Yeah the news started with 'In view of the popularity of the Batman movies series, Hot Toys is proud to present the Cosbaby series'. Then I switched off.
Hot Toys Cosbaby. Anyone want?
Two jokers and no Two Face?
Nice one HT.
Any UK collectors know of anyone who actually sell Cosbabies? It's just occured to me that I've never actually seen any on the usual sites
Any UK collectors know of anyone who actually sell Cosbabies? It's just occured to me that I've never actually seen any on the usual sites
There is an interview with Hot Toys on the HT Community Facebook page. It talks about several different licences. Including the TDKR, Arkham Asylum and Green Lantern.
Good news and bad. Bad new is "the release of A green Lantern HT is unlikely."
Good news is, they are planning on making at least 3 figures from Arkham Asylum and Harley Quinn is one of their early works. They are not to keen on an AA Catwoman.
More good news, "We will release her ( Catwoman ) from TDKR".
Here is the link
Thanks for that link! Boom! Just want the Harley Quinn from AA! Maaaybe Batman too.
this confirms cat woman for TDKR
Was there ever any doubt?