1/6 Cantina

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Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

ahh cheers mate, I just emailed you those pics HAHA.. I will try to get it in the post next week... well parcel force and a big ol crane.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

That is fantastic looking Dorgs! I love the red and green band on the archway; an excellent touch!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

cheers man, this was the still I was working from. Prob is the scenes are so dark its hard to get detail. I am sure there is a red light on the wall behind Greedo and there are two odd unlit sort of lamps on the back wall. But I just cant get good enough shots.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/screen-capture-5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Dorg, hands-down one of the nicest dios I've ever seen.
Absolutely a beautiful job!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

ahh cheers mate. I have just weathered the stripes up a little as I think they stood out to much.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

I will take some more pics later.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-204.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Hey Dorgs, I know you discussed the body already... but what head is that for Han? Is it just the Smuggle head w/o the neck, or are there other mods? The whole figure just looks brilliant :rock :rock :rock
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

In one shot its the smuggler head I cast up with out a neck and in the other shot with chewie its the stormie head.

Hey Cbob did u get a parcel today!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Not yet m8 but i did pre-order the new hot toys spiderman for £119 at Onesixthbruce to make me feel better :)
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

cantina looks movie set quality.............very cool.....:clap
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Looking pretty SWEET MAN!

Production pics of Greedo are up! Now we know how big (small) the poster is:



Ol' Greedo will look GREAT in that set-up! :clap
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Accuracy nitpick - they've changed his vest to the same pattern as Han's but orange instead of black.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Looks really good - greedo as well as the booth
But £70? See if I can get him cheaper later I think
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Every incarnation of Greedo seems to have different pocket configurations - that film still doesn't have pockets as high or at all!

I think I like the pockets though - makes Greedo look a bit more stylish.

Han looks great on the soldier story - not sure which body to use on mine now ...

The paint and weathering on the dio are brilliant - really gives it some character - very cool!

I am sure there is a red light on the wall behind Greedo and there are two odd unlit sort of lamps on the back wall. But I just cant get good enough shots.

You're right though, there is some kind of light behind Greedo in the booth scene - almost looks like a circular hole with a light recessed in it.
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Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Accuracy nitpick - they've changed his vest to the same pattern as Han's but orange instead of black.

Yes, but Greedo is played by two actors: Paul Blake and Maria De Argon. Both Greedos are different, in the hands and vest. The above pic is Maria, I believe. She had no pockets on her vest and huge Neimodian style hands. Paul Blake had pockets on his vest and the cool, suction cup tipped hands. I believe the Paul Blake version is what we are getting. Freeze your DVD and check it out. Oh, what we don't notice on the screen for almost 30 years! ;)
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Oh, what we don't notice on the screen for almost 30 years! ;)

What's funny is when you notice some things that become impossible to not see upon your following viewings.

I knew for years they had only built roughly half of the Millennium Falcon in Docking Bay 94, but one day it occurred to me there's NO FREAKIN' RADAR DISH!! (unless you count that tiny thing up there. I think that what Han uses to get Direct TV) Every time I see the establishing wide shot of the Falcon, and Luke says "What a piece of junk!", it's where my eye always goes. Mentally thinking 'something's missing'.

Of the hundreds of things they digitally changed in the various special editions you think they'd paint a radar dish in that shot, but no.

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