1/6 Greek God mythology figures

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Thank you so much!!
Gosh you flatter me! Honestly I just love the chance to share my weird obsession with little mythological nuances with an appreciate audience and I can't thank you enough for your kind comments, insightful perspective [love that idea of the Ouroboros and the endless cycle of war!] and enthusiasm. I can safely say you have inspired me to really "get into" this whole kit-bashing/customising thing - and oddly enough you are right and I have started painting some pieces for my Hades figure and have plans to stitch together a cape/skirt out of a snakeskin for my Apollo figure [my idea being he skinned and wore his eternal/famous enemy Python after slaying him at Delphi] and who knows what for the future!

Love that idea about the "darker" presentation of the gods versus other depictions, I really wanted to reach the more "accurate" mythological tone of the Greek Gods as mighty, universe-controlling forces, ones that exist beyond human concepts of good and evil and instead play with the lives of mortals for their whims - there is undoubtedly a "sanitisation" of the gods in most modern [and early modern, renaissance etc] depictions to match more modern moral sensibilities and align with the post-Christian 'god is good' mentality, Athena's more benevolent appearance/and adoption by european culture reflects her role as the benefactor of heroes and her role as one of the more moral of the gods [though instances like those with Medusa and Arachne would suggest otherwise - and are hinted at in her appearance] so I am so glad you picked up on that!
I wanted to capture the essence of the original Greek perspective of their gods - or as close as you can - and it sounds like I am achieving that end!
I just want to thank you again - I always love to hear your analysis and perspective, you bring a really critical, informed and creative eye to these pieces and I could happily chat mythology with you all day! :ROFLMAO:

Help me with a conundrum - I am working on my Hades figure and am stumped for some symbolically relevant armor to match the design I have gone with for him.
I picked a new breastplate that I really like, but now I'm starting to think about swapping some armor pieces with Ares, giving Ares the new breastplate and finding some new greaves for him, and giving Ares gorgon breastplate and demonic greaves to Hades - my thinking being this armor with the cthonic monster designs is more thematically appropriate for Hades.
Plus the new breastplate is quite apropos for Ares, being a more traditional warrior design, but also the deep bronze rust colour being reminiscent of dried blood [and not bearing the symbol of his most hated divine enemy - my early reasons not-withstanding]
I've included some pics to help
I would really value your opinion.





Oh boy, decision making and deliberating. Two traits I don’t have that prevent me from wanting to kitbash my own figures….

Just kidding, well, kind of :wacky but I think an argument could be made either way.

First off, love the helmet on Hades right now. Totally unique and giving that 3rd party Sauron a run for its money in badassery.

I think the gorgon on Hades’ armour is a great concept for multiple reasons on top of what you already mentioned re chthonic monsters.

To preface with a thought, depending on the source, Hades’ realm is often synonymous with Tartarus. Personally, and probably due to its depiction in more recent media, I’ve always viewed it as a sort of… mid-point between the mortal world and Tartarus which sort of feeds off the latter’s darkness that Hades himself can wield to some degree to enact his power, but I imagine his actual realm is still independent.
Anyway, with that being said, having a Gorgon emblazoned on his torso gives me the idea that Hades is leaning into the darkness and utilising all monsters born out of Tartarus—the realm that gave birth to Gaia who created the Gorgons and also Typhon who in turn bore Cerberus. While Hades wasn’t the downright stereotypical villain that he was a la Disney, the idea that he’s reaching into the more sinister side of things is still completely in character and representing those types of monsters fits that side very well. Leaning in on those characteristics would be a great start and almost all of that can be traced to Tartarus at some level.
Also, my mind goes to his roots, being physically swallowed by Kronos, and it would make poetic sense his armour would literally depict something terrible brewing in his own gut. Sins of the father, Isolationism in the underworld giving way to being les enfants terribles, and all that (I swear this isn’t meant to be the Metal Gear reference that it sounds like 😂). Not to mention, ingesting the food of the dead seems to have some sort of powers, as Persephone was essentially bound to the underworld after the pomegranate Hades had her eat.

So in other words, the ideas are absolutely there and it would be perfect symoblically, imo. And it he’s shaping up to look great already.
Unfortunately I don’t have the parts knowledge to really recommend what to do with the armour choices for Hades. The best thing, however, is you have some extra artistic liberties this time around borrowing armour from other civilisations, as Hades wasn’t just god of the Greek underworld, but reigned over the world of the entire dead. You could easily branch out to other designs for his accoutrements while still retaining a centrally Greek theme. You could also think of borrowing more from his less considered trait. He is both the brother of Hestia (family, structure) and is the most important prison ward in the world. Order, structure, and conduct is this guy’s bread and butter and his full attention had to be on maintaining ordinance of the dead. Not sure if that really helps, but food for thought.

