I'll expect Ripley NEXT Alien Day, so as to avoid disappointment.
The very fact HT did nothing with Prometheus and won't be touching Covenant means the line is over...they don't have enough interest in it financially or elsewhere
...I'm wondering did you miss the upcoming releases poster she appeared on.
She will be out (in HK at least) sometime around this year's Alien day.
Not that I'm defending them, I still firmly believe they took the absolute piss with this figure and they will probably continue to take the piss with the license going forward.
He did say once that Batman (from Batman Returns) would be release before Penguin and Catwoman and it has happened but nobody expected 5 years and counting!!!
So if today HT announced their ‘Deep Throat” license I can expect to wait over five years for my Ron Jeromy (aka The Hedgehog)
Lol that's awesome!
I'll just leave this here. https://youtu.be/s4X8pwE2tok