1:6 Emperor Palpatine Experiment

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2009-12-18 18:03:27
Throne Environment & Palpatine Ex.

(Placed PPO Streamline Order via iPhone)
If you posted your info and its no on the updated list it is because you gave me the time from your confirmation email instead of from your order page on the SS site (which gives a more specific time).

Updated... :duff

Ok, let's try this again.

Deak Starkiller Exclusive doll 2009-12-18 18:11:27 AZ
Marc, you silly basterd, you got your Seans confused:

Memnoch 2009-12-18 18:01:02 MA Order Placed
MaulFan 2009-12-18 18:01:05 PA Order Placed (Free by RP)

Should be

Memnoch 2009-12-18 18:01:02 PA Order Placed (Free by RP)
MaulFan 2009-12-18 18:01:05 MA Order Placed
yes by the time this baby ships out to OZ downunder it will be 1 day in limbo from SSC to Canoga to Honolulu and then speedy trip to Sydney...then a day in limbo at Syd airport.and then a day to travel to here in Newcastel via Sydney via fed ex..6 days was my quickest SSC figure,and that was WITH new years day thrown in!!
Im patient.this is well worth it!!Emps and the chair!!!
I recieved notifacation 2 days ago that my reservation for the exclusive converted...but didn't see it till today:chew
Notice you have the information for me and Memnoch after the order times flipped, his is PA - OP - RP, I'm MA - OP.