Maaaaaaaan, with all these pics of Twik's custom floodin the board today... just can't wait to see HT's actual figure
You actually have a good point. Maybe they won't reveal bane until after the movie hits.
Honestly I prefer if they don't.
We may think we've seen all there is to see about Bane's 'look' in the film but I have a feeling there's plenty more we have not seen yet. Could be some cool accessories or specifics about his appearance that only reveal themselves once the movie hits, and I don't want to have to wait for a Bane v2 from HT that takes those things into account.
We may think we've seen all there is to see about Bane's 'look' in the film but I have a feeling there's plenty more we have not seen yet. Could be some cool accessories or specifics about his appearance that only reveal themselves once the movie hits, and I don't want to have to wait for a Bane v2 from HT that takes those things into account.
Honestly I prefer if they don't.
We may think we've seen all there is to see about Bane's 'look' in the film but I have a feeling there's plenty more we have not seen yet. Could be some cool accessories or specifics about his appearance that only reveal themselves once the movie hits, and I don't want to have to wait for a Bane v2 from HT that takes those things into account.
Honestly I prefer if they don't.
We may think we've seen all there is to see about Bane's 'look' in the film but I have a feeling there's plenty more we have not seen yet. Could be some cool accessories or specifics about his appearance that only reveal themselves once the movie hits, and I don't want to have to wait for a Bane v2 from HT that takes those things into account.
I personally can't wait to see how Bane is going to look. I at least hope we can pose with his hands grabbing on to his best. :-/ doubt it though. Seeing that the joints don't flex that far.
Was only thinking that today.
Highly doubtful though unfortunately, due to the huge biceps also.
We'll probably see a version 2 anyway. WHatever accessory he doesn't come with will be available in version 2 Bane. I wonder if we'll see him unmasked at some point in the movie, near the end maybe. I would think so. If that's the case and the figure comes out with only a masked sculpt, that will be a sure bet that a version 2 is on the way. ____ing Hot Toys.
The only thing that will determine how many Banes we get is how well he sells the first time around