Sorry for the thread-necro, but in case anyone is interested in picking this up on the cheap, ThinkGeek currently has it on sale for $99.99:
I picked it up at this price last week, and as usual with Threezero figures, I find myself impressed by the tailored part of the outfit, mixed on the accessories (I agree that the shield handles seem to be reversed and don't work super-well), and sadly negative about the headsculpt. As with their Shepard, the headsculpt isn't that bad; it just doesn't look at all like who it is supposed to look like.
(Honestly, it almost makes me wonder if they were originally planning to start things off with an Anders from DA2 sculpt; if you resculpted the hair it could make for a pretty spot-on Anders.)
I keep going back to this figure, but nah, I don't think it's worth it even for $100. It would just be a sad reminder of how badly ThreeZero squandered this license.