I'm biased because I prefer sculpted. But I'd go sculpted. Someone is bound to make a custom fabric cape for it at some point! So then you're more likely to be able to have both?
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Isn't the "space/peg" between the head and body a lot bigger and deeper on the sculpted since it needs to be able to support the cape? I remember I saw it posted somewhere and someone said that would make it difficult to have a fabric cape compared to a lot of other statues, but I don't know much about customs so I'm not sure, I'm never into really paying extra for another option, it's usually one and done for me so I have to be really selective in what I get.
The fabric side of it for me is mostly for display since I can angle it various ways and rotate the base so that it fits wherever it will go (in case that will be an issue), and also for the natural "cape" look and to go with one of the Batman statues which seems to have mostly poseable capes (except Hush which I'm still not 100% sure if I will get the black variant yet or not because I prefer a standing Batman, or one that's a little bit taller in stature). The rotating base of the fabric is at 28" and I wonder, but don't know, if I could rotate that base so it's a little bit less than 28" wide and rotate the Superman statue so he still faces forward.
However, like another collector, I think I don't like mixed media statues as much anymore, the cape portion I'm still maybe okay with but not on the body or rest of the statue, but the ease of just setting it and forgetting it is tempting, plus maintenance is easier. I just might not be able to display him in a cabinet is what I'm worried about at this point. Their new 52 Superman cape looks nice in photos although some angles it might seem a little weird but not much, other than that, I've only had the Batman and Superman PFs and I might be the only one but I absolutely hated those capes

they looked weird and unnatural, Supes a little better but again, that was Sideshow and not Prime 1, never really seen their sculpted til new 52.
I realize a lot of the difficult in deciding is because I don't really know much about a lot of things so I'm trying to find out more information perhaps. I don't know how true it is but I get the feeling sometimes that some people don't like fabric capes because they don't have the patience or know-how to work with them, and it's not a bad thing, I know I would struggle with model-kits so I wouldn't get those myself, or maybe some other example, so I'm not sure if that factors into some people preferring sculpted over fabric, because it may be too difficult or frustrating? I'm not knocking either one, I'm just curious to learn more about the reasons why some go for one over the other, and apologies for the essays, I tend to just type out everything that goes through my mind

I've been reading some comments in statueforum too and I'm in the same boat, just undecided right now