1/6 Cantina

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Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Hi everyone this is only my second post here. Dorgmal Snow this build is truly amazing. I need one of these setups for my studio/office. I've got the materials sitting in my garage and a (future) custom 1:6 Han laying around in parts.

Do you have a measured drawing of the booth? Or at least the dimensions so I could work up a drawing. I only ask because your environment is spot on.

Funny thing... I never noticed the green and red borders that go around the booth's doorway till now and that's my favourite scene in the entire OT.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Hi Weezer and welcome to the boards.

Dorgs isn't well at the mo but hopefully he'll be back soon.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Ive got a cold too- very bored of it - nobody wants to feel rough at xmas
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

I had the Flu last week, ive never had it before and it really suxs being stuck in bed and feeling that crap.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

What a bunch of sick notes we are!
Hope dorgs udon the mend and It isn't an issue for his heart
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

I still have a cough and a dribbly nose but im ok otherwise.

I just brought the sideshow Palps off play.com for £39 thats quite a bargain. They also have the 501st clone for £59 as well, but i dont need anymore clones except cody but im not paying £100+ for him.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

That's a good price
Tempting for that clone but I have the medi one but have ordered Cody from ss long ago
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

I still have a cough and a dribbly nose but im ok otherwise.

I just brought the sideshow Palps off play.com for £39 thats quite a bargain. They also have the 501st clone for £59 as well, but i dont need anymore clones except cody but im not paying £100+ for him.

well,to make the others feel better,i am sick for a week already.yikes
the prices are really good,but i pass on the emperor,got the 501st and also pre-ordered cody.
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Just finished Ferozes Cantina booth and chairs :) I weathered the stripes a wee bit more to.

need to paint and wax out my one now oow nurse....

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-209.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Wow , they look amazing. Awesome work !!

I've been wanting to buy a set myself from a retailer, I keep looking at them and thinking the chairs were too small width wise or incomplete.

Case fresh in Australia have them on sale at moment for $120.00 so I'm tempted to buy as this includes shipping. (Not sure if this is in fact a good price or not for two chairs and a table, I'd have to buy two sets to make one complete bench type cantina chair ...lol)
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Ahhh what a sickly bunch of large flowery lady blouses we are paaa!
Yes I have had the dreaded MAN FLU which as we all know is like the worst illness ever created and it only ever effect us chaps... women will never understand! "Power through it" she says!! Child birth is nothing on this I say! But a few gallons of night nurse (that stuff is goooood) and a wee dip in a bacta tank and I am ready for anything.

Weezer old chum I will sort some doodles out and post em up but I am not 100% sure I have the scale totally nailed I think it may need to be a wee dram wider, not sure.

Well Feroze got his one in time to pop it up on display for christmas.

I am sure he will not mind me posting a couple of wee pics!!

Gonna look great with Greedo and the rest of the display full.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/DSC_0175.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/DSC_0171.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

looks great

but is it me or does palpatine look like hes watching sports?
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

haha huuuummm I get the feeling is the late night "Sports Channel" the dirty little old man!........
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

I can imagine it must be very lonely being the emperor.. I guess he needs some chill time, you know just getting away from it all.... hummm... hes still a dirty little old man :)
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Wow Dorgs! Turned out quite nicely in Feroze's shelves.

although I can't help but wonder, what's up with the "ARRS" here?

Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Thanks a million Mark:) Best SW Christmas ever!