I will say that Ares, on the other hand, definitely looks just as great with the more blood-stained bronze look on the chestplate.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to swap the original shoulder plates back to Ares—they match the pteruges he wears too well! Also if you’re looking for another set of greaves for him, the trojan “first warrior” battle damage set might be a great match:
View attachment 662575

Lastly, I wouldn’t know what to do with Hades’ leftover shoulder pads. It’s hard to imagine the resulting design language at this stage when there’s a lot of options to consider yet. This might be way too modern looking, but maybe flipping something suggestively monstrous similar to these could help bridge the design between the helmet and aforementioned foreign and Tartarus-esque motifs:

Hope any of these help give some ideas even if I don’t know any of the available parts out there atm

And as always, super excited to see how you continue
Oh boy, decision making and deliberating. Two traits I don’t have that prevent me from wanting to kitbash my own figures….

Just kidding, well, kind of :wacky but I think an argument could be made either way.

First off, love the helmet on Hades right now. Totally unique and giving that 3rd party Sauron a run for its money in badassery.
Ha! I know the feeling all too well
Thanks! I really fell in love with this helm when I saw it, I loved that it was this nice metallic black, a mix of a helm and a crown, had skull motifs in the crown and the shape of the nose guard and eye holes and overall that it had such visual presence - which is appropriate given its his iconic regalia and counterpart to Zeus' thunderbolt and Poseidon's trident.
I think the gorgon on Hades’ armour is a great concept for multiple reasons on top of what you already mentioned re chthonic monsters.

To preface with a thought, depending on the source, Hades’ realm is often synonymous with Tartarus. Personally, and probably due to its depiction in more recent media, I’ve always viewed it as a sort of… mid-point between the mortal world and Tartarus which sort of feeds off the latter’s darkness that Hades himself can wield to some degree to enact his power, but I imagine his actual realm is still independent.
Anyway, with that being said, having a Gorgon emblazoned on his torso gives me the idea that Hades is leaning into the darkness and utilising all monsters born out of Tartarus—the realm that gave birth to Gaia who created the Gorgons and also Typhon who in turn bore Cerberus. While Hades wasn’t the downright stereotypical villain that he was a la Disney, the idea that he’s reaching into the more sinister side of things is still completely in character and representing those types of monsters fits that side very well. Leaning in on those characteristics would be a great start and almost all of that can be traced to Tartarus at some level.
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Excellent point regarding Tartarus [which is often considered part of Hades domain in the Underworld and his role as the jailer of the damned, the monsters and of course the Titans in Tartarus, LOOOOOVE the idea of him adopting some of that darkness for his own power and reflecting this in his image, as you say Hades wasn't a villainous entity [indeed from a modern perspective of morality he is among the more virtuous of the major deities] but he was FEARSOME, the Greeks feared and respected him, his power and the dread of his presence.
Yeah, you just inspired me to refresh my knowledge of the Gorgons and it turns out they have a VERY strong association with the Underworld in several origin stories, often as the children of Gaia and Tartarus as you say and are usually considered as living near the enterence of the Underworld - as they are often depicted in recent movies like the Clash of the Titans remake [cant remember if thats the case with the original, been a hot minute since I last saw it] and there is even a passage in the Odyssey where Odysseus fears Persephone, Hade's Queen, might set loose the gorgons on him for straying near the entrance of the Underworld

"In the Odyssey, the Gorgon is a monster of the underworld into which the earliest Greek deities were cast:
... and pale fear seized me, lest august Persephone might send forth upon me from out of the house of Hades the head of the Gorgon, that awful monster..."
So yes, it seems the gorgon armor swap is far more appropriate!
Also, my mind goes to his roots, being physically swallowed by Kronos, and it would make poetic sense his armour would literally depict something terrible brewing in his own gut. Sins of the father, Isolationism in the underworld giving way to being les enfants terribles, and all that (I swear this isn’t meant to be the Metal Gear reference that it sounds like 😂). Not to mention, ingesting the food of the dead seems to have some sort of powers, as Persephone was essentially bound to the underworld after the pomegranate Hades had her eat.
Wow! That is some messed up but BRILLIANT analysis/visual metaphor - Hades might need a therapist.... especially given that either he or Hestia is usually depicted as the eldest of the first generation of Olympians and therefore spent the longest time trapped within his father.....
Seriously though, brilliant idea and I am hooked immediately
So in other words, the ideas are absolutely there and it would be perfect symoblically, imo. And it he’s shaping up to look great already.
Unfortunately I don’t have the parts knowledge to really recommend what to do with the armour choices for Hades. The best thing, however, is you have some extra artistic liberties this time around borrowing armour from other civilisations, as Hades wasn’t just god of the Greek underworld, but reigned over the world of the entire dead. You could easily branch out to other designs for his accoutrements while still retaining a centrally Greek theme. You could also think of borrowing more from his less considered trait. He is both the brother of Hestia (family, structure) and is the most important prison ward in the world. Order, structure, and conduct is this guy’s bread and butter and his full attention had to be on maintaining ordinance of the dead. Not sure if that really helps, but food for thought.
Thanks for the suggestion mate, I'm thinking I'll give Hades the Gorgon armor and the demonic greaves - which I have only just recently noticed when you look closely appear to have wings as suggested by the lines flowing from their arms and hair in ringlets, suggesting these figures are fearsome winged women and therefore are likely the dreaded Erinyes/Furies, the punishers of the damned and servants of Hades - to Hades due to them fitting him better than with Ares.
In fact just looked up some ancient art of the Erinyes and they seem quite similar to these greaves with the large demonic smile/tongue out design



