To each their own.
1) People shouldn't worry about leaning issues considering a Prime 1 piece hasn't had them before and the cape isn't going to be bad of heavy material.
2) This thing weighs 50+ pounds. I feel like even with a rotating base, it's not a feature people will use regularly.
3) Match the head? How do any of the heads not match the sculpted or fabric cape? There are plenty of comic panels with his head looking up, down, left, right and the cape blowing in any direction.
4) You don't know of the cape is fragile. Also, I'd be just as worried of a metal wire poking through the fabric over time.
Benefits of sculpted
1) Like you said.
2) It's more rare.
3) Easier to clean.
4) Looks good all the time
Having said that, get what you want. Anyone can come up with pros or cons to either version. But as someone who owns multiple statues with fabric, whether it's Prime 1 or Sideshow, the fabric has always cheapened the look to me.
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Hannibal10 I agree with you 100%. I fell into the trap of having to respond on statue forum not because I give a damn about which version people want but because every comment is about how bad the sculpt cape will be and how great the fabric is. For those who are on the fence and especially those that haven't had a fabric cape, there should be a more equitable analysis. I am copying my comments below for those on here who may want to think clearly on this topic as opposed to falling for the leaning issue bait. Again I don't care which one you want but don't act like the sculpted cape will be in pieces on the floor in a week.
____________________________________________________________From Statueforums
To start I don't care what one prefers, but many of these comments are simply illogical and counterproductive to a well thought out analysis on whether to go fabric or sculpt. Some people, such as the one who posed this question, come to these forums for not only opinions, but to gain insight from others experiences. Some people have not owned a fabric cape on a statue and may want insight, but I am afraid that all I am reading of late is non-sense.
Concerns or Paranoia: Do you honestly believe a company that will net over 1M on this statue and has almost 2 years to ship a completed product would ever allow any issues with “lean” to factor in? To comment that in 3 or 4 years the statue will defy physics and basic structural principles and tip over when it has a huge base and is being accounted for 2 years prior to shipping is frankly hyper paranoid. Let’s look at the originators of the lean issue.
The Trend Setters: The statues that keep being implicated for tipping are of course SS Superman PF and SS Batman PF. Do you realize how tiny those bases were? The bases on those were about 7” and the cape was about 17” in width. I personally own the Modern Age version and it is a gorgeous statue with no issues at all. I have a custom leather cape and it is cool but does not come close to the aesthetic of the sculpt.
Also this was SS and it was many many years ago. The issue with lean in my knowledge has been planned for and corrected by every company since. Let’s take a minor player in Iron Studios. They issued their Iron Studios Batman 1/3 scale by Ivan Reis and guess what….a sideways flowing sculpted cape. It is a great looking statue and it has 0 issues. Why are you guys assuming or implying that it is a remote possibility that Prime 1, a company that has an exceptional QC record will just say….”ah screw it, let’s not use a lighter but equally striking material; let’s not reinforce with a rod for structural support; let’s not bother with a huge base that can hold this?” I mean any comments made that infer lean, worry of lean, possibility of lean, are simply ignoring common sense and practicality in favor of irrationality.
Aesthetic: I have never seen a custom fabric cape look better than the sculpted version. This is subjective of course but the majority of collectors who I know agree. For a museum masterline statue I want the most awe inspiring piece, not something that if not posed perfectly is vulnerable to looking less impactful.
Fabric vs Sculpted: If I want to play with my statues and position them in various ways I would buy hot toys. If you think you will get a great manipulation on a fabric cape that wrinkles and has wires that will also soften over time, I think you are in the minority. I have dealt with both fabric and sculpted and in my experience I will say that it is harder to get that “awe” inspiring feeling from fabric. Take a look at the Prime 1 Batman Noel. It is a great piece and has a fabric cape but I will say that sometimes the manipulations can give it more toyish rather than statue look.
Not to belabor the obvious but Prime 1 pictures are not only taken by professionals, but of course the capes were manipulated by them and then the pictures are further enhanced with graphic software. So again the comments implying that fabric looks “way” better are ignoring the reality that your statue may not look quite as pristine as those found on the websites.
Pictures as is the case in this industry can either hurt or help a statue. In hand representation is the true litmus test; and I have never seen a fabric cape outshine its sculpted counterpart based on an objective analysis. By objective I mean a majority of people who collect and do not collect have told me the same. Of course to hell with what others think and if you want fabric then go for it.
Again I could care less what people want or end up buying. The reason for this commentary is simply to add to the collective information for those people who either are ignoring certain facts in favor of others or more importantly for those people who have never dealt with fabric capes on statues and are looking for an objective analysis on pros and cons.
This is only a slight characterization of what I am reading on here but the tone of the comments are saying:
—fabric rules and will look great anytime I manipulate it.
— It will never wrinkle, the wires will not soften, and the statue will have the same presence as its sculpted counterpart.
— in 3 to 4 years the sculpted will fall over and break anyways.
Frankly it annoys me. It is void of what the facts are and not offering anything constructive to those struggling with the decision of fabric vs sculpt.
I also must comment on someone who implied that the reason people are going sculpt is because they think they will sell for a greater value in the resale market? That is quite arrogant to pretend to know the mind of other people. I have not seen one person on here say that they prefer the fabric but are keeping the sculpted cape because they think it will be worth more.
Positives of the Fabric: The Fabric cape will be an amazing statue. You can rotate the statue if you have certain lighting or a set up that would be conducive to that. You can pose the cape in various ways and match it to portraits which is cool. For those who have not owned a fabric cape before though I think we must caution that it is not as easy as it looks to get it as is represented in the photos, so be warned.
Custom options: Wait for it…..there will be a dozen quality fabric custom capes made for this beast and they will fit the neck correctly. There will not be the possibility of the other way around. I mean that is the one issue seemingly going unnoticed.
And to counter the idiotic statement I also read on here that commented on not having to deal with shipping issues? I mean now you are worried that Prime 1 will forget about shipping standards and all the sculpted capes will shatter on route. I had my XM Ghost Rider shipped from Singapore and it arrived in pristine condition. I then sold it and packed it myself and shipped it to Florida and it arrived in perfect shape. If I can manage then I am sure Prime 1 can. If you are to use such a fatuous argument against the sculpted version you should not be in this hobby.
The price is the same, so that is not to be considered.
If you convince yourself, despite all the points listed above that nope in 4 years my irrational fear tells me that this statue will tip over then please go fabric cape; but don’t for one second pretend it is based on factual, reliable, logical, and evidentiary proofs. What one likes is completely subjective and that is fine, but what I am hearing sounds like internal strife being consoled by irrational and poorly thought out fears. Please correct me if I am wrong. Fear of the unlikely should never enter this conversation.
If I say I prefer chocolate to vanilla, one cannot argue that. But if I say I prefer chocolate over vanilla, because if you eat too much vanilla then you go blind, that can be refuted with facts and that seems to be the point here.
And finally why would an adult on his day off and waiting for college basketball decide to waste a little time on this. Because I am annoyed by the senseless and ridiculous bull---- I am reading on here. Stupidity annoys me. Happy collecting! Pics are included for reference only.