Received my Yoda and Chirrut Black Stands with EF Decals, they are just perfect!
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Do you have, or when will you have, the droid sand/black base? Also what's the eta on the Jabba's palace base... could do with one for my Boushh (and maybe even for Bib)?
Received my Yoda and Chirrut Black Stands with EF Decals, they are just perfect!
Anyone have pics of a plain black 6x4 base with Kylo?
Also, 6x4 is the same dimensions as the OT Hot Toys bases right (like Boba Fett, Luke, etc..)
Can you do one for the new HT R2?
Decisions decisions. Looking for a nice stand for my Tamashii C-3PO and R2-D2 (haven't decided yet on HT or Tama). A sand base looks damn good, classic and all. But trying to figure out if I want a 'double' droid stand or two seperate ones.