I love the link you sent me to the shoulder/arm pieces and to be honest I was thinking I might have to branch out of the Greco-Roman aesthetic to finish his look [I was looking at Nazgul/Ringwraith armor but couldn't find any for a reasonable price]. Gonna be a hunt but thats part of the fun!
I have been having fun with his other aspects, I went with the gold skin colour to both better contrast with the Helm of Darkness but also to reflect his aspect of Hades Plouton 'The Lord of Riches'.
I have a Cerberus for him on the way which I hope comes out okay!
I will say that Ares, on the other hand, definitely looks just as great with the more blood-stained bronze look on the chestplate.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to swap the original shoulder plates back to Ares—they match the pteruges he wears too well! Also if you’re looking for another set of greaves for him, the trojan “first warrior” battle damage set might be a great match:
View attachment 662575
Great suggestion! But I just found these greaves which are a perfect match for his bracers - the EXACT same snake motif, colour palate and everything

Hmmm it might be possible to make the shoulder pieces swappable, the Ares armor can be removed at will by a hook and eye system, it shouldn't be too difficult to put the same sort of fastening on the new armor shoulders.
Lastly, I wouldn’t know what to do with Hades’ leftover shoulder pads. It’s hard to imagine the resulting design language at this stage when there’s a lot of options to consider yet. This might be way too modern looking, but maybe flipping something suggestively monstrous similar to these could help bridge the design between the helmet and aforementioned foreign and Tartarus-esque motifs:

TT Toys Elden Ring 1/6 Vargram the Bloody Wolf Shoulder to Arms Armor!!! | eBay

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for TT Toys Elden Ring 1/6 Vargram the Bloody Wolf Shoulder to Arms Armor!!! at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
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Oooooh thats nice!
I hate waste so if I find a way to add hooks/eyes to the shoulder pads from the new armor I might add them to the Gorgon armor.... but these make for a tempting other option... might have to have a think on it.....
Hope any of these help give some ideas even if I don’t know any of the available parts out there atm

And as always, super excited to see how you continue
Thanks man, really appreciate the insight, Hades is giving me a little trouble ATM but I feel much better about his direction now.
Got Apollo and Dionysus well on the way - got some cool and pretty out there ideas for them I'm excited to share.
Great catching up
Okey dokey!
So - got a LOT of pictures incoming today for you @Nagoya and any fellow Greek Myth enthusiasts!
Firstly, I've changed the armor for my Ares and have successfully added hooks/eyes to swap the shoulder plates, the new greaves for Ares have arrived also. He needed a new body as the new armor was too heavy for the HHModel body to hold up on its own [the knees were too loose] so he has a M34 Phicen body now. Sadly in the process of swapping bodies the hand with the decapitated head shattered into pieces, so I used an electronic nail file to sand the old hand away completely and create new finger grooves for a phicen hand - it ended up working so well that the hand now grips the head without the need of any glue! I then repainted the hair of the head.
I must say I think Ares looks even better now - the armor plus the shoulderplates from the Gorgon armor and the other snake+black+gold armor pieces all look really good.
SO for the final time - here is my COMPLETED Ares!

Ares Vrotoktónos - 'The Slayer of Men', God of War, Brutality and Savagery




Zeus Kataibatês - 'He Who Descends In Thunder', King of the Gods, Ruler of the Sky, Father of Olympus, The Thunderer.















Introducing the [not yet quite complete, I'm currently sewing a cape for Hades]

The Sons of Cronus - Rulers of the Sky, Sea and Underworld; Kings among the Gods, Rulers of the Universe.




And here they are with the other currently completed gods:


And here is a [blurry, background shot] preview of my Apollo

Wow!!!! ZEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly been the MOST excited to see how he turned out, WOW. :panic:

But since I tend to reply in a topdown approach....I'm so happy you were successful in switching the shoulder pauldrons around for Ares and Hades. It was such a great idea to swap the armour pieces to begin with, but I absolute LOVE how they both look with those changed around.

