1/4 Alien queen and Giger bust ?s

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Last one.

You will not regret getting this piece. If only Sideshow would make another, or a 1:3 version. I would even take a Hot Toys version even if the scale wasn't perfect, so be it. A nice sized diorama?
Hey there Jimmy, did you get the Pred CM?

Hi my friend:)

Yes the CM predator arrived in perfect condition last tuesday and its a killer.
Great size , great craftmanship im so pleased with it to say the least hehe.

Today will also be a great day i hope ,,, My Alien Warrior 1:1 Bust that i bought from Eagle arrives today .
We used DHL on this one as well and their service are great left the UK this Saturday and are already in for delivery ( Cost an arm and a leg though ).

Great pics on the Queen BTW its so freaking awesome in RL :)

Kind Regards

Hey eh...ONEYE. I'm eh...from the IRS and I need some personal info from you like your home address, where you keep your spare key and the code to disarm any home security systems if you have any. Also your work schedule and times of the day when the house will not be occupied will be very helpful too. And eh...thanks and have a nice day. :D
Yes, I would also like to know these details...... since uh.... I'm from the IRS too.

You can trust us. We've taken alot of stuff over the ye-.... uh.... I mean alot of information.
Yes. This is all true.
We require this info within 24 hours, so you better start getting everything written down, and e-mail it to us.

Otherwise, we'll sue you. Have a good day. :)
Hey eh...ONEYE. I'm eh...from the IRS and I need some personal info from you like your home address, where you keep your spare key and the code to disarm any home security systems if you have any. Also your work schedule and times of the day when the house will not be occupied will be very helpful too. And eh...thanks and have a nice day. :D

Yes, I would also like to know these details...... since uh.... I'm from the IRS too.

You can trust us. We've taken alot of stuff over the ye-.... uh.... I mean alot of information.


In that case, I am the supervisor of these gentleman and also work for the IRS, please forward the info. to me :D


Oh yeah, sure, I trust you... but, do you trust me?!?!??!?!?!?
I have some security "devices" that I set before leaving, as well as three dogs in the house. A cop as a neighbor doesn't hurt either. :D

That's why we are trained Ninjas as well. Yes, that's right.

By the time you say "crap"... your house is already empty. :mwaha
The pics have me sold :chew

I found a shop that has 3 of them in stock for significantly less than Sideshow sold them, so I may have to grab one.
That Queen is my grail!
I hope to get one someday. Even if HT releases a 1/6th one.
The SS Queen goes for around $800 nowadays.
I'm not sure what other alien bust you're talking about. There are just too many in ONEYE's pix. :eek:

The mini Giger signed one in the acrylic case.

Also, what's the other 1/2 scale bust in the box on the left.
Funny you should point that out!
A few other boardies and I came together and bought it for him. (the one on the left)
ONEYE is a great boardie, so we wish we could've given more.

It's the ALIEN HEAD 1/2 BUST by Sideshow (left), the other is the HR Giger bust also made by Sideshow (right).
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