Agreed! Batman's chest is HUGE
Thanks as always Zod for the pics! Now that you've seen them both, what do you think about them?
I'm still not that impressed with Batman, but Freeze is unreal. Somehow they really captured the animated feel for him where they didn't with Batman. I wish I knew how far into the line they were going because I'd probably get them both if I knew more were coming. The accessories for both are pretty cool, but again, Freeze wins there too.
Oh okay. Going from "Total crap! I'm not getting this!" to "I'm still not that impressed with Batman" isn't too bad.
Freeze looks perfect, straight out of the show, I wished they would have at least fixed Batman's proportions and highlights.
Yeah, I'm not totally against the line now that I've seen what they can do with Freeze. Batman still looks off to me though. Still, it's these or nothing for 1/6 BTAS figures.
Yeah, and at least Batman could be a placeholder until something really cool comes up. So are you getting them? I'll jump in if you jump in (first).
Don't put that pressure on me! I'll wait to see what they price them at. I'm afraid they're going to be expensive. Maybe too expensive to warrant buying them if the quality isn't there.
Is Batman's mouth just painted onto the smirking sculpt, or is it actually sculpted?