Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker
I was hoping they would still start shipping the coming week.
I was hoping they would still start shipping the coming week.

If they have already said that the date for payment has been extended to the 12th so that more folks can fully pay for theirs and still get it in time for the holidays...I'd guess that these will not ship until after the 12th.
That's how I read it anyway, it was the first thing that occured to me. Now I'm not saying that it isn't a long time to wait...I have paid in full too (for my #10) and I want my dolly right now!
Whoops, sorry about that.
...oh well i've waited 5 months so I guess I can wait 5 more days.
Oh well that would indeed explaine things, although I understood that post to mean what it says rather than 'everyone who pays before the 12th will still have to wait for thier product to ship after the 12th', it just seems like an odd way to do business, oh well i've waited 5 months so I guess I can wait 5 more days.
have seen very lil so been watching alot of the baker who eps as of late. talons of weng chiang, genesis of the daleks were both great as is pyramids of mars watching that now. def going to get this eventually, 10 is top priority but after that saving up for the 4th i think.
jealous of those with it incoming!
It's an amazing era. I started watching with 4 when I was 8. Pyramids of Mars was my first episode, and the next one I caught was Seeds of Doom! I think I was lucky to be hooked by two of the best DW stories ever!I'm pretty much giddy with excitement getting this figure. Tom is one of the few Doctors where I'd buy a second figure just to get a second look. I think it'd be amazing to get his season 18 look some day. But I'd rather they get to more of the Doctors first!
I think Pyramids of Mars and Seeds of Doom were my first Doctor Who episodes as well. They are classics, but so are most of Tom Baker's early years.
have seen very lil so been watching alot of the baker who eps as of late. talons of weng chiang, genesis of the daleks were both great as is pyramids of mars watching that now. def going to get this eventually, 10 is top priority but after that saving up for the 4th i think.
jealous of those with it incoming!
Watch the video posted up thread. Everyone who has seen it has said the face looks a little pinched compared to the prototype. The only people getting themselves in a panic are people who have never seen it but who are exaggerating the words of those who have.
Watch the video. That is what we are getting. He looks great.
have seen very lil so been watching alot of the baker who eps as of late.
Hope you feel better soon.Best wishes.
Except of course I have seen in real life and yes, I think It doesn't look as good as the photos of the prototype and yes, imo the face does look thinner.
In fact I voiced my concerns to the staff manning the BC stall at the celebration and received no reply.
So not 'panicking' just a healthy dose of concern.
Except of course I have seen in real life and yes, I think It doesn't look as good as the photos of the prototype and yes, imo the face does look thinner.
In fact I voiced my concerns to the staff manning the BC stall at the celebration and received no reply.
So not 'panicking' just a healthy dose of concern.