I dont have a problem with HT, they dont try to scam/cheat its customers and are upfront about the lack of ES or hide the fact it's just plastic toys that they are free to make as many as they want.
SS on the other hand, announces ES to make it limited and encourage more orders. Then when they see a statue sells out fast they go and make more copies. Patient zero international edition, gollum PF internetional edition etc..
Most of you probably are not aware how shady it really is. For example, they put gollum PF on sale ES 500 no mention of any other ES on the product page, except buried in one of the newsletter a one liner about international edition. Keep in mind, the international edition never appeared on their website at all. Then when the gollum soldout fast, they send a newsletter saying there is a few copies of this new international edition left(exact same statue), it's open to usa, and order fast!! And you can only do it from email, creating this false sense of urgency and kept everything under the radar.
It wasnt until the first buyer received the international edition, did we confirm it's not "a few more statues left" but another 1000 ES print of the same soldout statue. And only months later (during this spooktacular) did they finally officially put the international edition on the website. Most buyers had no idea, all they know is the gollum PF is 500 ES and soldout... Cant get any more shady than that...
When your entire company's products are based on edition integrity and highend rare collectibles, and you pull stunts like these, sideshow will only hurt themselves and their brand in the long run, even if they make a few extra cash grabs now. I for one, no longer held ss in the same high regard as when I started, and as a result have reduced my pre-orders greatly. The colossus & dutch PF all would be instant orders for me in the past, but no longer, ss just doesnt have the same value or collector factor to me anymore
And they wonder why their sales isnt as good anymore...quite sad really.