Poseidon literally looks like every piece was made for eachother to be a full figure. The oxidised bronzing is fascinating and looks marvelous!!! Very curious how you even arrived to that idea for a figure, but the execution is so.. authentic! :LOL: I've traveled a bit around the US east coast for work and leisure and there's actually this bronze "King Neptune" statue at Virginia Beach which your new patina work instantly reminded me of:

View attachment 669777
It's just a modern, loosely representative art piece, but I find it quite hilarious that it might be the only other blue-bronze depiction of a sea god and something I've seen in person!!

BUT ZEUS!!!! WHAT! HOW? How the hell is it so perfect?? :lol Saving such a stark gold and white colour scheme for him makes him absolutely regal. The calm, determined look of that sculpt is perfect; a confidence that he's in control of it all. Absolutely adore the eagle sceptre. Not sure myself what every motif on the torso represents, but it looks so much like renaissance artworks: loud, angelic, beautiful--like having the Sistine chapel emblazoned on his chest. Very creationistic; which makes perfect sense in an ironic way. Between the almost hieroglyphic nature of images on the torso and the short staff, and the composition of the art on the torso, it makes me think of Zeus as being there first before Egyptian myths and Christianity-like he's the true progenitor to the whole world.
Also love the literal crowning touch--are the gold laurels original, I noticed they're not an olive branch, are they acorns??.... Poetically suggesting he's grown the roots of the world tree?!?!?! :monkey3 You couldn't have found a better or more elegant way to convey his status
Also also, that eagle looks perfectly magestic. Love that he's rising above it as if to say "I'm literally on a higher plane of existence than all the things in the sky"... the white cloudy cape and bits of sky blue make him look like he's one and the same. Also now wishing Eagly from the Peacemaker fig was closer to that size, lol.
The greaves are especially amazing, though; are they a depiction of the trio of Horae? The Fates? The Big Three? The furies? I kind of like to think the first, but trios in general are such an integral part of the balancing of the mythos universe that the ambiguity actually might be the neatest part. And the water bird above the ankles is especially amazing--now we know he just looked down at his feet to get the idea of turning into a swan.

Back to Ares for a moment; it's crazy that the original hand holding the head shattered... I can't even imagine the disappointment when it first happened LOL--but what an amazing success story in making those new grooves. It looks completely natural!!
I've no idea how much experience customising other figs you've had before kitbashing this whole line, but the creativity in tackling both the issues and improvements is really, really neat. You make it all seem straightforward and easy to think of things practically in a way I wouldn't begin to imagine. The handwoven fishing net, too, OMG.
I don't think you've shown that Cerberus stand piece beneath Hades either or else I haven't noticed it. Is that a pomegranate in his hand, too? INCREDIBLE!!!! I also just realised how similar the double helix of his staff is to the caduceus. Oh my god.

So exciting to see the three complete. It's such a serious treat whenever I see a notification for this thread :panic: Already loving the sneak peek of Apollo with his bow. AND SEWING A CAPE FOR HADES:panic::panic::panic:
Wow!!!! ZEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly been the MOST excited to see how he turned out, WOW. :panic:

But since I tend to reply in a topdown approach....I'm so happy you were successful in switching the shoulder pauldrons around for Ares and Hades. It was such a great idea to swap the armour pieces to begin with, but I absolute LOVE how they both look with those changed around.

Poseidon literally looks like every piece was made for eachother to be a full figure. The oxidised bronzing is fascinating and looks marvelous!!! Very curious how you even arrived to that idea for a figure, but the execution is so.. authentic! :LOL: I've traveled a bit around the US east coast for work and leisure and there's actually this bronze "King Neptune" statue at Virginia Beach which your new patina work instantly reminded me of:
View attachment 669777
It's just a modern, loosely representative art piece, but I find it quite hilarious that it might be the only other blue-bronze depiction of a sea god and something I've seen in person!!

BUT ZEUS!!!! WHAT! HOW? How the hell is it so perfect?? :lol Saving such a stark gold and white colour scheme for him makes him absolutely regal. The calm, determined look of that sculpt is perfect; a confidence that he's in control of it all. Absolutely adore the eagle sceptre. Not sure myself what every motif on the torso represents, but it looks so much like renaissance artworks: loud, angelic, beautiful--like having the Sistine chapel emblazoned on his chest. Very creationistic; which makes perfect sense in an ironic way. Between the almost hieroglyphic nature of images on the torso and the short staff, and the composition of the art on the torso, it makes me think of Zeus as being there first before Egyptian myths and Christianity-like he's the true progenitor to the whole world.
Also love the literal crowning touch--are the gold laurels original, I noticed they're not an olive branch, are they acorns??.... Poetically suggesting he's grown the roots of the world tree?!?!?! :monkey3 You couldn't have found a better or more elegant way to convey his status
Also also, that eagle looks perfectly magestic. Love that he's rising above it as if to say "I'm literally on a higher plane of existence than all the things in the sky"... the white cloudy cape and bits of sky blue make him look like he's one and the same. Also now wishing Eagly from the Peacemaker fig was closer to that size, lol.
The greaves are especially amazing, though; are they a depiction of the trio of Horae? The Fates? The Big Three? The furies? I kind of like to think the first, but trios in general are such an integral part of the balancing of the mythos universe that the ambiguity actually might be the neatest part. And the water bird above the ankles is especially amazing--now we know he just looked down at his feet to get the idea of turning into a swan.

