1/6 ETERNAL - Batman Returns - The Cat Lady

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Honestly? I kinda dig it, not gonna lie <shrug>. It's not Jazzinc, but at a quarter of the price it was never going to be.

I ordered Jazz's basic BD figure, because it's my preferred look and it's insane that some plastic and leathery looking material should cost so much so there was no way in hell I was ever ordering two of those things, and I do believe that this figure will suit me just fine for a regular ho-hum Batman Returns Catwoman. On my shelf, she will fill the role and will look just fine. I highly doubt anyone would ever look at this figure and say "who's that?"...so as long as it's close enough, that works for me.

I've spent more money on 1/12 scale items, so I'm going to be pretty happy here. Paint/replace the wrists and you got yourself a serviceable figure. Not high quality, but serviceable.
Well, what's there to say? Shes definitely rough around the edges, so to speak. There's a padded suit underneath the custome that really fights against any meaningful articulation that would look good in a dynamic pose, not to mention the costume wanting to bunch up a bit. Annoying.

Corsett is done well, but it's actually tied/laced in the back, like a real one with thin string. I dread if the "bow" tie every comes untied. Might be a PITA, not sure. I clipped off all the annoying strands of string the costume comes with, don't care if it's accurate, looks awful so they had to go.

The sculpt is surprisingly pretty good imo. Not a dead ringer in the likeness but I really don't mind it either. This will do until next year when the JazzInc version ships. It's.. Fine. Not amazing, just ok. Still need to paint the wrist pegs later, of course.

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Ya know what? I can work with that. The first images I saw I was like "oh no" but these pictures actually tell a different story. Is it perfect? nope but as you say it'll do till Jazzinc ships.

God knows when I'll get mine, it's still stuck in China and now it's Chinese New Year so won't be getting it anytime soon
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i picked up the hot toys selina glove sleeves for mine. just wish eternal packed in some wrist replacements. hate the peg they are using


Nassim Haddad

Hello there!

Cool figure overall, same line as the Penguin by Eternal. Michelle's likeness is there, I really like that devil smile on her face and that changes from the neutral sculpt expressions.

Tried to play a little bit with it but the suit doesn't allow the articulations to move that much, so I don't recommend to mess with the body and stick with normal/museum poses.

Had lot of fun taking pictures of her and some guests

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It's fair to say that in the last few pages since pics started rolling in, I've been one of the harshest critics of this figure.


I've just received mine, and I have to admit that in-hand, it actually looks great. Yes, the wrist pegs are very annoying still, but thankfully the sleeves cover most of it on my version, and if you angle the hands you can hide the wrist pegs. I also cut off the annoying strings, I think this looks way better without them.

I plan to try a more playful pose later, but for now here's some quick museum pose pics:




I've just received mine, and I have to admit that in-hand, it actually looks great. Yes, the wrist pegs are very annoying still, but thankfully the sleeves cover most of it on my version, and if you angle the hands you can hide the wrist pegs. I also cut off the annoying strings, I think this looks way better without them.

Mine's arriving today and I'm so excited. I've wanted a 1/6 '92 Catwoman for so long and I think this looks great. More power to those of you who are spending $400+ on the Jazz Inc. version. I'm just trying to be careful money-wise on figures lately.

I'll also be cutting off the strings. I thought I was a Burton/Keaton Batman expert but I don't really remember strings hanging off her outfit in the movie 🤷‍♂️
I think for what it is it's great; Cat Lady. It's a generic cat lady. It isn't Pfieffer's Catwoman. At quick glance it's pretty cool with the other figures, but with further inspection it falls short.
Mine's arriving today and I'm so excited. I've wanted a 1/6 '92 Catwoman for so long and I think this looks great. More power to those of you who are spending $400+ on the Jazz Inc. version. I'm just trying to be careful money-wise on figures lately.

I'll also be cutting off the strings. I thought I was a Burton/Keaton Batman expert but I don't really remember strings hanging off her outfit in the movie 🤷‍♂️
If you're okay a semi neutral, museum pose, I think you'll be happy with this on the shelf. I've got the Jazzinc version coming too but I swore I'd support any company that attempts to tackle a1/6 scale 92 Catwoman, so I bought this on principal alone. Was pleasantly surprised, tbh. I thought it'd look pretty awful but turned out okay for the $130 I spent on it. It'll do, for now.
If you're okay a semi neutral, museum pose, I think you'll be happy with this on the shelf. I've got the Jazzinc version coming too but I swore I'd support any company that attempts to tackle a1/6 scale 92 Catwoman, so I bought this on principal alone. Was pleasantly surprised, tbh. I thought it'd look pretty awful but turned out okay for the $130 I spent on it. It'll do, for now.

I based my decision to pre-order based on the fact that the pics looked good but also the fact that their Gentleman of Crime Penguin ended up being a hit after people started futzing with it.
I based my decision to pre-order based on the fact that the pics looked good but also the fact that their Gentleman of Crime Penguin ended up being a hit after people started futzing with it.
Yeah Eternals Penguin was a diamond in the rough. Kinda feel that way with this release. They make a decent effort in producing figures anyway. Not 100% perfection but you can tell some thought was at least put into the production.
Reminds me of her on Penguin's bed.

What about a 3rd pose -- seated but leaning back against Freeze's chair, one leg straight out, one leg bent, arms around the knee...?
Yeah, first pose is where it's at. Nice job.
Thanks! I think I'm leaning more towards that one of the two.
Reminds me of her on Penguin's bed.

What about a 3rd pose -- seated but leaning back against Freeze's chair, one leg straight out, one leg bent, arms around the knee...?
I may just have to try that!

In the meantime, I have tried a slight variation on my previous poses, to make it more like the pose she actually had on Penguin's bed.



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