Re: 1/6 COMMANDO/RED HEAT ~ elämän merimies WIP Custom kitbash
The "Valmet update" got me thinking, I was originally going to re-construct the rocket launcher, but didn't have the guts to do it back then (as I didn't want to devalue the Zacca kit

So, today I just decided to blow Matrix's M202A1 up to pieces in a desperate attempt to finally try and mod it?
The goal was to make it look more like the movie prop and not the actual weapon.
The actual M202A1:
Movie prop (noticably smaller barrels/shape of the front panel etc.)
So, I changed the sling+fasteners and made a new front panel out of rubber. Now this thing actually has four barrels/pipes in the front oppose to a panel with just four empty holes in it. The barrels dont actually run through the whole laucher, but are just about 30mm long, made out of 38. special shells. The Zacca model is constructed in a way which doesen't actually allow pipes running all the way through it and I didn't want to make the re-construction any harder than it already was. So 30mm and the illusion of barrels had to be good-enough for me

Oh, and as the pipes dont run all-the-way through, the back of the kit still remains un-modded, but maybe someday I'll be able to change that aswell... will have to think about it a bit first.
This mod also added a bit of weight to the model, which I think is a nice touch. Somehow it sits better on the hand now.
Slight miss-coloration in the front panel, but my local shop didn't have the right paint

(light olive, I'm quessing?) was thinking of repainting the the whole thing, but (although not movie accurate) I kinda like the signs/warnings on top.
Also, to my surprise I was still able to change the left arm camo? The color hadn't gone that far in the rubber.
It still shows a little shadow to where the camo originally was, but with patience I was mostly able to remove the water based color from the left arm
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That's fantastic. Please advise how you made the rear stock for the Valmet? Could you make one for me?
Thanks. Dunno how to advice it exactly? It's carved out of wood, spackled, sanded and painted.
I could make one for you, but as a singular/unique piece it would become quite expensive. It's a lot of work and I really dont have the option to cast it at the moment.