People wondering how Avatar can make over 2 billion in the box office

You know there are a lot of people that watch movies that aren't merchandise collectors of any kind. I barely hear anyone talking about any of the Marvel movies these days either.
I’ve definitely heard more people talking about Marvel stuff than Avatar. Like a lot more actually. Also, errr…yeah most people do not collect, but there is defenitely a connection between merchandise and highest grossing movies ever. Lets take a looky looky:
I can only think of one movie that actually does worse in merchandise than Avatar: Top Gun. Reason: don’t tell anyone but the movie is actually the merchandise! Jk. It’s Tom Cruise. It’s always Tom Cruise. A movie that makes more than a billion box office becomes quite quickly of big interest to the likes of Hasbro, Lego, HT, etc.
Even then, Top Gun was more in all talks due to its importance for pop culture (and USA’s recruitment) which still is higher than Avatar’s (although it might motivate a 5 year old for the space marines or whatever they call that in the future. Starship Troopers?) . Avatar was on the news and what not mainly because of the previous record, which was hilarious imo.
Titanic, due to its characteristics is another movie that wouldn’t fit much in the merch world. But Avatar should sell dolls and shirts and caps with ears and blue paint as if there was no tomorrow. Part of its inception was based on being able to sell merch, just as SW, HP, MCU, DC… for whatever reason, it just doesn’t stick with people though.
I’m not hating on it at all, lets be clear. It‘s just interesting… I thought with Disney taking control, they would do more to boost merch sales. Instead, they’ve just saturated the market with a ton of products from mcfarlane, Lego and the likes that are sitting on shelves atm. We shall see how it all develops with the future movies and so on.