Well, I thought I was being smart when I purchased a Sideshow Snake Plissken neck plug off E-bay. Sadly although the ball joint that goes into the head sculpt is the right size, the one that goes into the neck plug is over twice the fricking size! I also managed to remove one of the buttons off the jacket trying to get the orginal head sculpt off! Fortunately I didn't lose it, but by God it's tiny and re-gluing it is going to be a right pain.
So the net result is that I still have the orginal head on the figure and am misisng a button. Not ideal. Here's the thing, why on Earth did Big Chief not provide a neck plug with the sculpt? Am I the only one that thinks that it's absolutley ludicrous that they didn't? Surely the idea is that you can swap out the head sculpts without having to boil the fricking heads everytime you wish to do so. It's madness I thell thee. I'd gladly have paid another £5.00 to have the neck plug attached, a tenner even!