Impressive response!
In 1937 officers were authorized the optional purchase of the "ornamented" (ornamentierte) or "piped" (mit Vorstössen) uniform, to be worn as a less-formal alternative to the Waffenrock for walking-out and some ceremonial occasions. The M37 Feldbluse was identical to the M35 service tunic, save that the collar and its Litzen were the same as the Waffenrock, and collar, closure and cuffs were piped in Waffenfarbe. It was worn with the piped dress trousers. From 1940 the M37 replaced the Waffenrock for formal and ceremonial dress.
Impressive response!
Just seen this on the BBICN forum. Looks like Facepool are making another version of Von Stauffenberg from the film Valkyrie. The start of the movie where hes in Africa..
Asta, you are going to need a Detolf just for your Afrika Corps figures!
From left: Claus von Stauffenberg, Friedrich Freiherr von Brioch, and Erwin Rommel.
Leutenant Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg with his commanding officer; Brigadier Friedrich Freiherr von Broich on active duty in North Africa 1943 ~
Original epaulettes (shoulder boards) worn on Leutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's tropical uniform when he was strafed by allied Fighter Bombers. Note the shoulder boards are marked by his severe injuries.
On 7 April 1943, Stauffenberg was involved in driving from one unit to another, directing their movement. Near Mezzouna, his vehicle was part of a column strafed by Kittyhawk (P-40) fighter bombers of the Desert Air Force – most likely from No. 3 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force. The cannon shells ripped through the column, destroyed his vehicle and almost killed him, he lost one eye, his right hand and three fingers of his left hand.
Nina von Stauffenberg donated Claus' epaulettes to the Bavarian Armee Museum as a remembrance of her husband's bravery.
Early study of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg by a friend who took this unique photo and used it to create a statue which was unfortunately lost during the war.
Is this a different sculpt than the eyepatch version?
Is this a different sculpt than the eyepatch version?