1/6 Hot Toys - HONŌ STUDIO - Marvels X-Men - Wolverine Action Figure

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I am going to buy it lol you can calm down now
I’m fine. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re acting like I’m a fanboy or something. I’ve criticized Hot Toys previously. Just seems silly to in this case. I could see if they were trying to sell it for normal Hot Toys prices but it’s well under that.
I’m fine. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re acting like I’m a fanboy or something. I’ve criticized Hot Toys previously. Just seems silly to in this case.

I'm not implying you're a fanboy. I made it clear in an earlier post that I'm gonna buy this because it's clearly good value. I was just joking about your decision to hold off on buying third party in case HT makes the same figure which is what I'm doing and exactly as they intended with this great pricing.
I'm not implying you're a fanboy. I made it clear in an earlier post that I'm gonna buy this because it's clearly good value. I was just joking about your decision to hold off on buying third party in case HT makes the same figure which is what I'm doing and exactly as they intended with this great pricing.
HT has now made us question future purchases in the hopes of what this release means. We are being reeled in. :ROFLMAO:
HT has now made us question future purchases in the hopes of what this release means. We are being reeled in. :ROFLMAO:
I only said that about the Batman because why buy an unlicensed figure for the same price if Hono is going to release one that has official licensing? Unless the third party is better for whatever reason.
Looking at more photos, I'm pretty sold, barring unflattering reviews.
- I again think it's an incredible translation of the comics, games, and animated series into a higher-end 1/6 figure.
- It has a bit more of that "comic book" flair that I thought was missing from the Sideshow version; a bit more extreme in the mask, boots, and claws.
- I like the material choices, patterning, and details. It pops in a way that really makes me nostalgic.
- The price point is excellent.
- I'm pleased with the accessories he comes with, and having three pretty varied mouth pieces works great for most of the expressions I'd want (though I wish there was an open screaming rage mouth).
- Seamless arms with that much detail really surprised me.

The few nitpicks I see are:
- His blue trunks are too small and narrow. That's probably the biggest issue I have with it.
- Lack of an unmasked head. Even Hasbro's Marvel Legends throw in unmasked Logan heads semi-frequently.
- I'm 50/50 on the extra patterning. I think I like it overall, but it seems like they didn't quite commit, so it comes across as somewhat superfluous.
- I wish he had a faceplate with a bit more scruff and stubble, but this is still pretty "classic".
- At 11.2" high, he's still a tad oversized. This doesn't bother me nearly as much as it might others.
- I'm tempted to get two, just to make a "battle damaged" version of him all cut up and shot up...

And now most importantly... if this line takes off, then I'm going to start demanding comic-accurate figures for a ton of other characters. Give me a friggin' 1/6 Venom with the white spider on his chest. Give me an Annihilation Nova. Give me classic Nightcrawler. I'll be addicted to these.
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Are those arms going to crack or leave creases if bend for too long?
All seamless arms need reasonable care, but seamless bodies have improved substantially in the last several years. So long as you don't push them beyond their limits and remember to put them back in normal positions after a time they should have reasonably acceptable longevity, but it depends entirely on the durability of the material they use.
All seamless arms need reasonable care, but seamless bodies have improved substantially in the last several years. So long as you don't push them beyond their limits and remember to put them back in normal positions after a time they should have reasonably acceptable longevity, but it depends entirely on the durability of the material they use.
That’s still a concern for me cause I tend to find a good pose and leave my figure in the case like that. Wolverine gonna look boring just in a standing museum pose with his arms down on his sides. Thanks for the info.
Looks good overall but I do have some nitpicks.

The shorts are too small. Looks like he’s wearing a Speedo instead of trunks. Serious Borat vibes.

I would’ve liked to see some shorter length claws in addition to what’s shown.

The helmet fins are nice but still seem a bit too big. Maybe some swap out smaller ones for different iterations would have been nice so you can mix and match.

The price is the best part.
The trunks look like a single piece of vinyl. They'll be narrow to allow leg articulation. I doubt they'll fix it.
It’s the one area I give the win to Sideshow on.
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So it seems like Hono Studios will be an "entry level" segment for Hot Toys. Price tag is a good start, $160 but wonder what this entails going forward. Will we see cheap Star Wars, DC and other types figures from them? Have they realized their market's buing power is on a decline or is this just to shorten the bridge between Hasbro and Hot Toys figures?

This will be an interesting project to monitor.
"collaborations with labels from diverse disciplines, creating innovative interpretations of characters from pop culture to celebrate their timeless appeal."

Seems like Hono is all about doing characters with a HT interpretation, similar to the Iron Man Origins figure, rather than sticking to screen accurate details, which tells me they're more about comic and cartoon style stuff where there's more room to get creative.
Just when I thought I was done with marvel figs they drop this! Overall very happy with how this turned out + the price point. Been wanting a classic yellow wolverine but the SS one always looked slightly off to me (the mouth in particular). Their cyclops and magneto however were incredible. Curious to see if Hono tackle those as well.

Absolutely stoked for the rest of this line. Let’s hope they do colossus and night crawler at some point too!