Okay I got my Kobe today. I'm kinda annoyed at myself because I chipped the head sculpt on my special edition version when I was trying to take comparison pics for you guys. Kinda looks like a bald spot at the back of the head. Annoooooooooying

Anyway .....
I do see slight differences in the head sculpts from my special edition & regular edition. I'm talking teeny weeny miniscule differences. But it's a big enough of a difference to bug me into wanting to get another special, & not regular, edition to replace my chipped head sculpt. Which might be a gamble because it might be random paint app, & not have anything to do with whether special or regular edition was purchased.
The hair on my regular version looks darker than the special edition (I think you might be able to see this in the 'back to back' pic), & maybe microscopic differences in facial paint app. I like both versions. It's like identical twins you can't tell apart unless you really know them like family.
Another difference I noticed, which is actually kind of strange, is the height difference. I straightened the knees, adjusted the shoulders, tried to get similar stance widths, lined them up ..... etc, & one body still seemed taller than the other. It's probably millimeters, but it is noticeable 'in hand'.
I've ruined another one of my figures, so I'm not in the best photography mood. Not the best pics. But it get's my point across.
I'm still bugging a bit over my chipped head sculpt