9 hours from now.
Miller version is sculpted.Every P1 Batman except Batman Hush?
Iron studios is also sculpted all the ones i like (iron studios, miller etc) are sculpted.
9 hours from now.
Issue with the fabric cape is the companion piece would have to be fabric also to look good and what epic Batman statue has a fabric cape?
Them blowing in different directions could happen in real life. If there was a small rotating gust of wind.I think it would bother me more having the Hush Supes and Bats sculpted capes blowing in opposite directions. [emoji38]
My plan is to have this Superman with fabric cape on one side of the room and the blue version Frank Miller Batman(assuming it does get made) on the other side of the room. It won't bother me that one has sculpted cape and one fabric.
I think it would bother me more having the Hush Supes and Bats sculpted capes blowing in opposite directions.
My plan is to have this Superman with fabric cape on one side of the room and the blue version Frank Miller Batman(assuming it does get made) on the other side of the room. It won't bother me that one has sculpted cape and one fabric.
If you had Hush Supes and Bats on opposite sides of a room, facing each other, their sculpted capes would be blowing in the same direction.