Allow me to articulate on that (english is not my main language so my posts often end up being too long): what you say is true, but it's also true that, as any business out there, Sideshow needs sales projections and they must plan ahead of time the expected profit they make, so that they know what kind of projects they can afford later on. Even if they don't actually lose money thanks to the sales in batches, they still end up with a lower than expected profit when an edition size is not completed.
Right now sideshow has the original Batman and Superman PFs in stock, Batman, Supes and WW Red Son PFs in preorder, Spidey PF in preorder, Brown Wolverine in preorder, plus a bunch of other projects that easily stack up to some thousands of pieces, even if produced in batches. Direct competition might (in theory, since we don't know any detail yet) put a dent into sales and thus it can easily end up with a lower profit margin for the company (due to lack of sales, not overproduction/remaining stock).
That's pretty much what I was saying, one way or another direct competition can easily lower the sales (which is entirely different than implying that the company will lose money or that "the XY company is about to burst" like some people claim so lightly).
No need to worry El Mule. Your English is much better than some of the people that are born in English speaking countries. I agree with you on lost revenue you mentioned with SSC. I think the original intent SSC had with the high ES on their merch was to take a big slice out of the aftermarket on their pieces. If they are able to keep producing in batches, that kills the aftermarket value of their pieces. With batch production, they get to scoop up profits instead of seeing their low ES merch sold at high markups in the aftermarket.
It was a good plan. However, now peeps have other options. The unsold REG Supes, Bats, and Wonder Woman PFs (among others), probably won't sell out because other alternatives are available. With XM releasing 1/4 Marvel pieces and Prime 1 releasing both Marvel and DC merch (along with a slew of other licenses), SSC can stand to lose a bunch of $$$. It'll be Interesting to see how all of this will play out.
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