue I don't know if that topic was already touched here, but I noticed that Sideshow almost copied 1:1 the posture (legs & upper body) from the She-Hulk PF for Rogue! Am I the only one bothered by that? :-(
  5. je82

    James “Bucky” Barnes Premium Format Figure – Captain America

    Have you guys seen this? As far as I know first pics of the Bucky PF "in person" It's footage from a German Toy fair in Nuremberg...looks really awesome IMO