I know I havent bought anything from MRM but he and I have had our few conversations together about sculpting and such. And after all the demands I see from ppl in this thread wanting there joker every which way asking for pics every 5mins it really saddens me to still see some complaining as it shows that no matter what someone does and how great it is, ppl really are selfish not even thinking about how much work Zach has put into all these sculpts working non stop to get them to you guys. Not to mention the low price plus it having real hair. There are still complaints! Why? This guy constantly comes into this thread updating everyone! Lots of times I see in the customs section ppl don't know anything until they get their piece in hand! How many times do y'all see Adam in his threads? Very rarely! Even more rarely on the boars at all! Zach is always here to answer you guys! You guys wanted it resized? He did it free of charge! You guys wan interrogation scene? Hit me? Mob? He's done it! Eyes up? Down? Left or right? He's done it!
This will probably start some kind of uproar but seriously cut the guy a break! He's probably the nicest guy, not to mention, headsculptor/painter I've known on this board!