1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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From what I've heard while he will be a transition doctor, he is poised to be in 3 episodes next year. Given his massive popularity he would probably justify a new figure, but after the complete mess of the "definitive edition" likenesses, I just don't trust Big Chief to get it right.
Another desperate attempt to get viewers back watching again. It also says a lot in their faith for the new guy taking over.
And then dragging back the 80's Doctors into this sorrowful mess as well. After being ignored for the more important 50th anniversary special, when the show was riding high, they should have politely told the BBC to **** off.
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I've never seen these images actually, without all the graphics. 10 looks much better on the right hand side picture than he does in the promo shots. More lifelike. Not so good on the left. All about the posing as usual.
All i'm seeing is 10 from Dreamland...with a shiny regenerating hand🤨

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All the Zavvi figs are unavailable again, it looks like. I wonder if they’re really sold out or if Zavvi realized they were screwing up the orders. I was considering trying to exchange my unwanted 10th Doctor for the 12th, but guess not.
I've messaged BCS with a link to this thread (hi guys!) politely asking them to rethink the 10th Doctor definitive version. To redo him not to look like a cartoon.

I likened it to Sonic The Hedgehog, when that trailer was released fans of that character went mad at how he looked. The production company listened and totally reanimated him to look like he does in the games.

This made even grown up friends of mine go and see the film, because it was a rare example of Hollywood listening.

I really hope they can change the paints and have him looking amazing because I imagine many of you would buy a great looking 10th, especially with him being back for the 60th.

I HATE to be an arse but I am thinking about cancelling my order for the definitives because I already have all four Drs which all look pretty nice. BUT, if they do improve them I would absolutely keep the order.

Fingers crossed.
My Zavvi version of Tom arrived today down in New Zealand from Big Chief - when they did their offer of including a signature plaque, I decided to jump on it. I guess I got fairly lucky across the board with no QC issues to speak of. Buttons are all accounted for; the paint seems solid, although not up to the level of Pertwee or Jodie; the joints are tight, and even the hairpieces swapped out easily. I still need to futz and pose, but basically, straight out of the box, I'm fairly happy.

2022-11-04 14.40.40.jpg

2022-11-04 14.40.20.jpg

Oh, and the signature is #01, so that's nice. I'll probably need a new scarf, but I was expecting that going in - but even that is not as bad as I thought it would be.

2022-11-04 14.41.01.jpg
That Ton is awesome. Better than mine as the likeness is even more spot on. Mine is pretty good and I'm pleased with it, but I'm slightly jealous. I'm feeling more and more that I don't need 9-12 definitives as I have five great figures. Unless, as I keep harping on about, they improve the new ones to being less cartoony.

...and just to freak you all out, those deepfake apps are getting insane (you need to click it to see it)


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I've messaged BCS with a link to this thread (hi guys!) politely asking them to rethink the 10th Doctor definitive version. To redo him not to look like a cartoon.

I likened it to Sonic The Hedgehog, when that trailer was released fans of that character went mad at how he looked. The production company listened and totally reanimated him to look like he does in the games.

This made even grown up friends of mine go and see the film, because it was a rare example of Hollywood listening.

I really hope they can change the paints and have him looking amazing because I imagine many of you would buy a great looking 10th, especially with him being back for the 60th.

I HATE to be an arse but I am thinking about cancelling my order for the definitives because I already have all four Drs which all look pretty nice. BUT, if they do improve them I would absolutely keep the order.

Fingers crossed.
I hate to say it because I agree with you 100%, but I think that it probably won't happen.

Unfortunately getting headsculpts approved is a massive drag of a process that probably involves the actor themselves getting involved to sign off. God knows why, but David Tennant himself probably ok'd these likenesses.

Personally im just as much disappointed by the too baggy clothes on a body that isn't skinny. Would have been easy to put it on the right body and tailor accordingly, but even that was too much for Big Chief apparently.

As for the headsculpt, maybe this is a good opportunity for one of the many talented 3rd party sculptors out there to get involved.
I hate to say it because I agree with you 100%, but I think that it probably won't happen.

Unfortunately getting headsculpts approved is a massive drag of a process that probably involves the actor themselves getting involved to sign off. God knows why, but David Tennant himself probably ok'd these likenesses.

Personally im just as much disappointed by the too baggy clothes on a body that isn't skinny. Would have been easy to put it on the right body and tailor accordingly, but even that was too much for Big Chief apparently.

As for the headsculpt, maybe this is a good opportunity for one of the many talented 3rd party sculptors out there to get involved.
I think the sculpt is ok, it's the paint which looks awful. I imagine they could redo that in the year they have before these even go into production? And yes someone talented could get in touch with BCS and get them to send an unpainted sculpt and show them how it's done.
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I'm still tinkering away at repainting the First Doctor, so I'll let you see my first attempt at repainting a BC Doctor: Capaldi.
I'd bought an unpainted custom figure of Number Six (The Prisoner) last year. I thought I would have a go at painting it myself. As my first ever attempt at painting a sculpt, it turned out not bad.
So at the end of last year, I thought I would have a go at repainting a BC sculpt: Capaldi.
Technology is almost to the point Pertwee could actually meet Spider-Man or The Transformers just like the comics lol.