Well, if all ya'll can do is gripe about the price...
Then you're either
a) not getting any, or
b) you've never actually CREATED something in 1:6 scale - to a reasonably high enough standard of finish - I'm not talking
bought some cheap parts from Asia, and slapped them on some cheap bod you can buy for a buck off Ebay! I mean.
CREATED as in sat down and agonised over how its going to turn out, were you wise to start down this road? Will you be able to see it to its conclusion - will it even be worth seeing it to a finish - is it really good enough - are your skills really good enough to take a stand against the many (and there are legions) who like to facelessly comment in the negative about EVERYTHING because it costs more than they can afford or looks better than they could EVER make (Whereas if they stopped buying the cheap throw away figures that seem to pour out just to take your dollars) then you'd probably have enough to buy a piece of art instead of knocking a girl/company's skills.
You'll not get a better Hardy sculpt than Toria's artistic Max... until its re-casted in China/Singapore/Hong Kong that is.
Just sayin' is all...