Back to Ares for a moment; it's crazy that the original hand holding the head shattered... I can't even imagine the disappointment when it first happened LOL--but what an amazing success story in making those new grooves. It looks completely natural!!
I've no idea how much experience customising other figs you've had before kitbashing this whole line, but the creativity in tackling both the issues and improvements is really, really neat. You make it all seem straightforward and easy to think of things practically in a way I wouldn't begin to imagine. The handwoven fishing net, too, OMG.
I don't think you've shown that Cerberus stand piece beneath Hades either or else I haven't noticed it. Is that a pomegranate in his hand, too? INCREDIBLE!!!! I also just realised how similar the double helix of his staff is to the caduceus. Oh my god.

So exciting to see the three complete. It's such a serious treat whenever I see a notification for this thread :panic: Already loving the sneak peek of Apollo with his bow. AND SEWING A CAPE FOR HADES:panic::panic::panic:
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Thank you so much mate - I love sharing these figures with you!
I really like that Poseidon statue! Nice to know I'm not going off the walls crazy with my ideas! :ROFLMAO: What a crazy coincidence!
The paint was U-RUST brand Copper Patina blue and it works by creating an actual copper oxidisation process, I then went over it with a toothbrush when it was dry to vary up the texture and look a little more natural - I'm so glad you like it!
I knew you would pick up on me saving the classical Hellenistic white-gold aesthetic for Zeus right away! :clap
Yeah, I knew from the beginning I wanted Zeus to be the most classical god, the most alike to the idea of the Olympians we all share, including the colour palette.

I do love this sculpt from the ACI Hercules action statue figure and knew it had to be for Zeus.

The eagle sceptre was a lovely little find parted out from the Coomodel Julius Caesar figure - which was handy as the Roman dictators/emperors wielded a sceptre that was meant to be a representation of Jupiter/Zeus' - so its an odd case of an imitation of an imitation being used as the real thing 😅

I love this breastplate - it is so gorgeously detailed and like you said has an almost Italian Renaissance feel to it, which was an intentional point as the Classical period [of which Zeus is the codifier] was the subject of a lot of Renaissance art.
Love the interpretation you give - there is an almost theogony sense to it, like a act of creation.
The Breastplate is from the "Throne of Tyrants [white edition]" [Commodus from Gladiator] figure: it was originally all white but I painted the detail in gold to help it pop more. The design from the movie is vaguely based on the design of a famous statue called Augustus of Prima Porta, but certain key details/characters/subject matters are changed.
The top figure holding up what looks like a golden bar [actually a symbol of the heavens] is Uranus, the Primordial God of the Sky, the Original King of the Gods and Zeus' grandfather - Uranus was overthrown by his son Kronos at his mother Gaia [Uranus' wife] request and castrated him. Uranus swore that his grandchild [Zeus] would avenge him and usurp his usurping father, it was he who advised Rhea where to give birth that would save Zeus from being devoured and it was he who advised Zeus to swallow Metis [Zeus first wife in most versions of the tale] to prevent the son of their union usurping him [he did so and Athena emerged instead]. So given his central role in Zeus story, and indeed in many ways paving the path and towards Zeus destiny and his predecessor as King of the Gods and King of the Sky, he seemed like a really great bit of symbolism on the chestplate.
Below him in a chariot is the deity Helios/Apollo [conflated as one] as the God of the Sun, I thought this was appropriate for a few reasons - firstly as the Sun is part of Zeus domain of the Sky, if you consider the figure to be Apollo it is showing pride in one of his greater sons, and if you consider it Helios it is a sign of respect to an older deity who aided him in the Titanomachy, as Helios was one of the 3 great powers Zeus made sacrifices to during the War against his father [alongside his grandparents Uranus and Gaia] to learn how to win against the Titans [of whom Helios was among but he sided with the Olympians after the sacrifice and as the all-knowing Sun he gave secrets that made the Olympians' victory possible].
The Winged figure next to him is Nike, the Goddess of Victory, and she is usually depicted as both a constant attendent as well as an attribute/motif of most ancient depictions of Zeus - an honor granted to her for being among the very first god to swear fealty to him at the beginning of the Titanomachy when he declared his intention to war against the Titans.
So frankly she is ideal for a Zeus figure! :ROFLMAO:
At the centre of the design is a figure holding an Eagle staff [who for this figure will represent Zeus himself] facing a veiled female figure attending a hearth who is almost certainly Hestia - Zeus' eldest and most beloved sister, the Firsborn of Kronus and the Eldest of the Olympians, the Goddess of the Hearth attending the Eternal Flame of Olympus. It was the custom in Ancient Greece for the first offering of all sacrifices to be made to her 'Hestia comes first' out of respect for her seniority, her purity, her status as the most beloved of the Olympians, and her respresenting the Home and the State - in many ways Hestia and Zeus ARE Olympus - he founded it and built it with his rebellion against the Titans, but Hestia maintains it - she constantly attends the hearth of Olympus to keep its Eternal Flame burning.
So I thought the inclusion of Hestia and the Hearth on the breastplate next to Zeus himself would again fit the theme of Zeus paying homage to older deities, referencing his glorious victory in the Titanomachy that made him Ruler of the Universe, placing himself near the Hearth as the "centre" of this new world-order.
The two sworded figures on the side I thought could again be a symbol of the Titanomachy - representing the clash between the two sides in the War and again hinting at Zeus own glorious victory.
On the shoulders are a pair of Griffins, and while Griffins are primarilly associated with Apollo they are also at times called the "sharp-beaked hounds of Zeus that do not bark" so I felt they still fit.

