You should know that when I make claims like the ones I do, I do take everything into consideration right? INART figures also have their fair share of shortcomings and inaccuracies, but so do Hot Toys…? Hope you don’t think that I excuse or am a fan of INART 100% in what they do.Well, you don't have to buy it. My opinion of HT - not just sculpts, but ability to scale costumes, engineering for figs like Iron Man, accessories and details depending on the fig is pretty positive. I'll never forget opening my first Bucky
HT can be @ss like the CW Bucky release - pedestrian paint except for the arm, pants too short, etc. - even this release is re-hash without the Gerber knife - but I don't remember HT causing me the kind of SUFFERING InArt effectively manages. No point in putting out a great sculpt with uneven paint and I still need to touch up an Aragorn from that. Besides when InArt goes cheap like still waiting to see if they do anything about Legolas' cloaks. InArt seems to use good bodies but I haven't had a problem with HT bodies either.
So I don't know about "artistic" approach from InArt when Aragorn's tunic is too short and always will be.Tho InArt accessories are very nice. But so are HT's little weapons with working slides. The final difference being that HT is a well oiled machine that delivers products, even if it takes a while. With InArt spreading themselves out, and QC issues as well, dunno what product will come out or if Queen studios will just decide 1/6 is not viable and fold the company. Who knows.
Hot Toys are toy-ish in comparison and INART offers what a 1/6 figure should be (IMO!).
And I end up buying Hot Toys cause well, they make Disney characters that INART can’t make. My favorite IP of all time is Star Wars and the MCU Infinity Saga is near and dear to me too, so you see my dilemma?