Super Freak
Yes, they never cancelled anything even close to this late. So it will eventually come out... but it's clearly not important to them when.
It's coming... soon. I guess by the end of next week in HK. And if COVENANT is a hit, there will be more figures from this license "coming soon". HT is just waiting to see how the Film does IMO but they will release this figure during the release period of the new film. I think, in fact, it is the next scheduled 1/6 figure to be released.
My guess is that it will look exactly like what we have already seen... my guess is also that she just doesn't sell a lot (pre orders) and they keep throwing Marvel and SW figures in front of her in the production line - in the end they just wanna make money like everyone else.
I hope some other company would take over the license at some point, even if the quality would suffer. Or whatever, let Xensation do a ton of unlicenced figures...
If I had this on order, I'd cancel and demand my NRD back. If everyone did this en made it would be glorious.
There is no "voting with your dollars" when it comes to Hot Toys. Even if this figure was a success sales wise, they clearly have no intention of following through with the license/licenses. **** em'.
It's not like you couldn't still own Ripley either. Just order her from elsewhere when she inevitably goes on a sale.
I would like to ask for a refund of my money because I made a preorder on SideshowToy. To cancel and refund... Is it possible? I'M TIRED WAITING FOR IT.