I do love how this crown came out! Its actually made from a series of metal bracelet charms of Oak Leaves and Acorns that I glued to a wire frame to fit the head and painted gold - I chose this as Zeus in the myths wears a crown of Golden Oak Leaves instead of the common thought that he wears a crown of Laurel leaves - the laurel crown is specific to Apollo. Thats just the sort of weird mythological nitpick that would drive me crazy if I didn't get it right! 😅
The Oak, like you say, is connected to Zeus through the symbolism of it being the greatest and strongest tree but comes from small beginnings - like the great god himself. The druidic worship of Zeus through the Oak likely influenced later druidic and celtic practices in Western Europe according to some scholars so as you say there are connections to the world tree and axis mundi tree motifs.

I am very pleased with my Eagle - see Hot Toys! Eagles are BIG AF!
This, by happy coincidence is EXACTLY 1/6 scale for a large Golden Eagle - its from the "Leonardo Collection" of Birds and other figures and I think its sculpted by the same chap who did those Little Owls for my Athena!
Made of porcelein or polystone - hard to tell, but I love how Majestic he looks!

Yep - spot on again, I chose the base to show his status as God of the Sky, his elevated position as King of the Gods and to hint at his condescension to the other deities and mortals, the base is parted out from the new TBLeague Athena figure and is really nice and high-quality as their bases usually are, sadly that seems to be the only thing of real note from that figure - although at least Tbleague's lackluster Greek God offerings inspired me to create these figures, so not entirely without merit! ;)
Absolutely spot on again, I chose the white cape and the gold/white and Sky blue skirt [made from a sample of curtain trim] to further lean into those Classical Hellenistic colours, and to emphasise Zeus as the Sky God.

The greaves are amazing aren't they! Such a find!
They are from the HHModel "hunting" Gladiator figure [i think - struggling to remember, where I bought them from didn't list what figure they came from] and they are recreations of an incredibly ornate set of greaves found in Pompeii likely used by a Gladiator.

Love the interpretations! The Rule of Three is very powerful in Greek myth.
So these greaves actually depict the two favourite sons of Zeus:
At the top we have a bacchanal being conducted by Dionysus with the figures drinking and playing music on horns - Dionysus in many versions is the favourite of his divine sons and is touted in the Orphic Cult as the next King of the Gods in waiting, Zeus elevated Dionysus to full godhood from demi-god[ish] status in some myths [and unlike Herakles who was also granted apotheosis Dionysus was made a full on member of the 12 Olympians - though in other versions he is already something more than a normal demigod and may have already been a god who had died called Zagreus being reborn] and in all versions Zeus personally birthed Dionysus himself making him his father and one of his mothers. Of course Dionysus is the second favourite of Zeus' divine children after Athena, but he is usually depicted as closer and more loyal to Zeus than Ares [naturally - Zeus despises Ares], Hephaestus and Apollo [who often challenged Zeus role as king in myths] and is granted a higher position than Hermes.
Below that is a depiction of the Nemean Lion and Herakles slaying the beast and wearing its skin - Herakles is, I think we can all agree, the absolute favourite of Zeus "mortal" children.
I also thought these two childen of Zeus also could represent aspects of himself that he sees in himself that he admires [while inadvertently admitting to some of his flaws] - Dionysus for his gifts of prophecy, rebirth and liberation [but also representing Zeus hedonistic tendencies] and Herakles for his strength, power and bravery [while also representing his wrathful and short-sighted nature].
At the bottom is a waterfowl defending its children from a snake - a common motif in ancient Greece and Rome and thus allowed for Waterfowl to become symbolic of fiercely protective parents, defenders against evil, and the triumph of sky-motifs against chthonic ones - all of which are aspects Zeus would wish to associate himself with.

