Feel free to PM me anytime.
Great, I'll keep that in mind.
Ha ha. Yeah, soon as I saw the header Adam Gu...I was like..."o boy, I wonder if Steve is gonna get this". Lol
Even after my criticisms of the make up application? I always did say though that the paint job otherwise is pretty realistic.
My boss, aka my girlfriend, wants to convert one of the rooms to a man cave so there are no toys in the living room, hallway, bedroom.

Wasn't to keen in the beginning, but actually, if done well, I've seen some very nice man cave.
I was actually thinking about it before, but I've also seen quite a few man cave that looks like a kid's room. So I wasn't sure How to set mine up if I do, so just kinda stop thinking about it.
Kinda dont have a choice now. Ha ha
I see.
So that's actually one of the reasons why I changed my mind about getting a 1/2 scale. If I do have a man cave, That would be my grail piece, the main focal point when you get into the room, and then cleanly arrange my other collectibles with it.
Well can't wait to see how it will look.
Thanks guys. Yeah I'm gonna see if I can mess with the leads and if that does something.
Hope it works out for you.
Actually yes. I've been in this game for a while but I'm always shocked that he came out years ago and said 'I can't do anymore joker heads as I feel bad about stealing form the license holder' etc etc.
Yeah I remember that and he also said he was sick of doing the Joker to, I never believed his BS, I knew if people kept paying him thousands he would make more, of course back then people had to wait a year to two years to get one made by him.
and he continued to sell them under the radar until the current state of affairs when he sells them for $6.5k each.
The only reason he started to sell them for that price is because that is what people offered him. If people didn't want these dam heads so much he wouldn't be able to sell them for that price.
Supply and demand I guess. He's built his own market whereby if he is really elusive and states he won't do them then people will pay crazy money for them.
He sure won't, yet he posted that thread where he was happy to make them if u want them.
Just doesn't scream 'artist' to me.
Anyway I'm getting off topic sorry.
Sure it does, you just have to insert the word Con somewhere in there.
TBF to Adam though, it wasn't him who originally priced these sculpts so high, it was the fact that people who paid Adam $2500 for his sculpts were able to sell them for 6-8 K to other collectors just after they waited for two years when they received theirs. So it's no wonder he won't make anymore unless you pay him crazy prices.
Honestly, how much of the general collecting community do you think even knows who Adam is? I don't think that's much of a selling point to most. The ones that do, yes, this is a good option for people that aren't super rich.
My point wasn't to do with Adam's rep, it was because he seems to make the best Ledger Joker heads, I have shown his sculpts to non collectors and they can't believe it isn't the real Heath Ledger, so that's why I think this will sell out fast because of the amazing likeness. I only brought up people paying 8k for Adams heads because in all my years of collecting I never seen people pay so much for a 1/6th head. When it comes to Ledger people just go crazy, now maybe the statue world won't care as much as doll collectors.

However, didn't Bobby's 1/3 scale statues sell for over 4 K in the beginning?
Man...adam gu just needs to make like 4 custom 1/6 scale dolly heads and he's set for a year.
I think he did at least four custom heads last year for 6-7 K, believe me there are plenty of people lining up to pay 6-8 K for him to do those dolly heads, so he could knock of four heads easily within a year.