The arm bracers are also from the Commodus figure but painted gold and depict scenes of gladiators doing battle - I felt this would work well for Zeus as a symbol of his using the lives and deaths of mortals for his own amusement and to glorify his own name - a subtle suggestion of his more callous nature.
I was [and still am] tempted to get a pair of bracers I've seen with Gorgon faces on them to respresent the Aegis which is also closely associated with Zeus like it is with Athena, but I was starting to wonder if that would mean I have too many Gorgon motifs on these figures so I decided to go with something different.

His iconic Thunderbolt is, like the crown, made from metal bracelet charms glued together and then painted gold!
Finding a thunderbolt the right size and shape was weirdly difficult so in the end I had 2 options, wait for the Thunderbolt from the latest HT Thor or Valkyrie figure to be parted out [which could be over a year from now] or make my own.
I couldn't display Zeus without it so I made my own!
The electricity effects I chose are from the HT Infinity War Thor and GOTG2 Nebula, I had a choice between yellow or blue electricity effects but I chose blue to tie in with the blue in the skirt and because I consider blue a more accurate colour for lightning.

Yeah the shattering hand was gutting at first, but honestly I am so chuffed with how its come out now - I couldn't be happier with the final result.
Never kitbashed or customised before the Osiris I shared here, and I took on these Greek figures immediately after - I am having so much fun doing this to be honest, I'm a little sad that everyone of the main gods I was interested in bar Apollo and Dionysus are currently done, I might have to expand the collection to include the entire 12 [well really 13/14 depending if you include Hades + Hestia & Dionysus] Olympians!
I can see myself taking on Hermes and maybe Artemis when I'm done with these as an ongoing project as I really like their aspects as deities and I think they could have a strong visual appeal - but I've got no real plans for them at the moment unlike Dionysus who I have a full plan for and am just waiting for the opportunity to get the parts I want and know how I'm gonna present him [got some COOL ideas for Dionysus!].
Maybe a Hera and Aphrodite and Hephestus in the future? A Persephone as Queen of the Dead? Who knows!
But for now I have a core group done or very near done: Zeus, Hades [finally finished the touches on the cape and will share pics/details on him tomorrow, so I will leave you in anticipation! :ROFLMAO:], Poseidon [although If I go ahead with my Hippocampus idea he may have one final change], Athena, Ares, Apollo [he is moving forwards rapidly...]
I love sharing this with you and I hope you know how much I appreciate your passion and insight on my first steps into this whole kitbashing-customising thing as well as having our geeky mythology dicussions here!
Hopefully TBleague continue the Egypt/Greek god lines and we can keep this party going!
Hell, if they raise their game back to the effort they make for the Egyptian stuff I would love to see them do all sorts of gods, Greek, Norse you name it.
I'm very pleased how he turned out!

The body and head are from the ACI Rodin's Thinker figure, the oxidized bronze skin tone however was too dark when paired with the darker armor pieces I've chosen for Hades and I felt a too dark aesthetic would be not only visually unappealing but would also make Hades look far more villainous than I would like, for while he is a fearsome deity with some daunting domains he is ultimately a just and noble god with an important and vital role.
I decided to paint his skin gold so as to better contrast with the black armor and cloak and also to represent Hades aspect as Plouton, the God of Wealth, with Hades having claim to all precious metals and stones as they come from deep in the earth - which is his realm.

I really like how the Gorgon armor and the Erinyes shin-guards work here, far more fitting for Hades both aesthetically and especially thematically. Really glad I swapped the armors with Ares.
The swapped shoulder guard looks great with this armor, plus the splash of gold works better here, and I really like the hints of oxidized metal colour in the piece which ties with the oxidized colour in the stones of the base and in the Bident/staff, and also hints at the elements of decay associated with the God of the Dead.

The small black metal elbow guards are repurposed from the Eagle guard figure's chestplate that I used for Athena and I thought they would work well to break up the solid gold of his arms.

Both the base and the Bident/staff are from the CooModel Hades figure [which is actually a busty female figure for some reason?]
I loved that the base was a dramatic scene of jutting rocks, crevasses and spewing lava, and the rocks have an almost oxidized metallic sheen to them, all of which felt absolutely appropriate for the head of the chthonic gods and the Ruler of the deep recesses of the earth.
I love the Bident [a two pronged spear that Hades iconically wielded as a weapon and symbol of his authority] - it has the dark metallic look of the Helmet which is fitting as the two icons of his regalia, it also has the oxidized sheen that ties it to other elements and even has a stylized skull face to better denote his domain on the staff of his authority.
I love that you connect it to the caduceus! Yep I thought that as well immediately when I looked at it - which is appropriate as the caduceus is connected to the Asclepius myth and supposedly had the power to grant either peaceful death or even resurrect the dead [which naturally Hades was against and complained to Zeus who killed Asclepius to stop him - the design could represent Hades remorse for inadvertently getting Apollo's son killed, or him simply asserting his power over the domain of death by merging his own scepter of authority with the tool used by Asclepius to try and usurp his power]

The helmet is made from cast iron and weighs a TONNE, I'm not sure what the design is from but I really like that it is both a really regal and elaborate helmet which was vital as Hades Helm of Darkness is his iconic counterpart to Zeus' thunderbolt and Poseidon's trident, but it also has elements of a crown in the spikes and even skull-like motifs in the eye/nose-guard and a skeletal face in the largest spike.
It has a dark and sinister aesthetic which really suits the God of the Dead!

The cape I made from black velvet and attached to it a 1/6 Ram skull [dyed with tea and coffee to make it look older] as an alternative shoulder guard. My thinking with this was to create a contrast the other shoulder piece, especially as I wanted an asymmetrical cape design, include an element of bone in the design as a further visual cue to Hades' role as God of the Dead, but also thought it would be a neat way to include a design element of the Ram which was the Sacred animal of Hades.

The skirt, like Zeus' was made from a sample of curtain trim with the same pattern, but the colours are different and include and earthy brown, metallic grey and brilliant gold - making it a darker reflection of Zeus' skirt - which I felt was not only appropriate in relating them as brothers while also constrasting their earthly and heavenly domains, but also acts as a little bit of an inside reference to myself of Hades being the chthonic name for Zeus, as many scholars believe him to have originated, only to develop his own split personality and identity over the millenia.

That is indeed a Pomegranate in his hand, which he is reaching out as if to offer to Persephone. It was a piece of a larger brooch I bought but I used wire cutters to separate a single fruit from the branch of the brooch.
Love how it came out!

Cerberus is a statuette from Amazon/Ebros and has quite a lot of weight to it - its really well made and originally was a glossy black with a slight oxidised metal look on the top, I used the U-RUST copper patina paint + a touch of green paint to really highlight the bones and muscles of the figure and rubbed it back so the paint only caught on these details. My hope was to create an almost spectral effect, like something from Hound of the Baskervilles, with the Hound of Hades being almost ghostly. I also liked that the black and rust look tied Cerberus visually with the rocks of the base - giving the appearance that he is a physical part of the Underworld itself, and I have him fiercely standing guard at the feet of his master!

Once again the bottom most base is the golden version of the TBLeague Spartan commander base in order to tie it visually to the other Greek Gods with Hades and Posseidon having golden bases to indicate their higher status.

Secondly, I've updated my Poseidon figure:
- I felt the colour palette of the figure was too dark, so I firstly decided to attach some new light blue velvet material stripes on the battle skirt to help the colour pop more.
Secondly I decided the paint the figure with a genuine bronze patina paint, this paint work through actual bronze oxidisation in the paint, so it has the texture of real rust patina also [because it is]
I then scrubbed some of the paint away with a toothbrush to add depth and inconsistency to the paintjob by having some of the darker bronze colour still coming through the rust, giving it a more authentic bronze statue look.
I had to hand weave a net in the end as the bird net that came was far too large a weave for a fishermans net in this scale.
I have plans of potentially adding [after customising it] a large Hippocampus statue formy Poseidon display for him to ride, but the seller hasnt dispatched it to me yet and I'm starting to think they might not plan to do so.




Thanks bro. It was a quick fun kit bash. It's nothing compared to your well thought out bashes. If time permits I want to to take a stab at custom Hades & Poseidon. Looking forward to your updates.
Holy cow! I can’t believe I hadn’t seen this thread before. Mere words cannot do Justice to your exhaustive work and research to give each figure their own look. Awesome job.
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Holy cow! I can’t believe I hadn’t seen this thread before. Mere words cannot do Justice to you exhaustive work and research to give each figure their own look. Awesome job.
Thank you so much!
Gosh - I am really flattered.
These were a labour of love and frankly I have enjoyed every minute of piecing them together, and I know that I will make more in the future [probably after Xmas when funds aren't so stretched].
Dionysus is slooooowly taking shape.....
My favourite part is trying to find pieces with symbolic significance for the god in question... its like a treasure hunt!
That reminds me I need to post my reasoning for the Apollo pieces!
I'll probably do that tomorrow.

Dionysus Eleuthereus - 'The Liberator', God of Wine, Agriculture & Fertility, Granter of Madness, Epiphany & Ecstasy, Deliverer of Revelation, Resurrection and Frenzy, Lord of Festivity and Insanity, Savior of Outcasts, Women and Foreigners, He of the Trees, Keeper of the Wild Places, Breaker of Chains, The Roarer, The God that Comes, The Twice-Born, Zagreus The Horned God










